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Welcome to our One Piece Card Game Meta Tier List for OP11 - A Fist of Divine Speed! In this meta report, we will look at the best decks of the One Piece Card Game metagame. We will separate the archetypes into four tiers in order of their relevance, from top to bottom in each tier.
Four cards have been banned, starting from April 1, 2025! Check out the full announcement for more information.
Tier | Deck |
Tier 1 | 🔵🟣 Monkey D.Luffy 🟢🟣 Monkey D.Luffy |
Tier 2 | 🔴 Roronoa Zoro 📖 🔴🟢 Smoker ⚫ Marshal D. Teach 📖 🟢 Jewelry Bonney 📖 🔴🟡 Belo Betty 📖 |
Tier 3 | 🔵🟡 Nami 🔴 Shanks 📖 🟣 Charlotte Katakuri 🟢🟡 Trafalgar Law 🟢🟣 Lim 🟣 Purple Luffy 📖 🟣🔵 Vinsmoke Reiju 📖 🔵 Nami 📖 |
Tier Explanation
To create this Meta Tier list, I used data from tournaments, online ranked play, and my expertise and opinions of respected players. This tier list will hold meta-staple decks that you'll likely encounter in tournament play and will be updated as the meta changes up.
The decklists shared here have found success in tournament events but can be tweaked depending on meta shifts or players' preferences.
Tier 1: The top performers and most represented decks in the meta. They have good matchups in the current meta and can adapt to different game scenarios. Expect to encounter these decks frequently in tournaments, with players strategizing specifically to counter them.
Tier 2: Popular Meta decks that have solid matchup tables. Tier 2 decks can rival Tier 1 decks in performance, but may have weaknesses and less representation, holding them back from joining Tier 1.
Tier 3: Comprising less popular decks or those experiencing a decline in performance, Tier 3 includes options that may still yield respectable results in tournaments. However, they often struggle against certain prevalent matchups. Additionally, this tier encompasses decks with limited data, making it challenging to accurately assess their placement in higher tiers.
Tier 4: The less popular off-meta decks or have fallen out of the meta. They might still show up in tournament top cuts but are less likely to perform against the top meta decks.
Tier 1
Blue Purple Monkey D.Luffy
At the start of your turn, if you have 8 Don cards, OP11-040-monkeydluffy's effect will activate, letting you look at the top 5 cards of your deck to add 1 {Straw Hat Crew} type card to your hand. So you have a searcher effect to add more cards to your hand, and then you can place the other 4 cards at the top or bottom of your deck in the order you want. This effect will be a setup for OP06-119-sanji, making sure you can play 2 high-cost Characters in one turn.
OP08-076-its-to-die-for and EB01-061-mr2bonkurei-bentham ramp 1 Don, speeding up our turns to play the high-cost Characters as early as possible.
Green Purple Monkey D.Luffy
The Green Purple Luffy deramps to give you two Active Don, setting up stronger turns to either develop more on the field or go for aggressive attacks. The deramping will put you behind on upcoming turns, so we usually will hold off from playing it on early turns, and we'll rely on EB02-035-sanji-pudding for ramping, giving us more Active Don for the turn.
On top of that, your Leader gains +1,000 Power until the end of your opponent's next turn, giving you a boost in offensive and defensive power. Since Leader effect activates only if you have {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters, this list is full of them as running other types of Characters can interrupt your strategy.
EB02-061-monkeydluffy is your strongest aggressive play, having Rush immediately pose an aggressive turn. EB02-061-monkeydluffy can also go for a second attack on the same turn, perfect if you attach Don to him and increase his Power for two heavy hits.
Tier 2
Red Roronoa Zoro
OP01-001-roronoa-zoro's effect gives all your Characters +1,000 Power, increasing their offensive pressure. Your low-cost Character can now go for stronger attacks, forcing more Counter cards from your opponent. This is an aggressive deck that aims to go wide on the field, developing multiple Characters in one turn, thanks to OP08-007-tony-tonychopper.
We'll keep pressuring the opponent with our Rush attackers and EB01-009-just-shut-up-and-come-with-us to play a Character, going Leader attacks to drop them low on Life cards and eventually win the game.
Black Marshall D.Teach
Black OP09-081-marshalldteach uses control cards to keep the opponent's side of the field under check. However, OP09-081-marshalldteach changes the rules, preventing you from activating On Play effects, so you'll have to build the deck with that in mind. Additionally, you can share those rules with the opponent, disrupting specific turns where they rely on On Play effects.
OP09-090-doc-q, EB01-051-finger-pistol, and OP09-098-black-hole are control cards to KO opponent's Characters and prevent them from posing a threat. The list has a couple of cost-reduction cards like OP09-083-van-augur that synergize with your removal cards, enabling you to target higher-cost threats.
OP09-086-jesus-burgess is a key Character in this list, often becoming a win condition if your opponent can't remove it from play. As you put more cards in your Trash, OP09-086-jesus-burgess will gain more Power, becoming a massive threat and a heavy hitter that your opponent can't Counter.
OP09-093-marshalldteach is the strongest late-game play, negating the effects of one of the opponent's Characters and their Leader. He'll also stick on the board as a high-power blocker, preventing one of the opponent's attacks from connecting with your Leader.
Red Green Smoker
Red Green OP10-001-smoker gives a +1,000 Power boost to your {Navy} or {Punk Hazard} type Characters during your opponent's turn, making them harder targets to KO. However, we're primarily taking advantage of OP10-001-smoker's ability to set up 2 Don as Active, enabling us to make more plays on certain turns. OP10-030-smoker is another method to gain more Don, getting 3 Active Don per turn.
The list has control cards like ST21-017-gum-gum-mole-pistol and OP09-009-bennbeckman to remove a threat. OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 for the Fortress strategy, and since you can gain 2 Active Don, you can play OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 on Don 8.
Green Jewelry Bonney
Green OP07-019-jewelry-bonney is one of the strongest choices for a defensive game plan that can be frustrating for opponents trying to aggro you down. Using the Leader effect, you can rest one of the opponent's attackers, preventing it from attacking and saving up Counter resources. This does require you to use up 1 Don to activate, so you'll have to keep that in mind when making plays. However, the list has EB01-012-cavendish and OP10-030-smoker, which offer additional Don, making it easier for you to bank Don. OP08-023-carrot also plays into the stall strategy and will force opponents to remove her as early as possible to prevent her from reactivating her effect.
This list has the Fortress strategy with OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 and OP05-030-donquixote-rosinante to shut off opponents from attacking your Leader or rested Characters.
Even though OP06-035-hody-jones is damaging your Leader, the ability to rest two of the opponent's Characters and go for a rush attack can help control the field or remove blockers standing in your way from attacking the opponent's Leader.
Red Yellow Belo Betty
The Red Yellow aggressive OP05-002-belo-betty trashes 1 {Revolutionary Army} card from your hand to give 3 Characters +3,000 Power boost. So you want to have multiple attackers lined up to take full advantage of her effect, turning even the 2,000 Power OP05-015-belo-betty into an attacker that forces your opponent to use a Counter card. A couple of your Characters require them to be at a specific Power to activate their effects, so boosting their Power with your Leader's effect enables you to get the most out of them.
OP05-004-emporioivankov and OP06-003-emporioivankov let you cheat out a Character, going for a wider field, which plays a key role in your aggressive strategy. OP05-005-karasu can reduce the Power of your opponent's Leader or one of their Characters by 1,000 until the end of the turn. Ideally, you want to use it on the opponent's Leader, and then start going for attacks, making it even harder for them to Counter your power-boosted attacks.
Tier 3
Blue Yellow Nami
OP11-041-nami has two effects: the first effect is your draw engine, adding a card to your hand whenever you or your opponent lose a Life card. The second effect lets us trash a card from our hand to gain +2,000 Power during the opponent's turn, giving us stronger defensive turns.
This list is heavy on the control cards, having OP11-106-zeus, OP03-048-nojiko, and OP08-047-jozu to weaken the opponent's side of the field. ST20-005-charlotte-linlin forces your opponent to trash resources, putting you ahead in the value game.
As for OP10-112-eustasscaptainkid, he's trashing an opponent's Life card, putting them in a more vulnerable spot to your attackers. Eventually, your opponent will find it hard to counter certain attacks, setting up your winning turn.
Red Shanks
Leader OP09-001-shanks can slow down the opponent's aggression through his effect, giving an attacker -1,000 Power, which will save Counter cards and help you stretch out games. OP09-009-bennbeckman and OP08-118-silvers-rayleigh are strong control options to shift the field presence in your favor.
OP09-004-shanks lowers the Power of all the opponent's Characters to slow them down, making it harder for your opponent to get their attacks through. As for OP06-007-shanks, he can KO a 10,000 Power Character, so almost any Character in the current meta.
Purple Charlotte Katakuri
The Purple OP11-062-charlotte-katakuri returns 1 Don when he's attacking to gain +1,000 Power and looks at the top card of the opponent's deck. You now have information on the opponent's next draw, gaining an idea of what they'll have in their hand, but you will also be able to activate OP11-071-charlotte-perospero and OP11-073-charlotte-linlin effects without relying on luck. Since we already know what the top card of their deck is, we don't need to guess the cost of that card.
We'll use OP08-062-charlotte-katakuri to cheat out OP11-067-charlotte-katakuri, saving up our Don to make other big plays for a strong late-game turn. OP11-067-charlotte-katakuri will act as a defensive Blocker who can also be used offensively, thanks to his ability to restand himself.
Green Yellow Trafalgar Law
OP10-022-trafalgar-law sacrifices his Life cards to play more {Supernovas} type Characters on the field, developing more threats and putting opponents in a tough spot to control the field.
EB01-012-cavendish is your best play early into the game, giving you 2 extra Don to add to your aggressive mid-game strategy. OP01-047-trafalgar-law-753 and OP07-026-jewelry-bonney are other {Supernovas} type Characters to cheat on the field and have defensive effects, to protect your Leader and prolong the game.
On top of that, OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 enables the Fortress strategy, cheating out OP05-030-donquixote-rosinante to protect your Leader or rested Characters.
As for OP10-119-trafalgar-law, he synergizes with your Leader, letting you put a {Supernovas} type Character at the top of your Life Area, which you can later cheat out on the field through your Leader effect or leave it there as an additional defensive layer.
Blue Purple Vinsmoke Reiju
OP06-042-vinsmoke-reiju synergizes with Vinsmoke Characters, using OP06-068-vinsmoke-reiju and OP06-060-vinsmoke-ichiji to play their higher-cost versions from your trash or hand. You are forced to deramp to activate their effects, but this aligns with your game plan, since OP06-042-vinsmoke-reiju will draw you a card, ensuring you gain resources when you return a Don.
OP07-072-porche creates an aggressive early game, letting you play either OP06-068-vinsmoke-reiju and OP06-060-vinsmoke-ichiji without having to use your Don, setting up for 2 Characters in one turn.
OP06-062-vinsmoke-judge is your strongest late-game play, letting you play OP06-068-vinsmoke-reiju and OP06-060-vinsmoke-ichiji from your trash, setting the stage for an extremely powerful turn that can put your opponent behind on the field.
Purple Monkey D.Luffy
OP05-060-monkeydluffy sacrificed a Life card to ramp 1 Don, letting you play higher-cost Characters on earlier turns. This plays a massive role in developing win conditions that force your opponent to take a defensive approach.
4-cost cards are the go-to plays on turn 2 if you're going first, so cards like ST18-004-zoro-juurou and EB01-061-mr2bonkurei-bentham fit perfectly. If you're going second, you can play 5-cost cards on turn 2 like OP05-074-eustasscaptainkid and ST18-003-san-gorou. To go wide on the board, ST18-005-luffy-tarou is your best choice, letting you cheat out a 5-cost or less {Straw Hay Crew} type Character.
The late game has OP09-119-monkeydluffy, drawing you a card and going for a Rush attack, threatening an opponent's Life card with 10,000 Power or targeting a rested Character to control the field.
Blue Nami
Blue OP03-040-nami plays the game differently than other decks, wanting to prolong it for as long as possible as it mills itself. Leader OP03-040-nami changes your win condition from attacking the opponent's Leader to milling your deck until 0 cards are left. You'll automatically win the game once at 0 cards in your deck, so opponents will usually try to aggro you down before you fulfill Leader OP03-040-nami's condition.
The list is packed with cards to protect your leader and to draw or trash cards from your deck, pushing you closer to the 0 cards win condition. This deck requires matchup understanding, knowing what your opponent is capable of, and saving Don for your defensive turns to protect your Life cards.