Table of Contents
Heya everyone, Sorry here! Today we're diving into the One Piece Card Game Regionals tournament scene for OP07. This past week saw a lot of action, with a variety of decks making it into the top cut. The OP07 meta is healthy, with different archetypes and playstyles performing well in tournaments.
This article covers four Regional tournaments held between July 16th and 21st (Organized Play Event, LATAM TCG, Atomic Empire, and Collector’s Legion Store). We only have full data representation for the OPE Milan event, so I'll focus my analysis there. For the other two tournaments, we'll look at their top-cut data to highlight the top performers. OPE had 964 players, LATAM TCG had 446 players, and Atomic Empire had 64 players.
The Data
Deck Representation:
OPE | No. decks | % Decks |
Rob Lucci | 250 | 25.93% |
Enel | 161 | 16.70% |
R/P Law | 158 | 16.39% |
Jewelry Bonney | 116 | 12.03% |
B/Y Luffy | 90 | 9.34% |
Doflamingo | 43 | 4.46% |
Nami | 36 | 3.73% |
Gecko Moria | 25 | 2.59% |
Perona | 22 | 2.28% |
Yamato | 12 | 1.24% |
Other | 51 | 5.29% |
964 |
OP07-079-rob-lucci dominates the OPE scene in terms of popularity, holding around 26% of the meta share. The control deck is one of the best choices in the OP07 meta, but be ready to play the mirror matchup plenty of times if you bring the Black deck.
OP05-098-enel, the Yellow deck, is gaining popularity and has claimed the second spot, overtaking R/P Law and Green OP07-019-jewelry-bonney. Enel's ability to stretch out games and rely on heavy hitters can be troublesome for some decks, especially the popular B/Y Luffy.
R/P ST10-001-trafalgar-law follows closely in third place. This deck's ability to drop multiple characters per turn makes it ideal for an aggressive playstyle. However, Rob Lucci's dominance in the OP07 meta keeps R/P ST10-001-trafalgar-law in check., making sure it doesn't run freely in tournaments.
B/Y ST13-003-monkeydluffy is a popular choice for its ability to crush Black decks. So Rob Lucci and Gecko Moria will have a rough time going up against a B/Y Luffy player. However, the deck has its weaknesses against the likes of Yellow Enel and Green Bonney.
Top 16 OPE & Latam:
Since OPE and LATAM had larger player representation, our main focus will be on those two top cuts, while using the other regionals to gain insights into the smaller scene.
OPE Top 16 | No. decks |
Rob Lucci | 4 |
B/Y Luffy | 3 |
Jewelry Bonney | 3 |
Nami | 2 |
Doflamingo | 2 |
Gecko Moria | 1 |
R/P Law | 1 |
LATAM Top 16 | No. decks |
R/P Law | 4 |
Jewelry Bonney | 4 |
Enel | 4 |
Rob Lucci | 2 |
B/Y Luffy | 1 |
Nami | 1 |
Top 8 Atomic Empire & Collector’s Legion Store:
Atomic Empire Top 8 | No. decks |
Rob Lucci | 2 |
B/Y Luffy | 2 |
Jewelry Bonney | 2 |
R/P Law | 1 |
Enel | 1 |
CLS Top 8 | No. decks |
Enel | 3 |
Rob Lucci | 1 |
Gecko Moria | 1 |
Jewelry Bonney | 1 |
R/P Law | 1 |
Nami | 1 |
- With the high deck representation of OP07-079-rob-lucci, it's no surprise to see multiple players making it into the top cut with the deck.
- LATAM has a strong preference for R/P ST10-001-trafalgar-law, with 4 decks making it into the top 16, while only 2 Rob Lucci decks managed to sneak in.
- OP07-019-jewelry-bonney has a healthy representation in the top cut, with multiple players performing well with the deck.
- OP05-098-enel did not meet expectations in the OPE regionals. Despite being the second most popular deck, none of the 161 players made it into the top 16. Four Enel players reached the top 32, but they were eliminated immediately.
- Blue OP01-060-donquixote-doflamingo continues to perform well in regionals, and we can expect more players to pick up the deck as it consistently performs.
- OP06-080-gecko-moria has struggled since the ST06-015-great-eruption ban, but players are still committed to the archetype and it paid off for two of the Moria players.
All Top 16 Decks

I will only be presenting OPE and Latam TCG tournaments in this chart, as they are the only ones with enough players for a top 16 cut.
Unfortunarely, we don't have the deck representation for the LATAM TCG regionals, so I can't dunk on some of the decks that didn't perform. But we can safely assume that Rob Lucci was likely that most popular deck, making it even more remarkable that Green Bonney had the highest representation in the top 16. In the OPE regionals, Green Bonney was the 4th most popular deck.
Rob Lucci, R/P Law, Enel, and B/Y Luffy all had solid representation with very close numbers. This indicates a diverse meta, where the top 5 decks have similar representation and the remaining spots in the top 16 are filled by off-meta decks.
Top 4 Decks
Tournament | First Place | Second Place | Third Place | Fourth Place |
OPE | Gecko Moria | Rob Lucci | Blue Doflamingo | Nami |
Latam TCG | R/P Law | R/P Law | Jewelry Bonney | Enel |
Atomic Empire | Rob Lucci | B/Y Luffy | Jewelry Bonney | B/Y Luffy |
Collector’s Legion | Nami | Enel | Gecko Moria | Jewelry Bonney |
Gecko Moria won first place in the OPE tournament with 964 players! Although the deck has been struggling in OP07 meta, it seems it's not out of the race just yet, and it's capable of holding its own against the top performers. We had a Black vs Black OPE finals, and Gecko Moria took out the Rob Lucci player, cementing its place as one of the best Black Leaders in the game.
Blue Doflamingo and Blue Nami made it to the top 4 of OPE.
LATAM had a completely different meta experience, with R/P Law claiming first and second places, followed by Jewelry Bonney and Enel in the top 4.
As for Atomic Empire regionals, Rob Lucci took first place. The Rob Lucci player had to beat a BY Luffy matchup in round 5 to guarantee their first place.
OP03-040-nami won first place in the Collector’s Legion Store regional.
OPE First Place
The Black Moria list that won OPE regionals. It has three copies of OP03-078-issho's to trash resourcers from the opponent's hand and that cost reduction makes life easier when KOing Characters with EB01-046-brook or OP06-081-absalom.
Black Moria is about board control with EB01-046-brook or OP06-081-absalom, but can still out value opponents using cards like OP06-093-perona, OP06-090-dr-hogback, and OP03-078-issho. Additionally, using Trash to our advantage, this deck can bring back Characters in play from the Trash using OP06-080-gecko-moria, OP05-091-rebecca, and OP06-086-gecko-moria.
Latam TCG First Place
The standard R/P Law list with two copies of OP01-013-sanji for the Yellow Enel matchup.
The Red Purple Law deck revolves around Leader effect, controlling the field and developing an additional Character. Combined with the Power reduction cards, Leader Law can remove higher Power targets, weakening opponent's side of the field. This does come with the draw back of returning Don, but with the inclusion of Ramp Characters, this deck can keep up with the opponent's Don without falling behind too much.
Atomic Empire First Place
This list of Rob Lucci is running two copies of OP06-092-brook, which comes in handy against matchups like B/Y Luffy and Rob Lucci when they play OP04-083-sabo.
The Black Rob Lucci deck wants to control the field, making sure opponents don't get to attack with the Characters they develop. OP05-093-rob-lucci is a key part in this deck's game plan, capable of KOing two targets when combined with cost-reduction cards. This deck can continuously use OP05-093-rob-lucci from the Trash using EB01-043-spandine and OP06-086-gecko-moria.
Collector’s Legion First Place
The Nami deck always shows up in tournaments and sometimes we get to see them go far in tournaments. The Blue Nami operates on a different win condition, trying to stretch out games for as long as possible until you drop to 0 cards in your deck, winning you the game on the spot.
This deck has a rough matchup against R/P Law and Blue Doffy, but crushes decks like Yellow Enel and B/Y Luffy.
Underdog Inclusions
Blue Doffy Top 4
The Blue Doflamingo deck has been performing in these regionals, with players going further everytime! Last week we saw a Doffy playing making it into the top 8 and now the archetype is in the top 4 of the OPE regionals.
Blue Doffy beating the likes of R/P Law, Green Bonney, and B/Y Luffy puts it in a good spot in the meta, capable of taking advantage of the popularity of those decks.
This deck has a value engine with Leader effect cheating out a 4-cost Character on the field. This also empowers your field, creating a threat of attacking that forces most decks to take a defensive approach to clear out your attackers. The list has control tools like OP06-058-gravity-blade-raging-tiger and OP04-056-gum-gum-red-roc to remove opponents threats and slow down their game plan.
OP05-118-kaido draws more resources and creates a heavy hitter threat that is difficult to counter their attacks.
Closing Words
Although Rob Lucci is the most played deck in the format, OP07 meta has its fair share of diversity, with multiple decks performing well in the tournament scene. This is one of the healthiest OPTCG metas we've had, and players aren't bound to play one or two decks to find success in regionals.
This is it from me, if you want to keep up with my content, consider following me on Twitter.