Bandai Card Games Fest 23-24 World Tour Final in Japan - Day 1 Photo

Bandai Card Games Fest 23-24 World Tour Final in Japan – Day 1

Every One Piece Card Game related news and announcements from the first day of the event.

Bandai Card Games Fest 23-24 World Tour Final in Japan - Day 1

As of now, Bandai Card Games Fest 23-24 World Tour Final in Japan has been a massive success! From huge crowds, amazing battles, and even fantastic prizes, everyone seems to be hyped up to see how it all plays out.

Bandai capitalized on this excitement by showing off several upcoming releases for the One Piece Card Game! Keep in mind that these release dates are for Japan, but we can expect the west to receive these around 2-4 months after!

2 New Serial Cards!

From July to September, the winners of Flagship battles will win this exclusive serial Ace! These have limited printing and each comes with its own unique serial number! This is an alternate art of the 10 cost rush OP07-119-portgasdace that appears as a secret rare in OP-07!

Additionally, there will be a special campaign to get a serial OP07-109-monkeydluffy, also from OP-07. As of now, very few details are available, but Bandai announced the campaign will occur in the summer!

6 New Starter Decks With a Twist (or 2)

On July 15, 6 new starter decks will be releasing (at the same time)! All will retail for 550 yen each, which is the same price as starter decks 8, 9, and 11. These will likely include reprints, but Bandai confirmed that some new cards will be included. The leaders all are the same characters and colors as previous leaders, so we can infer that each will be a way to update older decks for a new metagame!

Starter deck 15 will focus around Red Newgate! 16 will have Green Uta as its leader! 17 will have a brand new Blue Doflamingo leader. A purple Luffy will be headlining starter deck 18. Black Smoker sees his return in 19, hopefully with some much needed buffs! The final starter deck, st-20, will bring another yellow Katakuri leader. What's clear is that July is going to be a VERY interesting time for the One Piece card game!

The Reprint Set!

July 27th will also be bringing back some old favs! Bandai has announced a premium booster set which will have reprints of many popular cards! They've also promised to include new arts for parallel rares! Each pack will include 10 cards (twice the amount normal packs include in Japan) and will retail for 550 yen each. Interestingly enough, a booster box will only be marginally more expensive than the typical One Piece booster box.

OP-09's Theme Revealed!

Perhaps most exciting is that OP-09 not only got a release date, but we now know what it'll be themed around...The Four Emperors! The teaser seems to indicate that it'll be the current emperor lineup, with Luffy, Blackbeard, Buggy, and Shanks making an appearance. However, it's not out of the realm of possibility to expect older emperor's to get some new cards as well.

Either way, the fans have been clamouring for one emperor to get a leader card and Bandai heard their cries! The flashiest clown pirate (with a totally normal nose) and the three other nobodies will be sure to make an impact!

The set will be releasing on August 31st and will retail for 220 yen per pack or 5,280 per booster box. As the date gets closer, we're sure to see early previews for each card in the set. Remember to check back here to stay up to date with all the info as we learn it!

Is Your Leader Haunted?

No! That's just Bandai's new SFX card loader! Enel and Luffy will each be getting a special card loader that makes sound effects. We don't know what sounds they'll come with, but we do know that they'll only be sold for a limited time! You can snag your copy from March 26th to April 22nd for 3,500 yen!


Hello there! My name is Waffles and I am a big fan of spending far too long looking over spreadsheets. I play in the eastern meta, so I like to track how each leader is doing in tournaments. I hope to bring that information to the community, so this game can continue thriving! In addition, I am a Nami main at heart (since about OP-04, although I do play other leaders as well). I will be bringing guides whenever I feel that I have information to offer. I like to think outside of the box when it comes to building decks, and sometimes my versions will be quite different from the accepted norm. However, I always welcome constructive criticism and I hope that I can make a difference for this game and community.

Articles: 9