OPTCG Meta Tier List OP08.5: November 12 – Week 3

Hello everyone! It's time for this week's Meta Report in the OP08.5 meta! This time, I'm presenting it as a Meta Tier List to make it easier to see how the meta is evolving.

I'll share the Ranked SIM stats (games played and win rate) for each top deck and their performance against other meta decks. Tournament results from the past week also influence the deck rankings in the tier list.

Tier 1🔵 Donquixote Doflamingo
⚫ Rob Lucci
⚫🟡 Monkey.D.Luffy
Tier 2🟢 Jewelry Bonney
🟡 Enel
🔵 Nami
🟣Purple Luffy
🟡 Charlotte Katakuri
Tier 3🔴🔵 Marco
🟡 Vegapunk
🟣🔵 Vinsmoke Reiju
🔴 Roronoa Zoro
🔴🟣 Monkey.D.Luffy
🔴Belo Betty
🟡 Kalgara
⚫ Gecko Moria

Tier Explanation

To create this Meta Tier list, I used data from tournaments, online ranked play, and my expertise and opinions of respected players. This tier list will hold meta-staple decks that you'll likely encounter in tournament play and on the SIM.

The decklists shared here come from tournament events or have a balance of high win rate and play rate on the ranked SIM. They can be adjusted based on meta shifts or individual player preferences.

Tier 1: The top performers and most represented decks in the meta. They have good matchups in the current meta and can adapt to different game scenarios. Expect to encounter these decks frequently in tournaments, with players strategizing specifically to counter them.

Tier 2: Popular Meta decks that have solid matchup tables. The Tier 2 decks can rival Tier 1 decks but may have weaknesses, counters, and less representation, holding them back from joining Tier 1.

Tier 3: Comprising less popular decks or those experiencing a decline in performance, Tier 3 includes options that may still show up in tournaments, but are not likely to go far. They often struggle against certain popular matchups. Additionally, this tier encompasses decks with limited data, making it challenging to accurately assess their placement in higher tiers.

Silent Performers: Decks with very little presence in the meta but still managed to recently find success on the ranked ladder or a tournament. They're usually decks in Tier 3 that had an insane run in a tournament.

Silent Performers

This section is for off-meta decks that we usually don't see much of in the meta but have performed this week in tournaments or on the ranked ladder, making them worth mentioning in the article.

Yellow Vegapunk

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The Yellow OP07-097-vegapunk actually did it and won first place in the Carta Magica Online Treasure Cup. Vegapunk is considered somewhat of a meme on the ranked ladder, with an extremely low win rate. However, this past week, it managed to beat top meta decks in a 900-player tournament, stealing first place from the likes of Black Rob Lucci, BY Luffy, and Blue Doffy.

OP07-097-vegapunk can add {Egghead} type cards to the top of the Life area, forcing opponents to attack your Leader more to win the game. However, all {Egghead} type cards have a trigger effect, so with every attack, you'll gain something out of taking the hit. Multiple of those {Egghead} Characters can be played on the field without using up Don, so you get to develop Characters with each hit you take.

This list isn't running any of the late-game choices like Yamato. Instead, it has mid-game cards like OP08-112-s-snake and ST13-011-portgasdace to help you keep control of the opponent's aggression. It also runs the new Starter 20 ST20-005-charlotte-linlin, which forces opponents to make a rough decision. They can either trash 2 cards from their hand or trash the top Life card, both choices don't feel too good for them.

The best of the best. These decks are always the most brought decks to a tournament and will make it into the top cut. The deck order matters here, from best to worst of Tier 1.

Blue Doflamingo

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Blue OP01-060-donquixote-doflamingo saw a huge rise in OP08.5 in both play and win rate. This deck has evolved into a more aggressive playstyle, with many lists cutting out control events to focus on more aggression and higher chances of hitting {The Seven Warlords of the Sea} Characters with the Leader effect. Although it had an outstanding early OP08.5, the meta is adapted to Blue Doffy, keeping it in check in tournaments with decks like Black Lucci and Yellow Enel.

Overall Stats: Games: 16046 Win rate: 52.7%

The Blue Doffy deck heavily relies on Leader effect to cheat out {The Seven Warlords of the Sea} Characters. This uses up 1 less Don when playing a 4-cost, Character and you're still using two of those Dons to empower your Leader attacks, forcing more Counter cards from the opponent. Leader effect will help you go wider on the field and create more value, as the Character you'll play will be from the top of the deck. We also can't forget about OP07-045-jinbe, a premium card for your strategy, building up that wide board of attackers.

The plan is to develop multiple Characters and unleash a barrage of attacks, forcing opponents to use up their Counter cards to protect rested Characters or their Leader. If they fail to control the field, they'll end up overwhelmed with the multiple attacks each turn.

Blue Doflamingo has an amazing matchup table, beating all of the decks in the meta except for Yellow Enel. It's slightly unfavored against Green Bonney, and has a close matchup against the other 2 top decks, Black Rob Lucci and Black Yellow Luffy.

Good Against: Blue Nami, Purple Luffy, Yellow Katakuri, Black Smoker, Blue Purple Reiju, Red Blue Marco, Black Marco.

Close Matchup: Black Yellow Luffy, Green Bonney.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Yellow Enel.

Possible Additions

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  • Although this list isn't running OP06-058-gravity-blade-raging-tiger, it is a popular inclusion among players, at least two copies. Removing two 6-cost or less Characters from play can lower the opponent's aggression and put them behind on field presence.
  • Not many lists are running OP04-056-gum-gum-red-roc. This removal tool is more suited for high-cost Characters that are difficult to deal with.

Black Rob Lucci

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Although Rob Lucci is the second most-played deck, it has been the more consistent deck in tournaments. We see multiple players make it far in the top 32 and beat the popular Blue Doflamingo to go further in those tournaments. If it weren’t for Black Yellow Luffy standing firm against Rob Lucci, the deck would overtake the whole meta.

Overall Stats: Games: 9087 Win rate: 54.3%

Black Rob Lucci is the strongest deck at controlling the opponent's side of the board, the main objective is to KO threats before they get the chance to attack. The deck uses OP05-093-rob-lucci to KO two targets and replays OP05-093-rob-lucci from the trash with cards like EB01-043-spandine and OP06-086-gecko-moria. It has cost-reduction cards to put targets in range for your removal cards to deal with.

OP08-084-jack is the newest addition to Rob Lucci's control strategy. OP08-084-jack will usually be the play for his KO effect once every turn, removing the opponent's threats and forcing them to deal with OP08-084-jack if they want to continue building up a field.

Rob Lucci has a great matchup table, capable of beating most of the meta decks he goes up against. Other than Black Yellow Luffy and Nami, there aren't decks that pose much of a threat to Lucci players.

Good Against: Blue Doflamingo, Yellow Enel, Purple Luffy, Green Bonney, Black Smoker, Blue Red Marco, Black Luffy, Blue Purple Reiju.

Close Matchup: Yellow Katakuri.

Bad Against: Black Yellow Luffy, Blue Nami.

Possible Additions

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  • ST08-002-uta showed up in multiple lists this past week. She's a cost-reduction option that can activate her effect once per turn, forcing opponents to remove her as soon as possible.
  • OP07-091-monkeydluffy finds use against decks with Sabo or Borsalino, capable of gaining a KO immunity. You can trash a Character with OP07-091-monkeydluffy instead of KO it, perfect against Black Yellow Luffy.
  • OP03-097-six-king-pistol is a defensive Event to protect your Leader. It can help prolong the game and trash a card you don't expect to play on future turns.
  • OP08-079-kaido is a late-game Character that can trash one of the opponent's Characters, bypassing the KO immunity, and will force opponents to trash a card from hand. It's a perfect late-game card, especially against Sabo blocker.
  • OP03-095-soap-sheep gives -2 cost to two of the opponent's Characters, perfect if you're going for the Rob Lucci double KO on low-cost Characters.

Black Yellow Luffy

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Black Yellow Luffy remains a powerful deck in OP08.5 meta, holding a positive win rate on the ranked ladder (something we don't see enough). This is a tough deck to pilot correctly and in the right hands, Black Yellow Luffy can crush most of the meta decks he goes up against.

The main reasons Black Yellow Luffy remains in Tier 1 are its strong performance against Black Rob Lucci and the fact that many Blue Doflamingo lists aren't focusing on control events (OP06-058-gravity-blade-raging-tiger), which gives Black Yellow Luffy a better chance at beating them.

Overall Stats: Games: 7441 Win rate: 51.2%

This deck wants to drop to 0 Life cards and start activating Leader effect to cheat out the Adult brothers on the field. Gecko Moria is a crucial part of Black Yellow Luffy's game plan, as you'll often need to cheat out the kid brothers from the Trash and develop multiple Characters per turn to threaten more aggression.

With Black Rob Lucci's popularity, Black Yellow Luffy is a great choice to bring to tournaments. By continuously playing OP04-083-sabo and shutting down Rob Lucci's KO effects, you'll force them into awkward plays where they'll rely on tech cards to have a chance at winning.

Its ability to hold its ground against Blue Doflamingo is a plus for the deck, keeping it a great consideration to bring to tournaments.

Good Against: Black Rob Lucci, Yellow Katakuri, Red Blue Marco, Blue Purple Reiju, Black Smoker.

Close Matchup: Blue Doflamingo.

Bad Against: Purple Luffy, Green Bonney, Yellow Enel, Blue Nami, Black Luffy.

Possible Additions

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  • ST13-008-sabo remains a solid consideration to add, allowing you to self-damage in the early game and KO one of the opponent's Characters to slow them down.
  • OP02-121-kuzan can KO a 5-cost or less Character on the turn he's played and will keep a -5-cost reduction on all of the opponent's Characters. This makes it easier for you to KO high-cost Characters with OP07-109-monkeydluffy.

Tier 2 holds decks you'll likely see in tournaments and can make it into the top cut. I've ordered Tier 2 from best to worst based on their performance this week, with Green Bonney and Yellow Enel being the best performers in Tier 2, capable of rivaling the Tier 1 decks. You can also say they're Tier 1.5.

Green Bonney

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Green Bonney remains a popular deck on the ranked SIM and tournament scene. It has a solid win rate on the ranked ladder and the fact that it holds its own against Blue Doffy, Yellow Enel, and Black Yellow Luffy makes it a great bring to tournaments.

Overall Stats: Games: 6255 Win rate: 53.8%

All the lists on the ranked ladder are on the Fortress game plan, using OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 and OP05-030-donquixote-rosinante to shut down opponents from targeting your Leader or other rested Characters.

The Green Bonney deck excels at stalling the game using the Leader's rest effect, slowing down opponent aggression, and buying time to set up your late game. OP08-023-carrot can be frustrating for opponents if they don't remove her from play, capable of keeping a rested Character from becoming Active, further slowing down the opponent's aggression.

OP06-035-hody-jones is the main aggressor, joining the field, resting two of the opponent's Characters, and creating an aggressive 8,000-power attack. OP04-031-donquixote-doflamingo adds to that defensive game plan, keeping three of the opponent's attackers from becoming Active on the upcoming turn and buying you more time to stabilize or even win the game.

ST16-004-shanks is the newest addition to the list, however, not all lists are running him. Some lists are sticking to two copies of ST16-004-shanks while some are cutting him out entirely.

Green Bonney struggles against Black Rob Lucci holding it back from taking over the meta. It has a great matchup table against the rest of the meta field, beating the likes of Black Yellow Luffy and Yellow Enel. Right now, Green Bonney is beating Blue Doffy players, mostly because the Doffy lists have moved to a more aggressive playstyle over the control removal playstyle.

Good Against: Purple Luffy, Black Yellow Luffy, Yellow Enel

Close Matchup: Blue Doflamingo, Red Blue Marco, Blue Purple Reiju.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Smoker, Blue Nami, Black Luffy, Yellow Katakuri.

Possible Additions

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  • Most lists are now cutting out OP07-021-urouge entirely from the list. Some lists that still include him aren't going for more than two copies. When played early, he's extremely valuable for the extra Don he gives at the end of your turn, making it easier for you to rest one of the opponent's attackers with Leader Bonney.
  • Only 1 list has OP03-025-krieg, but it seems to be working out for them since that list had a high win rate. It's a consideration to add if you're trying to combat the Blue Doffy decks, KOing two of their rested 4-cost Characters. On top of that, OP03-025-krieg can gain Double Attack, becoming a win condition if left unchecked.
  • OP06-118-roronoa-zoro and OP04-119-donquixote-rosinante both lost a lot of their popularities in Green Bonney decks, but still exist as options to add.

Yellow Enel

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Yellow Enel has seen a rise in popularity in the OP08.5 meta. The main reason players are turning to Yellow Enel again is due to Blue Doflamingo's dominance in the meta. Yellow Enel is an excellent counter to Blue Doflamingo and is also known to perform well against Black Yellow Luffy.

However, its awful matchup against Blue Nami can put you in awkward situations if you go against one of the Nami players as the matchup is almost impossible to beat.

Overall Stats: Games: 6390 Win rate: 54.7%

Leader OP05-098-enel's ability to gain a Life card plays a massive role in this deck's game plan. You're trying to keep the opponent's side of the field in check, shutting them down for setting up multiple attackers to pressure you. Using cards like /OP05-102-gedatsu and OP08-106-nami you can control the opponent's game plan, prolonging the game until your heavy hitters start joining in.

OP04-112-yamato and OP07-119-portgasdace give your Leader an extra Life card and can KO one of the opponent's Characters, shifting the game in your favor. Eventually, opponents will run out of steam, getting to a point where they don't present a threat to your Leader.

Yellow Enel has the highest win rate on the ranked ladder because of its matchups against Blue Doflamingo, PLuffy, and BY Luffy. It's also not auto-losing to the second-played deck, Black Rob Lucci. Overall, Yellow Enel has a great matchup table and should be a deck on all players' radar when going into a tournament.

The only deck that crushes Yellow Enel is Blue Nami, so if you're playing Enel, you're hoping you don't meet any Nami players.

Good Against: Blue Doflamingo, Black Yellow Luffy, Black Smoker.

Close Matchup: Blue Purple Reiju, Purple Luffy.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Green Bonney, Blue Nami, Yellow Katakuri, Red Blue Marco, Black Luffy.

Blue Nami

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Blue Nami remains in the top 10 most-played decks, and although it has a great matchup against most of the meta decks, it gets crushed by the popular Blue Doffy and Purple Luffy, keeping it from taking over the meta.

Overall Stats: Games: 2272 Win rate: 49.2%

If you like playing One Piece with different rules, Blue Nami is the deck for you. You're not looking to control the field or attack the opponent's Leader, instead, the main goal is to survive and mill yourself. Nami changes the game's rules, turning the mill game plan into a win condition. You automatically win the game if you fall to 0 cards in your deck. This forces the opponent to approach the matchup aggressively, trying to close out the game before you drop to 0 cards in the deck.

The thing with Blue Nami is that it's capable of crushing certain matchups, but has an awful experience against some decks. Who you go up against extremely matters for the Blue Nami players and will dictate your tournament experience. Performing with Nami will heavily depend on which decks you go up against. The Blue deck can crush certain matchups, with almost nothing opponents can do to shut down your plan. However, decks that can play multiple Characters in one turn create an aggressive game plan that puts Nami in an awkward spot.

Looking at Blue Nami's matchup table, it's beating multiple popular decks, especially the rising Yellow Enel. The main issue for Nami players is the Blue Doffy matchup, which they'll see plenty of as it's the most-played deck on the ranked ladder. If you're able to dodge Doffy players, you're crushing tournaments!

Good Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Yellow Luffy, Green Bonney, Yellow Enel, Yellow Katakuri, Black Smoker, Black Luffy.

Close Matchup: Red Blue Marco.

Bad Against: Blue Doflamingo, Purple Luffy, Blue Purple Reiju.

Purple Luffy

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Although Purple Luffy had a great OP08 start, the deck is slowly losing popularity and struggling to remain at the top of Tier 2. It is struggling to keep up with Green Bonney and Yellow Enel decks in overall performance.

Overall Stats: Games: 6051 Win rate: 46.8%

This is a ramp deck where Leader OP05-060-monkeydluffy damages himself to gain an Active Don. This accelerates the deck's game plan, letting you play higher-cost Characters a turn earlier than other decks. This list can be aggressive with ST04-012-page-one and ST04-002-ulti going wide on the field. ST10-013-eustasscaptainkid gives your Leader a Power boost, empowering your attacks, and the Power increase sticks on your defensive turn, forcing opponents to attach more Don to threaten an attack.

ST04-003-kaido-400 is this deck's strongest play, KOing one of the opponent's 6-cost or less Characters and going for an immediate attack thanks to the Rush keyword he gains.

Purple Luffy is having a rough time, losing to the two most-played decks Blue Doflamingo and Black Rob Lucci. It is though beating the likes of Black Yellow Luffy and Blue Nami.

Good Against: Black Yellow Luffy, Blue Nami, Red Blue Marco, Blue Purple Reiju, Black Luffy.

Close Matchup: Yellow Enel.

Bad Against: Blue Doflamingo, Black Rob Lucci, Green Bonney, Black Smoker, Yellow Katakuri.

Possible Additions

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  • With the new Purple Luffy lists adding more {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters, OP05-066-jinbe made his way into a couple of lists on the ranked ladder. He's a 6,000 Power blocker that gains a +1,000 Power boost when you have 10 Don on your field.
  • OP05-119-monkeydluffy is a late-game win condition, offering an extra turn to set up aggressive attacks. Lists that include OP05-119-monkeydluffy are usually on 1 copy only.

Black Smoker

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Smoker received new Starter 19 cards in OP8.05, giving the deck a boost in performance and better consistency Black Smoker finally managed to hold a positive win rate, performing better as players got used to the OP02 Black Leader in the meta.

Overall Stats: Games: 3143 Win rate: 50.8%

Black Smoker is a control deck, using cards like EB01-046-brook and ST19-003-tashigi to KO opponent's Characters and keep control of the field. ST19-003-tashigi is the strongest new addition to this deck, capable of reducing the cost of one of the opponent's Characters by 4 and then trashes a 0-cost Character. Using the cost-reduction effects from Leader and cards in the list, you can drop the opponent's Character in range for your removal to deal with.

OP06-086-gecko-moria is a must-inclusion in the list, offering late-game value and multiple developments in one turn.

Struggling against the two most-played decks is not a good sign for the Black Smoker deck, which explains why it's struggling to reach a 50% win rate.

Good Against: Green Bonney, Red Blue Marco, Purple Luffy.

Close Matchup: Blue Doflamingo, Black Luffy, Yellow Katakuri, Blue Purple Reiju.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Yellow Luffy, Yellow Enel, Blue Nami.

Possible Additions

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  • OP02-098-koby can KO a 3-cost Character but has to trash a card from your hand. He can be played through Rebecca, perfect for the combo play.
  • OP02-099-sakazuki-404 trashes 1 card from your hand to KO a 5-cost or less Character. It helps shift the field presence in your favor and he sticks in play as a 7,000 Power attacker.
  • OP07-118-sabo works best against decks that go wide on the field. So with the rise of Blue Doflamingo, OP07-118-sabo can be a great addition to combat the board swarm.

Yellow Katakuri

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Overshadowed by the popularity of Yellow Enel, Yellow Katakuri isn't seeing much play in tournaments but still has a positive win rate on the ranked ladder and can hold its own against most of the meta field. However, its struggle against Blue Doflamingo has kept it from performing in tournaments. I'll rank it at the low Tier 2 because it has potential in the current meta.

Overall Stats: Games: 2905 Win rate: 51.8%

The Yellow Leader, OP03-099-charlotte-katakuri, pushes heavy attacks with his +1,000 effect and manipulates the Life area, increasing the odds of finding your Trigger cards on the right turns. The heavy attacks can be difficult for opponents to counter and will force more resources from them.

7-cost ST07-010-charlotte-linlin and 10-cost OP03-114-charlotte-linlin are the main win conditions for this deck, creating high power threats on the field and offering value through their Life card effects.

OP08-106-nami is the newest addition to the list, offering a control tool to KO a 5-cost or less Character and she remains on the field as a 5,000 Power attacker.

Good Against: Purple Luffy, Green Bonney, Red Blue Marco, Yellow Enel.

Close Matchup: Black Rob Lucci, Black Smoker, Blue Purple Reiju.

Bad Against: Blue Doflamingo, Black Yellow Luffy, Blue Nami.

These decks aren't as popular in tournaments and rarely make it far. They also have a low play rate on the Ranked SIM compared to Tier 2 decks. I've included as many Tier 3 decks as possible, but there are still many others that could also fit into Tier 3.

Red Blue Marco

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Overall Stats: Games: 2080 Win rate: 42.2%

Leader OP08-002-marco gives one of the opponent's Characters a -2,000 Power reduction, making it easier to attack and KO. This also synergizes with KO effects from cards like ST15-002-edwardnewgate and OP03-018-fire-fist. The Don 10 play is the strongest, allowing you to use the Leader effect to place a high-cost Character at the top of the deck and then follow it up with the OP06-119-sanji to cheat out that Character, developing two big bodies in one turn.

Good Against: Yellow Enel, Black Luffy, Blue Purple Reiju.

Close Matchup: Green Bonney, Blue Nami.

Bad Against: Blue Doflamingo, Black Rob Lucci, Black Yellow Luffy, Purple Luffy, Black Smoker.

Blue Purple Vinsmoke Reiju

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Overall Stats: Games: 1558 Win rate: 45.8%

This deck relies on low-cost Vinsmoke Characters to cheat out their higher-cost versions. This enables a powerful field development but you'll have to return Don, slowing down your upcoming turns. Returning Don activates your Leader effect to draw a card, basically having a draw engine to keep the pressure going. Combined with OP06-069-vinsmoke-reiju's draw effect, you won't run out of resources easily.

OP07-072-porche has given the archetype the ability to adopt a more aggressive game plan, especially if you're able to cheat out OP06-061-vinsmoke-ichiji early into the game. OP06-062-vinsmoke-judge is the strongest play in this deck, developing multiple Characters on the field, and setting the stage for one powerful turn to close out the game.

Good Against: Blue Nami, Black Luffy.

Close Matchup: Black Rob Lucci, Yellow Enel, Yellow Katakuri, Red Blue Marco.

Bad Against: Blue Doflamingo, Green Bonney, Black Yellow Luffy, Purple Luffy, Black Smoker, Black Nami.

RP Luffy

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Overall Stats: Games: 1316 Win rate: 46.9%

Red Purple Luffy is a ramp deck that aims to play high-cost Characters as early as possible. The Leader's 6,000 Power makes it easier for you to counter attacks, helping you prolong games until your carries take over. OP02-004-edwardnewgate-511 gives your Leader +2,000 Power boost, potentially shutting down opponents from posing any threat on your Leader.

OP05-119-monkeydluffy is the strongest play in this deck, giving you an extra turn and synergizing with your Leader's ramp effect. You can win the game on the spot with the extra turn and attacks you gain, or set up enough aggression and destruction to win the game on the upcoming turn.

Green Uta

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Overall Stats: Games: 901 Win rate: 47.3%

Green Uta can play either offensively or defensively. It can develop more than one Character in one turn using OP02-040-brook and OP02-041-monkeydluffy, allowing you to threaten multiple attacks.

This Leader received new ST16 cards to increase Leader ST11-001-uta consistency when she attacks. If the top card in your deck is a {FILM} type card, you get to add it to your hand, providing a built-in value generation through Leader effect.

ST16-004-shanks is another Characters players are including in their lists. He acts as a removal Character through his KO effect and can go for heavy attacks with his 11,000 Power.

ST11-005-im-invincible is the scariest card in this deck, allowing you to attack again with your Leader. So if you've boosted ST11-001-uta Power, you can go for two or three heavy attacks in one turn to win the game. This is more of a late-game playstyle since you're sacrificing board development to full-on aggro with Leader.

Some lists go for the Fortress strategy, having OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 and OP05-030-donquixote-rosinante to prevent opponents from attacking your Leader or rested Characters.

Red Zoro

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Overall Stats: Games: 759 Win rate: 50.5%

This is an aggressive deck that goes wide on the field and threatens multiple attacks on the opponent. Using OP04-010-tony-tonychopper and OP08-007-tony-tonychopper, you can go for the wide game plan, and with Leader Zoro giving a +1,000 Power boost, you're now adding to that aggression that forces Counter cards from the opponent.

The list also has rush attackers OP01-025-roronoa-zoro, EB01-003-kid-killer, and OP07-015-monkeyddragon to keep the aggression going.

Yellow Purple Pudding

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Overall Stats: Games: 919 Win rate: 46%

Yellow Purple Pudding is a Ramp Leader, capable of accelerating your game plan to drop high-cost Characters as early as possible. Since your Leader effect is tied to the two top Life cards being face-down, cards like OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri can turn your Life cards face-down, allowing you to reactivate Pudding's Ramp effect on turn 3. The list is packed with late-game Characters, which you'll play on earlier turns and start dominating the field through the help of their effects and high power.

Purple Yellow Pudding isn't looking too good on the matchup stats, losing to most of the meta decks and only consistently beating Black Yellow Luffy.

Red Belo Betty

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Overall Stats: Games: 813 Win rate: 43.1%

This is an aggressive {Revoluationary Army} deck that wants to create pressure on the opponent and close out games as soon as possible. Using Leader OP05-002-belo-betty Power boost effect, you can create an insanely aggressive turn, difficult for opponents to counter your attacks. OP05-005-karasu plays an important role as well, making the opponent's Leader more vulnerable to attacks. OP05-004-emporioivankov and OP06-003-emporioivankov enable to go wide on the field, threatening an aggressive upcoming turn.

Black Luffy

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Overall Stats: Games: 800 Win rate: 50.7%

Black Luffy is a control deck that KO's opponent's characters using EB01-046-brook, ST14-003-sanji, and the new OP08-084-jack. With Leader Luffy's effect increasing the cost of your characters, it makes it more challenging for some decks to control your side of the field. Characters like Rob Lucci, Gedatsu, OP08-106-nami, and OP07-109-monkeydluffy will have a harder time finding value with their KO effects.


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Overall Stats: Games: 779 Win rate: 44.7%

This is a control deck that can rest 4-cost Characters through Leader effect, making them vulnerable to your attacks or OP06-036-ryuma's KO effect. OP06-118-roronoa-zoro is a strong inclusion against Green Bonney, BY Luffy, and Blue Nami decks.

OP07-022-otama, OP01-041-kouzuki-momonosuke, and OP01-055-you-can-be-my-samurai offer that draw engine so you don't run out of resources.

OP06-086-gecko-moria is the value carry in this deck, synergizing with EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori and OP06-036-ryuma to go wide on the field and maintain control of the opponent's side.


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Overall Stats: Games: 526 Win rate: 52.2%

The Yellow Leader Kalgara uses his life resources to put more pressure on the field, capable of creating aggressive attacks that force opponents to take a defensive approach. Through Kalgara's effect, you can cheat out a {Shandian Warrior} type Character with a cost equal to the total number of Don on your field.

This list mainly runs lower-cost Characters, to enable that aggressive game plan with the help of OP05-101-ohm and OP05-110-holly. Rusher ST13-011-portgasdace also adds to that mid-game pressure once you've dropped to two life cards, putting a 7,000 Power attacker on the field can be a nightmare for many decks.

Green Yellow Yamato

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Overall Stats: Games: 812 Win rate: 41%

Yamato can be quite bothersome with the Double Attack ability, forcing Counter resources out of the opponent. Onami's Banish synergizes with Yamato's Double Attack, threatening to Trash two Life cards if the opponent doesn't commit Counter cards.

Hody Jones comes in handy to rest the opponent's blockers, creating opportunities to target their Leader and potentially clinch the game.

Black Gecko Moria

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Overall Stats: Games: 300 Win rate: 48%

Gecko Moria is a control deck using Leader effect to play {Thriller Bark Pirates}, OP06-081-absalom, OP06-093-perona, and OP06-090-dr-hogback. Each of those Characters has unique effects that you'll find use for in different situations of the game. OP06-081-absalom is a key Character to KO opponent's Characters.

OP06-086-gecko-moria is the strongest play in this deck, letting you play two Characters from the trash to wide on the field.

Closing Words

The ranked stats aren't always definitive metrics to use for the tournament competitive scene, but they give you a general idea of which decks are most popular and the cards people are experimenting with. It's an extra method to help you prepare for regional or local tournaments.

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Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

Articles: 91