Red Yellow Belo Betty OP07 Deck Guide

Learn how to play Red Yellow Belo Betty in One Piece Card Game with our in-depth guide.

Heya everyone! Belo Betty is an aggressive Leader who utilizes {Revolutionary Army} Characters to create powerful attacks. The strategy of this deck is to launch multiple attacks on the opponent's Leader, force Counter plays, and create early opportunities to close out the game.

The primary game plan is to attack the opponent's Leader while ignoring the opponent's field, racing them to win the game.

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OP05-002-belo-betty combines the aggressive nature of Red and Yellow cards. Red is known for Rush attackers that pose immediate threats, while Yellow has Trigger cards that catch opponents off guard when your Leader is damaged.

OP05-002-belo-betty's effect requires you to Trash one {Revolutionary Army} card from hand to give a +3,000 Power boost on three of your characters. The insane Power boost turns your low-power Characters into threats that force Counter cards from the opponent. So having multiple Characters on the field is crucial to get the most out of OP05-002-belo-betty's effect.

The deck aims to develop multiple Characters on the field so when OP05-002-belo-betty activates her effect, you can have at least two attackers ready to strike the opponent's Leader. OP05-004-emporioivankov and OP06-003-emporioivankov are vital for this strategy, allowing you to develop a {Revolutionary Army} Character through their effects.

Once we have multiple attacks ready, we want to boost their Power with OP05-002-belo-betty. Even low-power Characters like OP05-015-belo-betty can become attacking threats, forcing opponents to focus on clearing out your fiend and weakening your upcoming attacks.

Early Turns

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OP05-015-belo-betty is a great play early into the game, offering a {Revolutionary Army} draw to shape up your upcoming turn. She can also turn into an attacker when activating Leader's Power boost effect, becoming a 5,000 Power attacker.

Ivankov Win Con

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The Ivankovs are key to developing a wide field, allowing you to play a 5,000 Power or less {Revolutionary Army} Character through their effects.

OP05-004-emporioivankov can cheat out a 5,000 Power or less {Revolutionary Army} Character from your hand. To activate OP05-004-emporioivankov's effect, you need to boost their Power to 7,000, which can be done by attaching Don or using Leader Belo Betty's +3,000 effect. Your opponent has to remove OP05-004-emporioivankov off the field to prevent you from reactivating the effect.

OP06-003-emporioivankov is the go-to play if we're at Don 5 or more. This feels way better than OP05-004-emporioivankov since you're playing a card from the deck, basically additional value and you don't have to stress about boosting their Power to 7,000.

OP06-003-emporioivankov can play OP05-004-emporioivankov, which plays a {Revolutionary Army} Character. So for 5 Don, you could potentially play three Characters on the field.

When cheating out a Character, we usually want to go for OP05-005-karasu, he's an insanely good threat with his effect to give -1,000 Power on one target. Ideally, we want to use it on the opponent's Leader, which forces more Counter cards. If we have multiple attacks, the -1,000 Power bleeds the opponent from resources, adding to your aggression and setting you up to win the game.

The opponent can't afford to leave OP05-005-karasu unanswered, since buffing his Power to 7,000 and attacking, reactivates his -1,000 Power effect.

We have other options to cheat out that can pose a threat on the field like OP05-017-lindbergh, OP05-016-morley, and /OP05-003-inazuma.

KO Cards

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This deck isn't focused on controlling the field but has KO cards to remove specific threats or blockers. Blockers like OP05-091-rebecca and OP05-030-donquixote-rosinante can shut down your attacks, so KOing them is essential.

OP06-101-o-nami is one of the strongest Trigger effects in the game, letting you KO a 5-cost or less Character. This could shut down the opponent's aggression, removing one of their attackers from play. It also removes one threat you won't have to worry about anymore, especially if it's a blocker, allowing you to continue focusing on your aggression game plan.

OP05-011-bartholomew-kuma's play effect lets you KO a 2,000 Power or less Character, so OP05-091-rebecca and OP05-030-donquixote-rosinante are in range for OP05-011-bartholomew-kuma to KO.

As for OP05-017-lindbergh, he needs to attack to activate his KO effect, but unlike OP05-011-bartholomew-kuma, he can KO a 3,000 Power or less Character.

Using OP05-006-koala's -3,000 Power effect, OP05-011-bartholomew-kuma and OP05-017-lindbergh can KO higher Power Characters.


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The Belo Betty deck has Characters that can pose aggression through their unique effects.

OP05-003-inazuma doesn't pose much of a threat with his 4,000 Power, but the Rush keyword can be used to our advantage. If OP05-003-inazuma sees a 7,000 Power Character on your side of the field, he automatically activates Rush. So with OP05-015-belo-betty's Power boost effect, we can boost one of the Characters to 7,000+ Power to activate Rush, and turn OP05-003-inazuma into a 7,000 Power attacker.

As for OP05-016-morley, he's a low-cost 5,000 Power attacker, that can be used at any point of the game to push damage. However, OP05-016-morley's effect to ignore blockers can be the winning line if the opponent is down to 0 Life cards with blockers on the field. You can put all your resources on boosting OP05-016-morley's Power, ensuring your opponent won't have the Counter power for your final attack.

Finally, OP03-108-charlotte-cracker isn't a {Revolutionay Army} character, but he's an aggressor that gains a +1,000 Power boost and activates Double Attack. OP03-108-charlotte-cracker is important against 5 health Leaders to either drop them low on health or force tons of Counter cards.

Combined with OP06-101-o-nami, OP03-108-charlotte-cracker is a major win condition, threatening to deal two damage to the opponent's Leader and trash two of their Life cards.

Both OP05-016-morley and OP03-108-charlotte-cracker's trigger effects let you play them on the field by trashing one card from hand. So we usually want to take advantage of that to build up the field and threaten more attackers.

Late Game

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OP07-015-monkeyddragon is a late-game win condition, joining the field and immediately threatening a 9,000 Power attack with his Rush keyword. He can also attach 2 rested Don to one of your attackers, for more added pressure.


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ST13-017-flame-dragon-king is best played early in the game, so if you're going second, Don 2 is the perfect time to play it. It shuts down the opponent's attack and lets you rearrange the cards in your Life area, placing Trigger cards at the top for early use.

ST13-017-flame-dragon-king's trigger effect lets you take the top or bottom Life card and add another card from hand in the Life area. We want to place a Trigger card in there, letting us play that Character on the field without spending any Don. This cuts on our resources but allows more aggression.

Since ST13-017-flame-dragon-king is a {Revolutionary Army} card, it can never be a dead card in our hand. If we don't find a use for it, we can trash it to activate Leader Belo Betty's effect.

Techs and Options

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OP07-116-blaze-slice can be used offensively or defensively. You can rest one of the opponent's 4-cost Characters, which often will be a blocker to pave the way for your attackers to strike the opponent's Leader. OP07-116-blaze-slice also gives a +1,000 Power boost, so you're not losing on aggression by spending 1 Don to activate it.

Its trigger effect lets you rest one of the opponent's 4-cost Characters, potentially shutting down their aggressive turn.

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OP04-104-sanji is a 4-cost blocker that can be used offensively or defensively. The reason he's a consideration to include in the list is his trigger effect, allowing you to play him by trashing 1 card from hand.

General Tips

  • We need to build a field of multiple attackers to get the most out of Leader OP05-015-belo-betty's effect. This means we can play OP05-006-koala or OP05-011-bartholomew-kuma early in the game even if we're not benefiting from the effects.
  • We might find ourselves in situations where OP05-015-belo-betty's Power boost only finds use on two attackers. This can be worth it if we're forcing Counter cards and especially if we're activating OP05-004-emporioivankov's effect.
  • We're an aggressive deck, so focusing on attacking their Leader is a must. There are situations where we'll shift our focus on certain Characters, either to ensure the opponent can't set up the winning turn, KO a rested blocker that might find use on the upcoming turn, or remove an attacker that poses a threat on one of our attackers.
  • Taking hits on our Leader early into the game is fine. We have a couple of Trigger effects in the list, so if we activate one of them, it gives a boost in aggression, especially with the Leader effect.

Mulligan Tips

  • OP05-002-belo-betty is the best play for the early game, especially on Don 1, setting you up for the wide game plan.
  • You want OP05-004-emporioivankov or OP06-003-emporioivankov to start putting pressure in the mid-game.

Important Matchups

Black Yellow Luffy

  • Black Yellow Luffy wants to fall to 0 Life cards to activate their Leader effect. Most decks will avoid attacking ST13-003-monkeydluffy, but we can drop them low with our aggressive deck and start playing smart.
  • We can drop them to 1 or 2 Life cards and leave them there, set up a turn where we can attack multiple times, putting the opponent in the threat of losing the game if they don't use their Counter resources. We can put them in the danger zone a turn or two before the OP06-086-gecko-moria play.
  • Since we bled them out of Counter resources, the +4,000 Power boost and OP04-083-sabo might not be enough to keep them alive.

Black Rob Lucci

  • We're against a 5 health leader with the tools to KO our Characters with their removal cards.
  • OP03-108-charlotte-cracker can be a carry in this matchup. Managing to get your Double Attack through puts their Leader low enough to feel the threat of your aggressors.
  • They have OP05-091-rebecca and OP04-083-sabo blockers to slow down your aggression. We want to KO OP05-091-rebecca with OP05-011-bartholomew-kuma or OP05-017-lindbergh.
  • We want to try and keep the focus on their Leader unless we feel threatened by their field. If they have the attackers to close out the game, then we're forced to attack their rested Characters to shut down their upcoming lethal turn. OP07-015-monkeyddragon is a high-power aggressive attacker that becomes a nightmare with Belo Betty's Power boost. Karasu can drop their Leader to 8,000 Power, making it easier for us to get two or three attacks through.
  • OP05-016-morley is an alternative win condition. He can ignore the OP04-083-sabo blockers and directly strike the opponent's Leader.

Yellow Enel

  • The plan is to drop them to 1 or 2 Life cards and create a wide field for a barrage of attacks.
  • OP05-102-gedatsu can slow down our aggression. A 5-cost OP06-003-emporioivankov is great for going wide on the field. Attack and KO OP05-102-gedatsuto stop it from attacking your Leader or rested Characters.
  • OP05-005-karasu is insanely great when setting up the barrage of attacks, forcing more Counter cards from the opponent to survive the turn. Even if we don't win on that specific turn, bleeding them from resources can be a great plus for the aggro plan. They still need to try and clear your field to weaken your upcoming attack turn.

Closing Words

Belo Betty is an off-meta deck with a unique game plan. If you're the aggressive type of player, then Belo Betty is a great deck to pick up! The Power boost she provides turns weak Characters into a threat, enabling that early to mid-game aggression until you can set up the finishing play.


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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