Ranked OPTCG Meta Report OP08 Week 3 – Best Ladder Decks

Learn how One Piece Card Game OP08 meta is developing in the online scene.

Heya everyone, welcome to the OPTCG Ranked Meta Report! In this article, we'll review the top-performing decks on OPBounty's ranked ladder over the past week (Week 3 of OP08). We'll analyze the top-performing decks, their effectiveness against various matchups, and the key cards players are utilizing.

The decklists I’ll share from the SIM have high play and win rates (I'll usually pick a list from high-rank players), but they aren't necessarily the ones you should play. Your choice should depend on your preference, locals, and the shifting meta. I’ll highlight the different cards that players on the ladder are using. We now have data on 1 Billion Berries+ players, the best players on the ranked SIM, so we'll have more accurate data on the matchups, but keep in mind, this is still early into it, so we don't have too many stats on it just yet.

This meta report is possible thanks to the stats provided by OPBounty, if you want to support them and get access to all the data, subscribe to their Patreon.

Top-Played Decks

All Week 3 Stats

Billion Berries Week 3 Stats

Black Rob Lucci

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Standing strong as always, the Rob Lucci deck holds onto its throne as the best deck in OP08 Meta, having the highest win rate among the top 10 most-played decks. Rob Lucci's exceptional performance extends beyond just the online SIM, as it has been the go-to pick for most tournament players, yielding the best competitive results.

Overall Stats: Games: 15721 Win rate: 54.5%

High Rank Stats: Games: 5170 Win rate: 52.5%

Black Rob Lucci is the strongest deck at controlling the opponent's side of the board, the main objective is to KO threats before they get the chance to attack. The deck uses OP05-093-rob-lucci to KO two targets and replays OP05-093-rob-lucci from the trash with cards like EB01-043-spandine and OP06-086-gecko-moria. It has cost-reduction cards to put targets in range for your removal cards to deal with.

OP08-084-jack is the newest addition to Rob Lucci's control strategy. OP08-084-jack will usually be the play for his KO effect once every turn, removing the opponent's threats and forcing them to deal with OP08-084-jack if they want to continue building up a field.

More lists are adding OP08-079-kaido, a late-game Character that can trash one of the opponent's Characters, bypassing the KO immunity, and will force opponents to trash a card from hand. It's a perfect late-game card, especially against Sabo blocker.

Rob Lucci has a great matchup table, capable of beating most of the meta decks he goes up against. Other than Black Yellow Luffy and Nami, there aren't decks that pose much of a threat to Lucci players.

Good Against: Green Bonney, Blue Doffy, Purple Luffy, Blue Purple Reiju, Yellow Kalgara, Pudding, Red Zoro.

Bad Against: Black Yellow Luffy, Nami, Purple Luffy.

Tech Cards

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  • OP07-091-monkeydluffy finds use against decks with Sabo or Borsalino, capable of gaining a KO immunity. You can trash a Character with OP07-091-monkeydluffy instead of KO it, perfect against Black Yellow Luffy.
  • OP03-080-kaku is a control option to KO a 3-cost or less Character.
  • OP03-097-six-king-pistol is a defensive Event to protect your Leader. It can help you prolong the game and trash a card you don't expect to play on future turns.
  • OP08-091-whoswho is a +2,000 Counter play but can be used to KO a Character on the field if there's no other play to make.

Black Luffy

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Black Luffy remains the second most-played deck in the OP08 meta, but its win rate dropped slightly in the third week of OP08. That win rate continues to drop in the high-rank meta, barely holding on to a 50% win rate. This is mainly due to the popularity of Rob Lucci deck and it beating the Black Luffy deck.

Overall Stats: Games: 11717 Win rate: 52.6%

High Rank Stats: Games: 4773 Win rate: 50.4%

Black Luffy is a control deck that KO's opponent's characters using EB01-046-brook, ST14-003-sanji, and the new OP08-084-jack. With Leader Luffy's effect increasing the cost of your characters, it makes it more challenging for some decks to control your side of the field. Characters like Rob Lucci, Gedatsu, OP08-106-nami, and OP07-109-monkeydluffy will have a harder time finding value with their KO effects.

Although Black Luffy is unfavored against Rob Lucci and Nami, it beats the Black Yellow Luffy matchup, a deck Lucci struggles against. It also holds its own against most of the meta decks you'll face in tournaments.

Good Against: Green Bonney, Red Zoro, Black Yellow Luffy, Blue Doffy, Yellow Enel.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Blue Nami, Purple Luffy, Blue Purple Reiju.

Tech Cards

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  • OP03-097-six-king-pistol is a defensive Event to protect your Leader. Can help you prolong the game and trash a card you don't expect to play on future turns.
  • EB01-048-laboon's cost reduction makes it easier for you to KO high-cost threats with Sanji or Jack.
  • OP02-114-borsalino is a defensive play, blocking the opponent's attacks and protecting your Leader or key Characters. The KO immunity makes him a nuisance for specific matchups like Black Rob Lucci and Black Luffy.

Black Yellow Luffy

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Black Yellow Luffy sticks in third place in terms of play rate, and its overall win rate is just at the doors of a 50% win rate. We're used to Black Yellow Luffy having a low overall win rate due to the difficulty of piloting the deck. However, when looking at high-rank SIM players, that win rate goes up to 52.2%, the second-highest win rate among the top 10 decks, just behind the Rob Lucci win rate.

Overall Stats: Games: 9264 Win rate: 49.6%

High Rank Stats: Games: 2924 Win rate: 52.2%

Players are starting to add Ace back into their lists, but most are sticking to 1 or 2 copies of Kid and Adult Ace, while still sticking with the control approach.

This deck wants to drop to 0 Life cards and start activating Leader effect to cheat out the Adult brothers on the field. Gecko Moria is a crucial part of Black Yellow Luffy's game plan, as you'll often need to cheat out the kid brothers from the Trash and develop multiple Characters per turn to threaten more aggression.

With Black Rob Lucci's popularity, Black Yellow Luffy is a great choice to bring to tournaments. By continuously playing OP04-083-sabo and shutting down Rob Lucci's KO effects, you'll force them into awkward plays where they'll rely on tech cards to have a chance at winning.

However, with the rise of Black Luffy and Red Roronoa Zoro, Black Yellow Luffy players have new tough matchups to deal with.

Good Against: Black Rob Lucci, Red Zoro, Black Gecko Moria, Blue Purple Reiju, Yellow Kalgara, Yellow Katakuri.

Bad Against: Green Bonney, Yellow Enel, Blue Doffy, Blue Nami, Black Luffy, Purple Yellow Pudding.

Tech Cards

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  • OP03-078-issho is becoming a more popular addition to Black Yellow Luffy. Players aren't scared of getting aggroed down, and would rather add cards that better their matchup against slow-paced decks. Trashing two of the opponent's cards in hand can ruin their strategy, especially if we snipe key cards they're planning to play.
  • Many lists are adding Ace again, at least two copies of each to have that Rush attack option available.

Red Zoro

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Red Roronoa Zoro saw an increase in gameplay with the new OP08 cards, giving it a boost in performance. Looking at Roronoa Zoro's stats, the deck has one of the highest win rates among all players stats, but that win rate drops significantly among the high-rank players, barely at a 50% win rate. This is mainly due to two reasons: The first is player expertise is higher in the top ranks, so they can counter the aggressive deck's game plan. The second reason is the popularity of Rob Lucci and Black Luffy in the top ranks, two decks that have a solid matchup against Roronoa Zoro.

Overall Stats: Games: 7243 Win rate: 53.9%

High Rank Stats: Games: 1724 Win rate: 49.9%

This is an aggressive deck that goes wide on the field and threatens multiple attacks on the opponent. Using OP04-010-tony-tonychopper and OP08-007-tony-tonychopper, you can go for the wide game plan, and with Leader Zoro giving a +1,000 Power boost, you're now adding to that aggression that forces Counter cards from the opponent.

The list also has rush attackers OP01-025-roronoa-zoro, EB01-003-kid-killer, and OP07-015-monkeyddragon to keep the aggression going.

Although Red Zoro is losing to the two most-played decks (Black Rob Lucci and Black Luffy), it's crushing every other matchup, raising its overall win rate. Unlike a week ago, The Black Yellow Luffy players have adapted to Red Zoro players and the matchup seems to be more favored for them now.

Good Against: Yellow Katakuri, Green Bonney, Blue Nami, Reiju, Blue Doffy, Purple Yellow Pudding, Purple Luffy.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Luffy, Black Yellow Luffy.

Tech Cards

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  • OP05-010-nico-robin is a tech card against low-power blockers like Rebecca or Ramp card Bon Clay.
  • ST01-012-monkeydluffy-938 a Rush attacker who can ignore blockers and attack the Leader directly. Best played as a finisher attacker to win the game.
  • One list is adding two copies of the {Animal} type character OP01-010-komachiyo for added early aggression.

Green Bonney

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Green Bonney is the 4th most-played deck with a solid win rate despite its struggle to beat the two most-played decks on the ranked ladder. However, when we look at the high-rank players, Green Bonney's win rate drops.

Overall Stats: Games: 6282 Win rate: 52.7%

High Rank Stats: Games: 1410 Win rate: 49.6%

The Green Bonney deck excels at stalling the game using the Leader's rest effect, slowing down opponent aggression, and buying time to set up your late game. Players have moved away from the fortress game plan that involves OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 with blockers protecting him and are now relying on the new OP08-023-carrot for a stronger mid-game and OP08-036-electrical-luna to shut down opponents' aggression.

OP06-035-hody-jones is the main aggressor, joining the field, resting two of the opponent's Characters, and creating an aggressive 8,000-power attack. OP06-118-roronoa-zoro is another win condition, where the triple attack can destroy the opponent in one turn. Some decks don't have reliable tools to deal with him on the spot, so he shines in those matchups.

Green Bonney struggles against the two most-played decks (Black Rob Lucci and Black Luffy) holding it back from performing in the meta. It has a great matchup table against the rest of the meta field, but unfortunately, those two decks alone have kept the archetype from truly shining.

Good Against: Black Yellow Luffy, Yellow Kalgara, Blue Purple Pudding, Blue Purple Reiju.

Bad Against: Red Zoro, Black Rob Lucci, Black Luffy, Blue Doffy.

Tech Cards

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  • More players have been bringing back the Fortress game plan to Green Bonney, creating that defensive wall to shut down opponents from reaching your Leader or other rested Characters through OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701's effect.
  • OP05-030-donquixote-rosinante becomes an auto inclusion to protect OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 along with searcher cards OP05-034-baby-5 to find the right pieces.

Fortress List:

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Yellow Katakuri

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OP03-099-charlotte-katakuri was barely holding its 10th place in play rate last week, however, this week it gained more gameplay, becoming the 6th most-played deck. Katakuri has a high overall win rate, but that win rate plummets among high-ranked players. Although the overall stats suggest that Katakuri is performing well, when examining the top-rank meta field, Katakuri is struggling to perform against the meta decks, especially with the popularity of Black Rob Lucci and Black Luffy.

Overall Stats: Games: 4897 Win rate: 53.1%

High Rank Stats: Games: 1086 Win rate: 47.6%

The Yellow Leader, OP03-099-charlotte-katakuri, pushes heavy attacks with his +1,000 effect and manipulates the Life area, increasing the odds of finding your Trigger cards on the right turns. The heavy attacks can be difficult for opponents to counter and will force more resources from them.

7-cost ST07-010-charlotte-linlin and 10-cost OP03-114-charlotte-linlin are the main win conditions for this deck, creating high power threats on the field and offering value through their Life card effects.

OP08-106-nami is the newest addition to the list, offering a control tool to KO a 5-cost or less Character and she remains on the field as a 5,000 Power attacker.

Good Against: Green Bonney, Blue Doffy, Blue Purple Reiju, Purple Yellow Pudding, Purple Luffy.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, BY Luffy, Red Roronoa Zoro, Blue Nami.

Tech Cards

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  • A low-cost blocker to protect your Leader or key Characters. If KO'd through an effect, you'll gain a Life card, so opponents will usually ignore it until you decide when to block with her.
  • OP03-108-charlotte-cracker is a Double Attack Character, threatening to take two Life cards from the opponent. Its trigger effect lets you cheat it on the field without using any of your Don.

Yellow Purple Pudding

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Charlotte Pudding is one of the new Leaders in OP08 meta and seems to be the community's favorite on the ranked ladder, even though she's struggling to hold a positive win rate. The Leader having two colors gives players room for more innovation and the lists I'm seeing have different tech cards, players are experimenting with.

Overall Stats: Games: 4764 Win rate: 47%

High Rank Stats: Games: 635 Win rate: 46.1%

Yellow Purple Pudding is a Ramp Leader, capable of accelerating your game plan to drop high-cost Characters as early as possible. Since your Leader effect is tied to the two top Life cards being face-down, cards like OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri can turn your Life cards face-down, allowing you to reactivate Pudding's Ramp effect on turn 3. The is packed with late-game Characters, which you'll play on earlier turns and start dominating the field through the help of their effects and high power.

The list I shared has a high win rate among the high-rank stats, which, unlike the other lists, includes cards like OP03-116-shirahoshi, ST07-014-pekoms, and ST04-003-kaido-400.

Purple Yellow Pudding isn't looking too good on the matchup stats, losing to most of the meta decks and only consistently beating Black Yellow Luffy.

Good Against: Black Yellow Luffy, Yellow Enel.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Luffy, Red Zoro, Yellow Kalgara, Blue Purple Reiju, Green Bonney.

Tech Cards

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  • OP08-077-conquest-of-the-sea is a control event, KOing two 6-cost or less Characters. It's a great inclusion against decks capable of presenting multiple threats on the field like Vinsmoke Reiju and Blue Doffy.
  • OP08-069-charlotte-linlin is a popular inclusion in Pudding decks, giving you a Life card and removing the opponent's 6-cost Character or less from play.
  • ST07-010-charlotte-linlin is a big body that forces opponents to make a tough decision on whether to trash one of their Life cards or give the opponent a Life card.
  • ST13-004-edwardnewgate synergizes with your game plan, letting you set up the two face-down cards at the top of your Life area on turn 3 for Leader Pudding to ramp a second time. Many lists are including 2 to 4 copies of ST13-004-edwardnewgate.
  • EB01-061-mr2bonkurei-bentham is a ramp card to speed up your game plan, but its attack is tied to what the opponent has in play. It's also vulnerable when rested, and you'll have to sacrifice it.

Blue Nami

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Blue Nami has a negative overall win rate, mostly due to the popularity of Red Roronoa Zoro. However, since Roronoa Zoro is struggling in the top tier, Blue Nami's win rate goes up, beating the popular Black Rob Lucci and Black Luffy.

Overall Stats: Games: 4481 Win rate: 48.2%

High Rank Stats: Games: 1855 Win rate: 51.4%

If you like playing One Piece with different rules, Blue Nami is the deck for you. You're not looking to control the field or attack the opponent's Leader, instead, the main goal is to survive and mill yourself. Nami changes the game's rules, turning the mill game plan into a win condition. You automatically win the game if you fall to 0 cards in your deck. This forces the opponent to approach the matchup aggressively, trying to close out the game before you drop to 0 cards in the deck.

The thing with Blue Nami is that it's capable of crushing certain matchups, but has an awful experience against some decks. Who you go up against extremely matters for the Blue Nami players and will dictate your tournament experience.

Performing with Nami will heavily depend on which decks you go up against. The Blue deck can crush certain matchups, with almost nothing opponents can do to shut down your plan. However, decks that can play multiple Characters in one turn create an aggressive game plan that puts Nami in an awkward spot.

Nami is beating the top 3 most-played decks (Rob Lucci, Black Luffy, and Black Yellow Luffy), so it can be a great tournament performer if it matches against those decks and avoids its counter decks. Red Zoro and Purple Luffy gaining popularity isn't great for Nami players, since those two decks are literally crushing the matchup.

Good Against: Yellow Enel, BY Luffy, Black Luffy, Black Rob Lucci, Yellow Katakuri.

Bad Against: Blue Doflamingo, Blue Purple Reiju, Purple Luffy, Red Zoro, Yellow Kalgara.

Blue Purple Vinsmoke Reiju

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Reiju remains a competitive deck in the current meta and the fact that it puts up a good fight against Rob Lucci and Black Luffy makes it a consideration among players to bring a safe choice to the tournament.

Overall Stats: Games: 3950 Win rate: 49.8%

High Rank Stats: Games: 920 Win rate: 50%

This deck relies on low-cost Vinsmoke Characters to cheat out their higher-cost versions. This enables a powerful field development but you'll have to return Don, slowing down your upcoming turns. Returning Don activates your Leader effect to draw a card, basically having a draw engine to keep the pressure going.

OP07-072-porche has given the archetype the ability to adopt a more aggressive game plan, especially if you're able to cheat out OP06-061-vinsmoke-ichiji early into the game. Returning 2 Don can keep you equal or below the R/P Law's total Don, giving you a fighting chance against the difficult matchup.

OP06-062-vinsmoke-judge is the strongest play in this deck, developing multiple Characters on the field, and setting the stage for one powerful turn to close out the game.

Reiju's isn't looking too bad this past week, beating Black Luffy and having an almost even matchup against Black Rob Lucci.

Good Against: Black Luffy, Blue Nami, Blue Doffy, Purple Yellow Pudding.

Bad Against: Green Bonney, Black Yellow Luffy, Red Zoro.

Purple Luffy

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Purple Luffy pushes its way again to the top 10 most-played decks, just barely kicking out Yellow Kalgara. The deck is performing decently, hovering around a 50% win rate.

Overall Stats: Games: 3297 Win rate: 49.9%

High Rank Stats: Games: 1084 Win rate: 51.1%

This is a ramp deck where Leader OP05-060-monkeydluffy damages himself to gain an Active Don. This accelerates the deck's game plan, letting you play higher-cost Characters a turn earlier than other decks. This list can be aggressive with ST04-012-page-one and ST04-002-ulti going wide on the field. ST10-013-eustasscaptainkid gives your Leader a Power boost, empowering your attacks, and the Power increase sticks on your defensive turn, forcing opponents to attach more Don to threaten an attack.

ST04-003-kaido-400 is this deck's strongest play, KOing one of the opponent's 6-cost or less Characters and going for an immediate attack thanks to the Rush keyword he gains.

Purple Luffy is beating the popular Black Rob Lucci and Black Luffy decks and is slightly unfavored against Black Yellow Luffy, making it a good consideration to play. It does though struggle against Green Bonney and Red Zoro.

Good Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Luffy, Yellow Kalgara, Blue Nami.

Bad Against: Green Bonney, Red Zoro, Yellow Katakuri.

Other Decks

Yellow Kalgara

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Yellow Kalgara drops out of the top 10 after struggling to keep up with the top meta decks. However, it's still fighting to push its way back, currently holding a Positive win rate among both meta fields.

Overall Stats: Games: 3212 Win rate: 51.2%

High Rank Stats: Games: 658 Win rate: 50.9%

Kalgara's effect along with OP05-101-ohm allows you to develop multiple Characters a turn, enabling that aggressive strategy. Kalgara self-damages himself every time his effect is activated, so it's important not to fall too low and risk losing the game to an all-out attack by the opponent. Cheating out a {Shandian Warrior} type Character like OP06-114-wyper or OP08-099-kalgara will force players to take a defensive approach, putting their resources into controlling your side of the field.

Good Against: Blue Nami, Blue Purple Reiju, Purple Yellow Pudding.

Bad Against: Black Yellow Luffy, Red Zoro, Black Rob Lucci, Green Bonney.

Tech Cards

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  • OP05-102-gedatsu can potentially KO one of the opponent's Characters, weakening the opponent's presence on the field.
  • EB01-059-kingdom-come to KO high-cost threats but you'll be forced to play it when you're low on Life cards.
  • Since you're self-damaging with Leader effect, you'll likely have less Life cards than your opponent, so ST07-003-charlotte-katakuri works in this list, gaining Rush and becoming an immediate threat.

Blue Doflamingo

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Overall Stats: Games: 2493 Win rate: 46.8%

High Rank Stats: Games: 293 Win rate: 48.1%

Blue Doffy is struggling against Black Rob Lucci and Black Luffy but beats Green Bonney and Black Yellow Luffy.

Good Against: Green Bonney, Black Yellow Luffy, Blue Nami, Purple Luffy.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Luffy, Blue Purple Reiju, Red Zoro.

Black Gecko Moria

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Overall Stats: Games: 845 Win rate: 53.1

High Rank Stats: Games: 314 Win rate: 55.4%

This deck highly relies on Leader Gecko Moria's ability to cheat out {Thriller Bark Pirates} characters, each with unique effects contributing to the game plan. OP06-086-gecko-moria is a central part of this deck's game plan, offering value from the Trash and creating opportunities to KO threats.

Green Carrot

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Overall Stats: Games: 557 Win rate: 43.6

High Rank Stats: Games: 127 Win rate: 53.5%

Closing Word

The ranked stats aren't always definitive metrics to use for the tournament competitive scene, but they give you a general idea of which decks are most popular and the cards people are experimenting with. It's an extra method to help you prepare for regional tournaments.

To start your ladder climb, join TCG Match Making's Discord server.


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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