Blue Purple Vinsmoke Reiju OP07 Deck Guide

Join Sorry as he explains how to pilot Blue Purple Vinsmoke Reiju.

Heya everyone! The Blue/Purple Vinsmoke Reiju is about setting up the right pieces to dominate the field presence. It's a difficult deck to master and get the hang of tracking cards in Trash. This deck can cheat out Characters on the field by returning Don, capable of creating a threatening presence early into the game while maintaining great draw value.

In this guide, I'll explain Reiju's game plan, essential cards to get the early game rolling, and tips against popular matchups.

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Leader OP06-042-vinsmoke-reiju is a draw engine, giving you a card draw one during your turn when you return your Don!!! So when building a OP06-042-vinsmoke-reiju deck, we need to include cards that return Don to get the most out of her effect.

Early Cards

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These are crucial cards to set up your game plan. Depending on your hand, OP06-078-germa-66 can find you the right card to start the game rolling. As for OP06-079-kingdom-of-germa, this is the best card you'll want to see in your starting hand. It offers card draw and lets you Trash cards strategically. The cards you'll Trash will still find use in this deck.

Aggressive Approach

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The OP07 Reiju lists include a couple of new cards that give the deck a more aggressive approach.

OP07-072-porche is the best option to play early into the game for her powerful effect. By returning 1 Don, you get to look at the top 5 cards in your deck and draw a {Foxy Pirates} type card. So you can draw another OP07-072-porche, OP07-065-gina, or OP07-066-tony-tonychopper.

OP07-065-gina is a +2,000 Counter card that we don't aim to play, she increases our odds of finding a {Foxy Pirates} type card through OP07-072-porche. As for OP07-066-tony-tonychopper, he can be a defensive blocker to protect our Leader or rested Characters and ramps us up so we can have stronger upcoming turns.

So we're gaining two draws when activating OP07-072-porche's effect, one from OP07-072-porche and another from Leader OP06-042-vinsmoke-reiju.

Additionally, OP07-072-porche lets you cheat out a 4,000 Power or less Character from hand and onto the field. This synergizes with our small Vinsmoke Characters, setting us up to develop a second threat by turn 2. OP06-060-vinsmoke-ichiji[ is usually the best choice since you'll have a 7,000 Power OP06-061-vinsmoke-ichiji in the early game that can be too difficult for opponents to remove.

Be mindful that we're returning a lot of Don, so this can put us behind in future turns and slow down our late-game OP06-062-vinsmoke-judge play.

Small Vinsmokes

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At first glance, the low-cost Vinsmoke Characters may seem lackluster in the deck, but they can pull their high-cost counterparts on the field either from hand or trash. However, this comes with the drawback of using a Don!!! -1, making it harder to set up future plays. The Don!!! -1 synergizes with Leader Reiju's ability, giving an additional card draw.

Ideally, you want to play out their high-cost versions from the Trash instead of hand, getting more value out of your cards.

The Carry Vinsmokes

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Each higher-cost Vinsmoke has a unique ability that contributes to your strategy. I'll go through each one of them and explain them further!

OP06-069-vinsmoke-reiju: Your card draw engine! The +2 card draw and your Leader's draw ensure you don't run out of resources and open different plays for future turns. Be mindful of Reiju's condition; holding more than 5 cards prevents further card draws.

OP06-065-vinsmoke-niji: The KO effect isn't that great in this deck since we lack the tools to reduce the cost of Characters. However, you'll definitely find use of the return ability. There are a lot of Characters with 4 costs in the game that you can get rid of for the turn. This ability can either be used defensively, to slow down the opponent's aggression, or offensively, to remove a blocker and pave the way for your attacker to strike the opponent's Leader.

Before I get to Ichiji, it's important to note that all three previously mentioned cards have a +1000 Counter. This means we want to use those counters to protect our Leader or Characters. This will send those cards to the Trash, which we'll later get back on the board with our low-cost Vinsmoke characters. This maximizes the value we can get out of our cards.

OP06-061-vinsmoke-ichiji: Unlike other Vinsmokes, Ichiji does not have a Counter effect. We still want to Trash him and get him back on the board through, OP06-060-vinsmoke-ichiji, so we'll use OP06-079-kingdom-of-germa for that.

Ichiji is your strongest Vinsmoke and you'll rely heavily on him to pressure the opponent and set up winning plays. The -2000 Power on a Character can make it easier for you to KO them with an attack. The real deal is the Rush Ichiji activates, giving you a 7000 Power swing that could either go directly onto the Leader or a Character to stabilize the board.

Other Threats

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OP06-047-charlotte-pudding is a situation card depending on the matchup and the opponent's hand size. If they have 6 or more cards, OP06-047-charlotte-pudding is usually worth it to cut card resources and probably mess up their hand.

ST04-005-queen is a blocker that can draw two and trash one. To activate ST04-005-queen's you need to return 1 Don, so it activates your Leader effect and draws you a card.

The Board Domination

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This is your insane late-game swinger to build up the field with multiple low-cost Vinsmoke Characters, which you'll later play their high-cost versions and activate their effects for more value. So you can bring back OP06-068-vinsmoke-reiju, OP06-064-vinsmoke-niji, OP06-060-vinsmoke-ichiji and get their higher-cost versions from trash. We're dropping a lot on Don, but it's worth it for a wide field of 4 Characters, each activating their effects.

It can be challenging to set up with -1 Don!!! your Vinsmokes are activating in the early/mid-game. You don't want to go too crazy with that ability, so you don't end up struggling later on with Don. For example, if you're going first, using -1 Don!!! will not delay your Vinsmoke Judge play, since you'll have exactly 8 Don!!! on turn 5. If you're going second, you can use -2 Don!!! and still set up your Vinsmoke Judge on turn 5.

Now this isn't to say that you must play OP06-062-vinsmoke-judge always on turn 5. Going for the OP07-072-porche in the early game means we'll delay our OP06-062-vinsmoke-judge till turn 6 or 7. We want to keep the pressure going in the mid-game and use OP06-062-vinsmoke-judge as a final finisher setup.

Techs and Options

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OP06-067-vinsmoke-yonji acts as a blocker, making it awkward for your opponent to set up attacks. Since you'll be using up Don!!! -1, Yonji will likely always have 6000 Power.

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A {Kingdom of Germa} +2,000 Counter card that searchers can draw.

General Tips

  • Prioritize trashing your higher-cost Vinsmoke characters (not Judge) as you'll get to replay them through their lower-cost versions of themselves.
  • If you already have Kingdom of Germa set up on the field, you can Trash another copy of it in hand for a card draw.
  • Before activating their effect, you can attack with your lower-cost Vinsmoke Characters. For instance, suppose 4c Vinsmoke Ichiji has been on the field for a turn. 4c Ichiji's 4,000 Power + 1 Don!!! can threaten a Leader's Life or KO a Character. If you activate Ichiji's effect, you'll get the 7c Ichiji with Rush, ready to go for another swing.


I'll usually look for OP06-078-germa-66 or OP06-079-kingdom-of-germa in my starting hand as these cards help you shape up the mid-game. This deck needs the right pieces at the right time to initiate its game plan, and if you don't have that early card draw, you will struggle.

If you have both versions of OP06-069-vinsmoke-reiju you could keep the hand, as she will offer that early draw to set up the mid-game.

Popular Matchups

Black Rob Lucci

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  • You're up against a deck that can control your side of the field with its removal effects. Using OP07-072-porche to put early aggression can be difficult for them to deal with, especially with a 7-cost Ichiji early into the game.
  • This will end up being a resource fight, where both decks can take advantage of their trash resources. They'll be using Gecko Moria for the value, but Judge playing three Characters can put you ahead.
  • Attack and KO the opponent's rested Characters, especially EB01-046-brook. We don't want them to maintain a field that can unleash attacks on us.
  • Try holding 5 cards or less so OP03-078-issho doesn't Trash two of your resources.

Green Jewelry Bonney

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  • Your opponent can rest your Characters with the Leader effect. Attack before developing a character so they don't rest. Also, attack with your strongest Character first so they don't rest it.
  • Use Niji to return OP07-021-urouge, this will slow down their game plan since they rely on OP07-021-urouge to gain 1 active Don.
  • The fortress gameplan with shut you down from attacking their Leader. We can use Ichiji to drop the Power of OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 to 6,000, making it easier for your Characters to attack him. The plan is to bleed their resources and force them to use blockers.

Black Yellow Luffy

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  • Avoid dropping their Leader to 0 Life cards if you can't threaten a lethal attack. They want to be at 0 Life cards so they can activate Leader effect and start boosting their Leaders Power.
  • If they're at 10 Don the upcoming turn, it's important to avoid dropping them to 0 Life cards. This shuts them down from playing Gecko Moria cause it forces a self-damage card.
  • OP07-066-tony-tonychopper and ST04-005-queen are valuable blockers to protect your Leader.
  • If their Leader has a +4,000 Power boost, only Ichiji and Judge can present an attacking threat.
  • Pudding is great in this matchup to cut their resources.

Black Moria

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  • This will be a grindy game where winning the field matters.
  • OP06-093-perona trashing a card is fine since you'll get to replay the Vinsmoke Characters from trash later on.
  • Use Vinsmoke Niji's effect to recall 4c OP02-096-kuzan and shut down the -4 cost reduction.
  • Vinsmoke Niji can also recall a 4c OP02-114-borsalino, making it easier for you to attack.
  • You want to keep up with their 8c OP06-086-gecko-moria play, this means going for the 8c Vinsmoke Judge play is crucial.

Red Purple Law

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  • This is a difficult matchup since ST10-001-trafalgar-law's ability can return 3 Don!!!, this shuts down your high-cost Vinsmoke's effects.
  • OP07-072-porche is important for this matchup, helping you stay behind of opponent's Don so you can continue activating your Vinsmoke's effects.
  • They'll plan to go wide on the board and swing on your Leader. Preserve your health with counters and try to pick off their Characters on the upcoming turn.
  • You'll be able to activate your first Vinsmoke's ability before the opponent starts returning 3 Don!!! You can return one of their Characters with Niji to slow down the upcoming aggression, but this will allow them to reactivate their effects.
  • Going for Vinsmoke Judge play will be difficult, especially since you'll be more focused on matching the opponent's board.

Yellow Enel

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  • Put them down 2 Life Cards and then start building up the field. You want to set up one powerful turn to close out the game. Having them at 1 Life means they can play OP04-112-yamato or OP07-119-portgasdace to gain back a life card, creating more value.
  • They won't have the tools to deal with a wide field so that one power turn could either win you the game or bleed them out of resources. Leaving them at 0 Life cards is usually the goal if we go all out, ensuring they have to play one of their high-costs to gain a Life card. Protect any of your rested Characters from Leader attack to keep them as an attacker for the upcoming turn.
  • Vinsmoke Judge is crucial to dominating the field and setting a barrage of attacks.
  • If they attack our Leader, we want to take the first hit so Gedatsu can't KO our 4-cost Characters.
  • Pudding is great in this matchup to cut their resources.

Yellow Katakuri

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  • It's fine to take the first hit early on to play around OP05-102-gedatsu.
  • Don't let them win the board, focus on killing their Characters over targeting Leader as you take the game to the late stage.
  • Play for Vinsmoke Judge since you'll heavily rely on the board swarm to put pressure.
  • Vinsmoke Niji can deal with cards 3c OP03-113-charlotte-perospero, OP06-104-kikunojo, and OP04-104-sanji.
  • 10c OP03-114-charlotte-linlin is the worst to deal with. You'll rely on Yonji as a blocker to survive the late-game big hitters. OP05-115-two-hundred-million-volts-amaru can still be a nightmare and sets up the winning play for the opponent.

Green Yellow Yamato

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  • The biggest threat is the Double Attack Leader OP06-022-yamato will threaten. Use your counter to shut it down and buy you more time to prolong the game.
  • They can play a bit aggressive and will try to close out games as fast as possible. They don't have the tools to deal with a wide board of attackers.
  • OP06-035-hody-jones can rest your Niji blocker, paving the way for both OP06-035-hody-jones and OP06-022-yamato Leader to strike your Leader.

Closing Words

Vinsmoke Reiju has been one of my favorite decks to play, you can throw out Counter cards and still not run out of value thanks to both your Leader and OP06-069-vinsmoke-reiju.

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Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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