Purple Yellow Charlotte Pudding OP08 Deck Guide

Learn how to play the Purple Yellow Pudding Leader in our detailed deck guide.

If you're a fan of ramp decks with a late-game win condition, then Purple Yellow Charlotte Pudding is the deck for you. The goal of this deck is to accelerate its game plan by ramping Don and playing high-cost Characters early to overwhelm opponents with powerful threats.

In this guide, I'll explain how the Purple Yellow Pudding works and the different approaches we can take depending on the matchup and situation of the game.

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OP08-058-charlotte-pudding is a Ramp Leader, giving you an extra rested Don when you attack with her. However, to activate her effect, you need to turn the two top Life cards face-up. This means we'll only get to activate it once and have to wait until our opponent damages us twice to have two face-down cards to Ramp again. Since this isn't a very effective approach to ramp a second time, the list runs a couple of cards that let you manipulate your Life area, ensuring you have the top two Life cards face-down for an additional Don ramp.

Since we have a built-in Ramp effect in our Leader, this list runs multiple high-cost Characters that we'll play on earlier turns, presenting a massive threat on the opponent that can be difficult for most decks to answer. The longer the game takes, the better the odds for OP08-058-charlotte-pudding to win, since many of the late-game Characters offer an extra Life card, which also acts as a value resource.

Early Turns

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In the early turns, we have searcher cards to help shape up our hand for future turns. OP07-077-were-going-to-claim-the-one-piece and OP03-112-charlotte-pudding draw us a {Big Mom Pirates} type card.

The card we choose from these searchers depends on the current state of our hand. If we're lacking a Ramp card, OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri is the ideal pick. For defensive options, if we need a Counter card to protect our Leader or rested Characters, EB01-056-charlotte-flampe provides a +2,000 Counter. If our hand is missing late-game threats, OP08-069-charlotte-linlin or OP03-114-charlotte-linlin can serve as a win condition.


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With Leader OP08-058-charlotte-pudding, we can ramp the first chance we attack, so on turn 2, we can ramp 1 Don. This leaves us with two face-up Life cards and an extra Don.

On the upcoming turn, we can play either OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri or ST13-004-edwardnewgate to manipulate our Life area and set up the top two Life cards to be face down before we attack with our Leader.

OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri is a Ramp card on his own, so he's offering value just through playing him. On turn 3, OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri is the premium play because he offers more Don. We usually want to go first with the OP08-058-charlotte-pudding deck, so we'll have 6 Don on turn 3, and through OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri's built-in Ramp mechanic, we'll be at 9 Don on the upcoming turn.

However, we're planning to go for 10 Don on turn 4, so after the turn 2 Ramp with Leader OP08-058-charlotte-pudding (opponent's turn 2), we will deliberately take the first attack from the opponent, making us lose 1 face-up Life card. This allows us to have the top two Life cards face-down when we play OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri, ramping us a second time on turn 3 when we attack with OP08-058-charlotte-pudding.

Remember, you need to have a face-up Life card to activate OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri's ramp effect. So if you happen to have 2 face-down cards at the top (very unlikely to happen by turn 3), make sure to attack with Leader first then play OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri for the extra ramp.

As for ST13-004-edwardnewgate, he doesn't require you to take a hit from the opponent to set up the top two Life cards face-down. With his On Play effect,  you can manipulate the order of your Life cards, making sure to have the top 2 cards face-down so when OP08-069-charlotte-linlin attacks, you get to ramp. ST13-004-edwardnewgate is best played if you're going second since you won't need that Extra Don from OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri.

If you don't have any of the two Characters to ramp you up, you can use EB01-056-charlotte-flampe to take the top Life card and put it in your hand. So if you've already taken 1 hit from the opponent, you'll end up with two face-down cards.

Late Game Carries

All our Late-game carries give us an additional Life card, forcing opponents to commit more attacks to set up the lethal turn, and at the same time, we're gaining more value since that Life card will end up in our hand. Since we're a ramp deck, we have multiple high-cost characters we want to play as early as possible, presenting high-power threats that can be challenging for opponents to answer.

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OP08-069-charlotte-linlin is a great play on Don 9, returning 1 Don, but we'll still be at 10 Don on the upcoming turn. She gives us an additional Life card, removes one of the opponent's 6-cost or less Characters, and places it in their Life area. We are giving them an additional Life card, but weakening their presence on the field is worth it, making it harder for them to keep up with our Characters or even threaten a lethal turn.

As for OP03-114-charlotte-linlin, she's the best play on Don 10 if we're at 2 Life cards and the opponent doesn't have a major threat on the field we need to KO with OP07-119-portgasdace. OP03-114-charlotte-linlin is great to bleed opponent's resources through her effect to trash their top Life card, additionally, you'll gain a Life card yourself, forcing the opponent to commit an additional attack to win.

Developing multiple OP03-114-charlotte-linlin in one game will put you way ahead in the resource value, eventually, opponents won't be able to keep up and will have to take heavy hits from the 12,000 Power OP03-114-charlotte-linlin.

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As for OP07-119-portgasdace, he's a great play if you're down to 1 or 0 Life cards, giving you an additional Life card and gaining Rush. The Rush keyword is perfect if the opponent has a rested Character, The 10,000 attack can be difficult to Counter from, and the opponent will have to choose between aggroing you down by focusing your Leader or expending resources to deal with OP07-119-portgasdace.

If you're at 2 Life cards and prefer the Rush attack over the extra Life card, you can opt to not gain a Life card and gain Rush on OP07-119-portgasdace for the attack.


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OP08-077-conquest-of-the-sea is a great answer for fast-paced decks, especially those capable of developing two Characters in one turn. We usually want to hold off on playing it until Don 10, so we don't struggle to play our high-cost Characters. We could play it at Don 9 if we're planning to Ramp with Leader or play OP08-069-charlotte-linlin for the upcoming turn.

Defensive Cards

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OP06-115-youre-the-one-who-should-disappear trashes 1 card to give you a +3,000 Power boost on your Leader or one of your Characters. Since we have a couple of cards with no Counter effects, we could trash them to gain that Power boost. Additionally, OP06-115-youre-the-one-who-should-disappear has a strong trigger effect that catches opponents off guard. If it's the last card in your Life area, OP06-115-youre-the-one-who-should-disappear lets you trash a card from hand to add a Life card, potentially messing up the opponent's lethal turn setup.

ST13-004-edwardnewgate could move OP06-115-youre-the-one-who-should-disappear to the bottom of the Life area, ensuring you gain that extra Life card when needed.

OP04-100-caponegangbege's trigger effect can be crazy good in the late game, shutting down one of the opponent's attackers, which can ruin their lethal setup.

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Blockers can be valuable in the late game to protect your Leader and preserve Life cards. We have two blockers in this list, ST07-007-charlotte-brulee and OP04-104-sanji. They're both great plays alongside OP08-077-conquest-of-the-sea in the late-game.

Additionally, both blockers can be played on the field through their Trigger effect, potentially ruining the opponent's plans to finish the game. OP04-104-sanji does require you to trash a card to play him on the field.

EB01-052-viola is also a consideration, which I'll talk more about her in the Techs and Options section, but ST07-007-charlotte-brulee can be better because of the {Big Mom Pirates} type, allowing you to draw her through your searchers, lowering the odds of not finding anything to draw.

Techs and Options

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I saw a lot of popular lists including OP04-064-ms-all-sunday, so it's a consideration if you want to add her. She is an alternate Ramp card in the case we don't find OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri or ST13-004-edwardnewgate. She'll also draw you a card when played. The downside of playing OP04-064-ms-all-sunday over the other two cards, is that she poses less of a threat with her 5,000 Power compared to OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri and ST13-004-edwardnewgate's 7,000 Power.

Additionally, OP04-064-ms-all-sunday has a strong trigger effect, allowing you to play her on the field by returning two of your Don. And since she's Ramping up 1 Don when played, you're technically returning only 1 Don. It can be a great Trigger in the late game if you want to create more field pressure and are in need of the extra draw.

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OP03-123-charlotte-katakuri is a powerful play on Don 8, allowing you to remove one of the opponent's Characters and place it in their Life area. You are giving them an additional Life card, but weakening their field presence will put them behind and they'll struggle to keep up with your high power Characters.

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OP04-112-yamato is a late-game Character who gives you an extra Life card and potentially KO one of the opponent's Characters.

As for OP08-119-kaido-linlin, it can be a nightmare for decks with no removal tool, destroying their whole field, trashing one of their Life cards, and giving a Life card. So much value when it goes for the attack, but you'll have to return 10 Don, so your upcoming turn will be significantly weaker.

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EB01-052-viola can turn all your Life cards face-down, allowing you to ramp with your Leader or give you information on the cards in your opponent's Life area and the ability to reorder them to your liking. Useful to prolong the opponent's access to certain cards or delay/expedite a specific trigger effect.

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EB01-061-mr2bonkurei-bentham is a ramp card best played on Don 4. When attacking, he matches the Power of one of the opponent's Characters, so he's reliant on what the opponent has on the field. EB01-061-mr2bonkurei-bentham is vulnerable during defensive turns, and you'll unlikely have the tools to protect him.

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OP03-113-charlotte-perospero is a value card, presenting an early threat on the field and can draw you a {Big Mom Pirates} type card when KO'd.

ST20 Cards

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A +2,000 Counter card that's searchable by OP08-058-charlotte-pudding. Its trigger effect gives you information about your or your opponent's top card in the Life area and allows you to move it to the bottom of the deck. You're gaining information and the ability to remove a potential threat.

General Tips

  • Try not to fall below 1 Life card in the mid-game. The sweet spot is 1 Life card so you can play your high-cost Characters without worrying about an all-out aggressive turn. Being at 1 Life card also allows you to activate Rush on Ace.
  • We're not aggroing opponent down. If we manage to get two attacks through, that's more than enough and our main focus will be to control the opponent's field. We have OP03-114-charlotte-linlin to deal damage to the opponent through her On Play effect, so once they're at 0 Life cards, we can start planning the lethal attack.

Mulligan Tips

  • OP08-058-charlotte-pudding or OP07-077-were-going-to-claim-the-one-piece are great early plays to help shape up our upcoming turns.
  • OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri or ST13-004-edwardnewgate is great to have for turn 3 to ramp up more.
  • Late-game cards. The plan is to play a 10-cost by turn 4, so having a play-in-hand ready ensures you create that high-threat win condition.

Important Matchups

Black Rob Lucci

  • Tough matchup since you're only developing one Character a turn and if the Rob Lucci player managed to KO them, you're not presenting much of a threat on the field.
  • OP03-078-issho is the biggest problem, forcing you to stay at 5 cards or less in hand to avoid losing resources. He's also giving a -3 cost reduction to all your Characters, making it easier for opponents to KO your high-cost Characters. OP02-117-ice-age is a premium card for the opponent in this matchup, making it easier for them to KO 10-cost Characters.
  • You'll heavily rely on OP03-114-charlotte-linlin to damage their Leader and trash resources. The plan here is to hope the opponent runs out of resources to KO your Characters.

Black Yellow Luffy

  • Avoid attacking their Leader and stretch out the game. You want to prolong their ability to activate Leader Luffy's effect and build up multiple of your late-game Characters.
  • They can't KO your 10-cost Characters with OP07-109-monkeydluffy + OP02-117-ice-age, so developing on the board will leave them with massive threats too difficult to deal with. If they, for whatever reason, try to attack and KO your rested win conditions with their Power-boosted Leader attack, counter it, and keep them on the field.
  • We want to trash as many of their resources as possible, so holding off our attack on their Leader allows us to play OP03-114-charlotte-linlin and trash Life cards.
  • OP08-077-conquest-of-the-sea can be a powerful removal, but the Sabo play will shut it down entirely.

Blue Doflamigo

  • Don't hold too many cards in your hand, they're planning to play Pudding. Try to stay below 7 cards in hand so you don't end up losing too many resources.
  • Prioritize clearing their field and slow them down from aggroing you down. They can go wide on the field using Leader and Jinbe's effects. The longer the game goes, the easier it'll be for your high-cost Characters to overtake the game.
  • OP04-056-gum-gum-red-roc is your biggest threat, removing one of your high-cost characters and putting you behind.
  • OP08-077-conquest-of-the-sea helps immensely in slowing down Doffy's aggression.

Yellow Kalgara

  • The Kalgara deck can develop multiple Characters in one turn and go for aggressive attacks. Their Leader effect and OP05-101-ohm + OP05-110-holly cam be devastating.
  • The main goal is to control their side of the field, so we'll mainly attack their rested Characters and drop their aggression until our late-game carry the game. The opponent will most likely protect a Character if possible to keep the aggression going.
  • They don't have tools to deal with your high-cost threats, so they'll likely stick on the field as a threat for the rest of the game.
  • OP08-077-conquest-of-the-sea is a great play to slow down Kalgara's aggressive pace by removing two of their Characters.

Blue Purple Reiju

  • The Reiju deck can be aggressive and will try to close out the game quickly if they play OP07-072-porche early into the game.
  • We're focused on attacking and KOing their rested Characters, so OP07-119-portgasdace will be a better choice than OP03-114-charlotte-linlin thanks to the Rush keyword.
  • Removal cards OP08-069-charlotte-linlin and OP08-077-conquest-of-the-sea will play a pivotal role in this matchup, slowing the opponent down until your high-cost carries take over the game.
  • Your opponent doesn't have the removal tools to deal with your high-cost Characters. They'll likely use OP06-061-vinsmoke-ichiji's Power reduction on one of your Characters to try and KO it. If it's used on your 9 and 10-cost Characters, it might be worth protecting them so you continue having a threat on the field.
  • Don't hold too many cards in hand so your opponent doesn't hit you with the OP06-047-charlotte-pudding.

Green Bonney

  • OP08-077-conquest-of-the-sea is a reliable answer for their OP07-021-urouge and a 5-cost Character. It can be worth it to play it on turn 4 (If you're going first) to remove two of their Characters.
  • They don't have the removal cards to KO your high-cost win conditions, however, they can slow you down by keeping them rested through cards like Carrot or 10-cost Doflamingo.
  • Roronoa Zoro is the only threat that can carry the game for them. They'll usually attack two times with it if they don't see the winning line. They don't want to put Roronoa Zoro at risk of dying to one of your high-cost Characters. If they use Zoro to KO your rested Characters, identify if you can protect them with your resources and go for it, winning the late-game field presence is important in this matchup.

Closing Words

Purple-Yellow Pudding is one of the strongest Leaders from the new OP08 set and will likely have an impact on the meta. By combining the late-game strength of Yellow cards with Purple’s Ramp mechanics, this deck can accelerate its game plan and start threatening opponents much earlier than they'd expect.


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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