EB01 Memorial Collection Leaders Decks and Top Cards for OP06 Meta

All you need to know about Leaders and Cards in EB01 Memorial Collection

There are still a lot of new cards for players to look forward to in the One Piece Card Game! With the Starter 13 deck recently released in the West, players are now eager to get their hands on the newest EB01 cards that'll fully shape up the OP06 meta.

Numerous cards from the Extra Booster Memorial Collection - EB01 will influence the OP06 meta, giving various archetypes a boost in performance. On top of that, three new Dual-Color Leaders are joining OP06! EB01-021-hannyabal, EB01-001-kouzuki-oden, and EB01-040-kyros all have unique effects and playstyles to bring to the game!

This article will help guide you on what to expect with the new cards, decks to consider when building with the new leaders, and top new cards that'll play a role in the upcoming meta.


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The Blue Purple Leader Hannyabal is a Ramp card that uses <Impel Down> type cards for its effect. Therefore, including {Impel Down} type cards in your deck is crucial for consistent early-game ramping. With cards like EB01-026-prince-bellett and OP02-081-domino, Hannyabal can start giving you that extra Don!!! as early as turn 2, the fastest Ramp Leader in the game!

Hannyabal's early extra Don!!! benefits decks that aim to play high-cost characters as early as possible and push out their game plan before opponents can react to it.

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Red Green Kouzuki Oden gives your {Land of Wano} Type Characters with no Counter a +1000 Counter!

Typically, cards with high-power/strong effects don't have a Counter effect to keep them balanced. However, EB01-001-kouzuki-oden changes those rules, allowing you to run those powerful cards, without losing on Counter effects for protection. When attacking, EB01-001-kouzuki-oden also gains +1000 Power until your next turn if you have a 5-cost Character on the board, boosting your offensive and defensive power. The effect forces more Don!!! out of opponents when attacking and makes it easier for you to Counter out of their attacks.

Red Green Kouzuki Oden has the potential to find its place in the meta if it has the right build to go up against the top-performing decks. Overall, the Leader is quite strong with two powerful effects that can be taken advantage of in the {Land of Wano} archetype.

With access to Red and Green colors, players can build EB01-001-kouzuki-oden either an aggressive or a slow-paced defensive deck.

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New EB01 EB01-040-kyros Leader has a removal effect that KO's 0-cost Characters. Having Black color gives EB01-040-kyros access to cost-reduction cards that synergize with the removal effect.

In the right meta, EB01-040-kyros could rival Black leaders like Sakazuki or Gecko Moria, but it lacks the resource management the other two Leaders have.

Since EB01-040-kyros relies on Life Cards to activate his effect, the Yellow color offers many cards that manipulate your Life Area, allowing you to keep activating your Leader effect while also assisting you defensively to prolong games.

Card List

  • 1 pack : 6 cards (total 61 types)
  • Leader Cards x 3
  • Common x 28
  • Rare x 21
  • Super Rare x 8
  • Secret Rare x 1

EB01-016-bingoh, EB01-017-blueno, EB01-012-cavendish, EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori, EB01-020-chambres, EB01-014-sanji, EB01-018-mountain-god, EB01-015-scratchmen-apoo, EB01-019-off-white, EB01-056-charlotte-flampe, EB01-060-did-someone-saykami, EB01-054-ganfall, EB01-053-gastino, EB01-057-shirahoshi, EB01-052-viola, EB01-058-mont-blanc-cricket, EB01-055-charlotte-compote, EB01-059-kingdom-come, EB01-005-doma, EB01-010-theres-no-way-you-could-defeat-me, EB01-006-tony-tonychopper, EB01-007-yamato, EB01-009-just-shut-up-and-come-with-us, EB01-008-littleoars-jr, EB01-003-kid-killer, EB01-004-koza, EB01-011-mini-merry, EB01-002-izo, EB01-051-finger-pistol, EB01-043-spandine, EB01-048-laboon, EB01-042-scarlet, EB01-050-i-want-to-live, EB01-047-laboon, EB01-045-brook, EB01-041-crocus, EB01-049-t-bone, EB01-044-funkfreed, EB01-028-gum-gum-champion-rifle, EB01-025-fourtricks, EB01-024-hamlet, EB01-023-edward-weevil, EB01-029-sorry-im-a-goner, EB01-027-mr1-dazbonez, EB01-030-loguetown, EB01-022-inazuma, EB01-026-prince-bellett, EB01-033-blueno, EB01-032-army-wolves, EB01-039-conquerer-of-three-worlds-ragnaraku, EB01-031-kalifa, EB01-038-oh-come-my-way, EB01-037-mr-9/, EB01-035-ms-monday, EB01-034-ms-wednesday, EB01-036-minochihuahua, EB01-061-mr2bonkurei-bentham


Blue Purple Hannyabal

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This deck wants to ramp twice in the early game with Hannyabal's effect. 2-cost {Impel Down} type Characters like EB01-026-prince-bellett and OP02-081-domino let us gain that early 1 Don!!!

With the additional Don!!! you'll gain early on, you can play higher-cost Characters on earlier turns. OP02-051-emporioivankov and EB01-022-inazuma are two big bodies that can drop on the same turn and offer card draw so you don't run out of resources.

OP06-119-sanji into OP01-070-dracule-mihawk is your strongest play, that shifts the game in your favor and can be difficult for opponents to keep up with. It requires you to use card organizers correctly to set it up. Cards like ST12-014-duval, OP01-073-donquixote-doflamingo, OP05-055-xdrake let you rearrange the top cards in your deck, allowing you to set up for the OP06-119-sanji + high-cost Character play.

Green Red Kozuki Oden

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The Red Green Kozuki Oden deck balances aggression and defense as part of its game plan. The list runs multiple 5-cost Characters like OP01-121-yamato-593, EB01-002-izo, and OP01-046-denjiro to activate Kozuki Oden's +1000 Power, giving you a boost in both offense and defense.

You'll take advantage of the +1000 Power boost at every chance possible, threatening 7,000 Power Leader attacks. Your late-game win conditions OP06-035-hody-jones and OP02-030-kouzuki-oden with 8,000 Power can be difficult for opponents to protect their Leader from.

If you don't have OP06-035-hody-jones, you can replace it with cards like ST01-012-monkeydluffy-938 or OP02-004-edwardnewgate-511.

Black Yellow Kyros

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Heavily built around Black cards, this deck wants to keep control of the board using Kyros' KO effect, combined with cost-reduction cards like ST06-008-hina, OP02-117-ice-age, and OP02-096-kuzan.

The main goal is to push the game to the late game until 10c OP02-121-kuzan drops, making it easier for you to KO higher-cost targets.

Yellow offers powerful cards like OP04-112-yamato and OP03-123-charlotte-katakuri. Since the Leader ability only activates if you have a Face-down Life Card, OP04-112-yamato or EB01-052-viola will come in handy to get back a face-down card.

OP06-086-gecko-moria is a powerful inclusion in any Black deck, mostly for the value he provides on 8/9 Don!!! However, the deck is still playable without Gecko Moria since the main plan is to have 10c Kuzan on the board to do the heavy lifting and carry the game.

Top Cards

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EB01-056-charlotte-flampe will be a staple card in various Yellow decks like Black Yellow Luffy. It's a 1-cost card that puts 1 Life Card in your hand for a card draw, a value card that can synergize with specific Leaders, and a +2000 Counter, perfect for most Yellow decks.

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A Rush aggressive Character that can turn into a 7000 Power attacker. It'll be included in Red aggressive decks and will find success in the popular Red/Purple ST10-001-trafalgar-law and Red OP01-001-roronoa-zoro.

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Another card that fits in the Red/Purple Law deck. The -3000 Power puts up to 6000 Power Characters in the range of Law's removal.

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A ramp card that threatens a heavy attack depending on the opponent's board. It can be an inclusion in R/P Law. The 1000 Power makes it an easy target for opponents to KO.

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A removal Yellow Event for board control. It will likely be played in the late game to KO a powerful threat without trashing too many Life Cards. It can be an addition to Enel decks.

Closing Words

The EB01 cards will give a boost to various archetypes in the meta, especially R/P Law. Each of the new Leaders brings a unique playstyle to the table, ensuring that players of different preferences will discover a fitting match.


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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