Early New OP10 Leader Decks from East Tournaments

Hey everyone! OP10 is still in its early stages in the East, and players continue to explore the new meta. The six new Leaders have introduced fresh playstyles, shaking up the competitive scene. However, old Leaders are still performing in tournaments, thanks to new cards that strengthened their game plan.

I went through the recent tournaments that took place in the East, particularly the Championship Series in Tokyo and I’ll be sharing the most refined decklists for the new Leaders so far. Not all Leaders have found equal success—some are seeing significantly more representation than others.

Green Yellow Trafalgar Law

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The OP10-022-trafalgar-law can return a Character to from the field and to your your hand and then looks at the top Life card. If it's a {Supernova} type Character with a cost of 5 or less, you can play it on the field. This means when building this deck, you have to include as many Supernova Characters as possible for better consistency.

Cheating out a 5-cost Character for only 1 Don plays into your aggressive mid-game plan. EB01-012-cavendish is the best option to go for in the early game, giving you 2 extra Don to work with. Opponents can't afford to ignore EB01-012-cavendish since he'll continue to give you to Active Don everytime he attacks. This effect is strong when combined with ST02-009-trafalgar-law ability to set one of your {Supernovas} Characters with a cost of or less as Active. This allows you to attack twice with a Character, which means you'll get 4 Active Don from EB01-012-cavendish. ST02-009-trafalgar-law's effect is great for setting up the finisher play with two high Power attacks.

OP01-047-trafalgar-law-753 is great to return one of your Characters on the field to your hand and play a 3-cost or less Character in its place. OP10-113-roronoa-zoro is the best option for the Rush attack, forcing opponent to play defensively. You could go for the OP10-107-jewelry-bonney/ playing, developing a second blocker and giving you control on what card to have at the top of your Life area.

Lastly, OP10-119-trafalgar-law is the perfect Don 7+ play, developing a high-power Character in play and allowing you to place a {Supernova} type Character at the top of your Life card. Since OP10-119-trafalgar-law attaches a Don to your Leader, you can play out that Character through Leader effect, developing an extra threat on the field.

Black Blue Usopp

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The Blue Black OP10-042-usopp is the new {Dressrosa} type Leader to bring the archetype back into the spotlight. OP10-042-usopp gives your 2-cost or less {Dressrosa} type Characters +1 cost, which can make it harder for certain decks to KO your Characters.

The second effect is where OP10-042-usopp plays a vital role. One per turn, when your opponent KO's or removes one of your {Dressrosa} type Characters, you can draw a card if you have 5 or less cards in your hand. So we have a draw engine that keeps us from running out of resources, but we have to keep our hand below 6 cards to make sure we get the most out of Leader effect.

The list has control cards to prevent opponent from taking over the field. OP10-095-roronoa-zoro is great for the early game to KO a 4-cost or less Character. To activate OP10-095-roronoa-zoro's KO effect, you have to rest your Leader or a Stage, so OP04-096-corrida-coliseum is great here.

Speaking of OP04-096-corrida-coliseum, the 1-cost Stage lets you attack with your {Dressrosa} type Characters on the turn they're played, but they can only attack Characters. This adds to your control capabilities.

OP10-046-kyros returns a 5-cost or less Character to the opponent's hand, weakening their presence on the field. They don't lose on resources, but shift the field presence in your favor puts you ahead of opponent.

OP06-086-gecko-moria is the strongest value Character in this deck, letting you play two Characters from the trash to go wide on the field and activate their effects for added value. You can bring back OP10-095-roronoa-zoro into play to activate his KO effect and remove a threat on the opponent's side of the field.

OP10-118-monkeydluffy can be extremely annoying for opponents. He's difficult to KO thanks to his effect and when attacking, OP10-118-monkeydluffy forces opponents to trash a card from their hand if they have 5 or more. If OP04-096-corrida-coliseum is in play, you can activate OP10-118-monkeydluffy's effect on the turn he's played and bleed opponent from resources.

Yellow Eustass"Captain"Kid

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OP10-099-eustasscaptainkid is a Yellow Leader who synergizes with {Supernova} type Characters. At the end of your turn, OP10-099-eustasscaptainkid turns the top card in your Life area face-up and then sets one of your rested {Supernova} type Characters with a cost of 3 to 8 as Active. This prevents your opponents from attacking your Character, and forcing them to find other way to remove it from play. OP10-099-eustasscaptainkid will also give that Character the blocker keyword, allowing you to use it to protect your Leader or other rested Character from an opponent's attack.

OP05-102-gedatsu is the best play on Don 5, capable of KOing a Character with a cost equal to or less than the opponent's Life cards. We're trying to KO a 4-cost Character and slow down opponent's mid-game. OP10-105-cavendish is a Vasnilla 6-cost Character with 8,000 Power to pose offensive pressure. Although Vanilla cards aren't usually players' favorites to add to decks, OP10-099-eustasscaptainkid's ability to set OP10-105-cavendish as Active and give it blocker makes it worthwhile to add it to the list.

The strategy is to keep opponent's field in check, preventing them from over taking the game. We aren't looking to play too aggressively as we have Characters like OP10-109-basil-hawkins, OP09-107-nico-robin, and OP10-112-eustasscaptainkid who can trash opponent's Life cards, slowly dropping down their Leader's health and cutting down on their resources.

Other than OP10-105-cavendish, OP10-119-trafalgar-law and OP10-112-eustasscaptainkid benefit from the Blocker keyword, their high power strengthen your defensive turns, forcing players to commit more attacks to win the game.

OP10-119-trafalgar-law and OP07-119-portgasdace give your Leader an extra Life card, making it more of a challenge for opponents to find the winning line. OP07-119-portgasdace's Rush attack lets you target a rested Character or go directly on their Leader to take a Life card.

Red Green Smoker

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OP10-001-smoker gives all your {Navy} or {Punk Hazard} type Characters +1000 power boost during the opponent's turn, making them tougher to remove from play. OP10-001-smoker's Activate: Main effect sets 2 of your Don cards as active if you have a Character with 7000 power or more on the field. This enables you to develop more Characters in one turn or use the extra Don aggressively, boosting the Power of one of your attackers.

This list has OP10-005-sanji and OP10-030-smoker that benefit from the +1,000 Power boost on defensive turns to keep the in play for as long as possible. They both pose offensive pressure, OP10-005-sanji gains +3,000 Power during your turn, becoming a 6,000 Power Character. As for OP10-030-smoker, it has the Banish keyword, forcing opponents to play their Counter cards or trash a Life card.

OP06-035-hody-jones and OP06-118-roronoa-zoro are aggrrssive win conditions. OP06-035-hody-jones rests two of the opponent's Characters and attacks on the turn he's played, allowing you to choose whether to control the field or focus on attacking the opponent's Leader. OP06-118-roronoa-zoro uses 3 of your Don to activate his effect, allowing you to attack 2 additional times with him. Three attacks from a high-power Character can win you the game or at least put you way ahead on the field that makes it almost impossible for opponents to catch up.

Since Leader OP10-001-smoker gives us 2 Active Don, we can still develop high-cost Characters while maintaining aggressive attacks. The Fortress strategy creates a wall OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 and blockers like OP05-030-donquixote-rosinante and EB01-006-tony-tonychopper. OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 protects your Leader and rested Characters, forcing opponents to have answers to deal with the 8,000 Power Character.

Purple Red Sugar

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Purple Red Sugar didn't see much success compared to the Leaders we talked about, however, there was one list that performed in a community touanemt so I'll showcase it here.

OP10-003-sugar is a ramp Leader, giving you 1 Active Don during your opponent's turn if you play an Event. At the end of your tuirn, if you have a {Donquixote Pirates} type Character with 6000 power or more, OP10-003-sugar lets you set up to 1 of your DON!! cards as active. This makes it easier for us to play our Events during defensive turns without weakening our mid-game development. We have OP10-067-senor-pink and OP10-072-donquixote-rosinante that activate our Leader effect to set one of our Don as Active.

This list has OP10-079-god-thread to KO a 5-cost Character, mainting field control and it ramps you up for 1 Active Don. The list has multiple cards with powerful effects that return Don, so the Leader ramp is crucial to not fall behind on Don while still getting value from those cards.

OP10-071-donquixote-doflamingo and OP09-119-monkeydluffy are your late game carries that return 1 Don to activate their effects. OP10-071-donquixote-doflamingo returns 1 Don to play a {Donquixote Pirates} type Character card with a cost of 5 or less from your hand. Additionally, during your defensive turn, OP10-071-donquixote-doflamingo rests 1 Don to add an Active Don from your Don deck, so another ramp effect alongside your Leader.

As for OP09-119-monkeydluffy, he returns 1 Don to draw a card and gain the Rush keyword, allowing you to attack with OP09-119-monkeydluffy on the turn he's played to put pressure on the opponent.

Purple has multiple high-cost Characters that can be added to this deck and act as win conditions. OP08-069-charlotte-linlin can be a consideration to add, giving you a Life card and removing one of the opponent's Characters from play.

Red Blue Caesar Clown

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Alright, I couldn't find any OP10-002-caesar-clown performers in tournaments, so I went through community builds and tweaked with one of the lists. This Leader along with OP10-003-sugar had the weakest performance among the new Leaders.

You need to attach 2 Don to OP10-002-caesar-clown to activate his effect when attacking. OP10-002-caesar-clown lets you return a 2-cost or more {Punk Hazard} type Character to your hand and KO one Character with 4,000 Power or less.

This list has to run many of these low-cost {Punk Hazard} type Characters to make use of Leader effect. The list has multiple Power reduction cards to KO threats with Leader effect. OP10-020-gum-gum-ufo, OP01-027-round-table, OP10-009-smiley, and OP07-002-ain are cards that can reduce the Power of opponent's Characters, putting them in range for your Leader to KO and maintain control of the field.

OP10-006-caesar-clown synergizes with OP10-009-smiley, looking at the top 5 cards in your deck and if you find OP10-009-smiley you can add it to your hand. You can then play a OP10-009-smiley for free, getting value from its Power reduction. So OP10-006-caesar-clown is best played on Don 9 so you can have enough Don to activate Leader effect and KO a 7,000 Power Character with OP10-009-smiley's help.

Closing Words

We're still in the early stages of OP10 meta, so players are still figuring out the meta. We'll see how these Leaders hold up as the meta evolves and if OP10-006-caesar-clown and OP10-003-sugar find better success among players.

This is it from me, I wish the best for your event, good luck! If you want to keep up with my content, consider following me on Twitter or BlueSky.


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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