Ranked OPTCG Meta Report OP07 Week 2 – Best Ladder Decks

Learn how One Piece Card Game OP07 meta is developing in the online scene.

Heya everyone, welcome to the OPTCG Ranked Meta Report! In this article, we'll review the top-performing decks on OPBounty's ranked ladder over the past week. We'll analyze the top-performing decks, their effectiveness against various matchups, and the key cards players are utilizing.

The decklists I’ll share have high play and win rates, but they aren't necessarily the ones you should play. Your choice should depend on your preference and the shifting meta. I’ll highlight the different cards that players on the ladder are using. I'll also share matchup data, but please keep in mind that I can't filter through 'rank,' so these data might not be accurate. Take it with a pinch of salt.

With OPBounty now offering rewards for climbing their ranked ladder and qualifying for their tournament, it's useful to learn what other players are using to make their climb! We’ll use OPBounty’s OP07 stats to showcase how the One Piece online meta is evolving! I'm ordering the decks in terms of play rate.

Top-Played Decks

Black Rob Lucci

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Black Rob Lucci remains the most-played deck on the OP07 ranked ladder, with 17,000 games and a win rate of 52.6%. This deck is an excellent choice for players seeking to control the field by removing threats before they attack. The deck uses OP05-093-rob-lucci to KO two targets and replays Rob Lucci from the trash with cards like EB01-043-spandine and OP06-086-gecko-moria. It has the cost-reduction Power to put targets in range for your removal cards to deal with.

Good Against: RP Law, Blue Dofflamingo, Green Bonney.

Bad Against: BY Luffy and Yellow Enel.

Tech Cards

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  • OP02-114-borsalino is a defensive character that can't be KO'd through effects, making it a nuisance in mirror matchups.
  • OP07-091-monkeydluffy can Trash one of the opponent's Characters with a cost of 2 or less. Since it reads Trash instead of KO, it's a tech for OP04-083-sabo to still remove a threat against matchups like Black Rob Lucci and Black Yellow Luffy.
  • EB01-051-finger-pistol is a 4-cost event that KOs a 5-cost or less character, with a powerful trigger effect to KO without spending Don. Trashing the top two cards of your deck helps activate OP07-096-tempest-kick or find combo pieces like OP05-093-rob-lucci, OP05-091-rebecca, or EB01-043-spandine from the trash.
  • OP06-092-brook reads "Trash" a 4-cost Character instead of "KO", which operates similarly to OP07-091-monkeydluffy for matchups that run OP04-083-sabo.
  • OP03-097-six-king-pistol is a defensive Event to protect your Leader or a key Character.
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These two cards recently showed up on the stats, it looks like players are testing them out. There are two copies of each in one of the popular lists.

  • OP07-093-rob-lucci forces opponents to trash a card, putting you ahead in resource value.
  • OP03-090-blueno is more of a nuisance on the field that threatens 6,000 Power attacks and can be a blocker. If KO'd, he brings back a {CP} 4-cost or less Character from the trash into play.

Red Purple Law

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Red Purple Law holds one of the best win rates on the ranked ladder, boasting a 54.6% win rate, the highest among top-played decks. It comes in second in terms of play rate, with 12461 games played at the time of writing this article.

Law’s effect in this deck returns an opponent’s character to their deck while deploying one of your own, creating a field advantage and enabling aggressive plays. The downside is falling behind on Don, but cards like ST10-008-shachi-penguin, OP05-067-zoro-juurou, and OP05-074-eustasscaptainkid help mitigate this, ensuring you don’t fall behind. The list runs Power reduction cards like OP06-016-raise-max and OP01-006-otama to put the target in range for Leader Law to remove.

With rush attacker EB01-003-kid-killer, you can create decisive turns where it's difficult for the opponent to defend from if they're low on Life cards.

Good Against: Green Bonney, Blue Doflamingo, Black Perona.

Bad Against: Black Gecko Moria.

Tech Cards

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  • ST10-010-trafalgar-law is useful against opponents with 7 or more cards in hand, allowing you to trash two of their resources while still acting as a blocker if needed.
  • OP02-013-portgasdace doesn’t gain Rush in this deck but reduces the power of two opponent characters by 3,000, making them easier to remove with Leader Law and vulnerable to your attackers.
  • EB01-006-tony-tonychopper reduces a character’s power by 3,000 and can serve as a blocker to protect your leader.
  • OP01-013-sanji is a +2,000 Counter card but he's on the list for the Yellow Enel matchup. They typically avoid attacking your Leader, keeping you at 4 Life cards, which allows Gedatsu to KO your 4-cost characters. OP01-013-sanji shuts down their plans with his self-damage, forcing them to change tactics.

Yellow Enel

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Yellow Enel saw a rise in play this past week, overtaking Green Bonney and Black Yellow Luffy to claim the third spot in most-played decks. With a 53.5% win rate and 10300 games played on the ranked ladder, Yellow Enel is a great choice to pick up. This deck can adopt a slow game plan, keeping the field in check until its high-cost Characters join the battlefield. With its ability to gain Life cards through OP05-098-enel, OP04-112-yamato, and OP07-119-portgasdace, it can be tough for opponents to set up a winning turn.

Good Against: Blue Doflamingo, BY Luffy, Black Rob Lucci.

Bad Against: Green Bonney, Blue Nami.

Tech Cards

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  • ST13-008-sabo and OP03-121-thunder-bolt are field control cards that KO mid-game threats to slow down the opponent's pace.

Green Bonney

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Green Bonney falls into the 4th spot of most-played decks with 9651 games played and a 52.8% win rate. Green Bonney excels at stalling the game with Bonney’s rest effect, slowing down opponent aggression and buying time to set up your strategy.

There are two main win conditions: the Fortress strategy, where you protect your leader and gradually chip away at the opponent, or a triple attack turn with Roronoa Zoro, which is tough for most decks to survive.

Good Against: Yellow Enel. BY Luffy, Black Perona.

Bad Against: RP Law, Black Moria, Blue Doflamingo.

Tech Cards

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OP07-033-monkeydluffy and OP04-119-donquixote-rosinante are combo plays to counter Black Rob Lucci's KO effect. OP04-119-donquixote-rosinante can cheat out OP07-033-monkeydluffy, which gives immunity to all Characters with a cost of 3 or less from KO effects. This means OP07-033-monkeydluffy protects anything that falls into OP05-093-rob-lucci's range and OP04-119-donquixote-rosinante protects OP07-033-monkeydluffy from KO effects.

Black Yellow Luffy

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Black Yellow Luffy has 7543 games played on ladder and saw a slight increase in win rate compared to the past week, now sitting at 48.4% win rate. The low win rate could be due to the difficulty of piloting the deck, as you'll often be at 0 Life cards, trying to create field pressure while ensuring the opponent doesn't get an opportunity to close out the game. While it performs well against Black Rob Lucci, Black Yellow Luffy struggles against Green Bonney.

Gecko Moria is a crucial part of Black Yellow Luffy's game plan, as you'll often need to cheat out the kid brothers from the Trash and develop multiple Characters per turn to threaten more aggression.

Good Against: Black Rob Lucci and Black Gecko Moria.

Bad Against: Green Bonney, Blue Doflamingo, Yellow Enel.

Tech Cards

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  • OP03-121-thunder-bolt KO's a 5-cost or less character and synergizes with Black Yellow Luffy's strategy by putting it closer to 0 Life cards.
  • Don 4 can be awkward most of the time for the Black Yellow Luffy deck and OP02-096-kuzan is a great play as it offers a card draw and can reduce the cost of a Character by 4 when it goes for the attack. This can synergize with OP07-109-monkeydluffy to KO higher cost targets.
  • OP02-121-kuzan is a potential play if we're not going for the OP06-086-gecko-moria combo. OP02-121-kuzan can KO a 5-cost on play and puts the opponent's high-cost Character in range for OP07-109-monkeydluffy to KO.

Blue Nami

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If you like playing One Piece with different rules, Blue Nami is the deck for you. You're not looking to control the field or attack the opponent's Leader, instead, the main goal is to survive and mill yourself. Nami changes the game's rules, turning the mill game plan into a win condition. If you fall to 0 cards in your deck, you automatically win the game. This forces the opponent to approach the matchup aggressively, trying to close out the game before you drop to 0 cards in the deck.

The Blue Nami deck holds its spot as the 6th most played deck with 4715 games played. However, it saw a drop win rate falling from the 51.7% win rate 48% win rate.

Good Against: Yellow Enel, Green Bonney, BY Luffy.

Bad Against: RP Law, Black Gecko Moria, Blue Doflamingo.

Blue Donquixote Doflamingo

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The recent success of Blue Doffy in the noHEROES Utrecht Regionals brought a rise in play for the archetype on the ranked ladder, with 3849 games played this past week and holding exactly a 50% win rate.

This deck uses {The Seven Warlords of the Sea} type Characters as part of its gameplan, capable of cheating out Characters with Leader OP01-060-donquixote-doflamingo and OP07-045-jinbe.

The list has the control tools to keep opponents' aggression under check, using cards like OP07-051-boa-hancock, OP04-056-gum-gum-red-roc, and OP06-058-gravity-blade-raging-tiger.

Good Against: Green Bonney, BY Luffy, Blue Nami.

Bad Against: Yellow Enel, Black Gecko Moria, Black Rob Lucci.

Tech Cards

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  • An alternative win condition that develops two big bodies on the field. OP06-119-sanji can cheat out OP01-070-dracule-mihawk on the field, which in turn OP01-070-dracule-mihawk removes a 7-cost or less threat off the field. This is the strongest play in the deck that should put you ahead on the field.

Blue Boa Hancock

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One of the new OP07 Leaders, Boa Hancock, generates crazy card resources and can outvalue opponents if the game stretches out. With field control cards like OP07-051-boa-hancock, OP04-056-gum-gum-red-roc, and OP06-058-gravity-blade-raging-tiger this deck is capable of slowing down opponent's aggression until the heavy hitters start presenting a threat and carrying the game.

However, Boa Hancock seems to be overshadowed by Blue Doffy who's capable of creating a more threatening field in the mid-game. The deck has a 47.7% win rate with 3531 games played.

Good Against: Green Bonney, BY Luffy, Blue Nami.

Bad Against: RP Law, Yellow Enel, Black Rob Lucci, Black Moria.

Tech Cards

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  • Replaces removal OP04-044-kaido-326 to offer more card draws.
  • OP03-122-sogeking synergizes with Boa Hancock's strategy, drawing you a card once you're returned a 6-cost or less Character to the opponent's hand.

Black Green Perona

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Black Perona remains in the top 10 most-played decks. This archetype isn't as effective in controlling the field as Black Lucci, but Perona's built-in mechanic to rest a 4-cost proves useful for keeping things in check. Matchup-wise, Perona isn't performing well against the most-played decks and it's currently hovering around a 46% win rate with 3367 games played.

The new OP07-118-sabo gives the list better late-game control and establishes a big body that can't be ignored. OP07-022-otama, OP01-041-kouzuki-momonosuke, and OP01-055-you-can-be-my-samurai offer that draw engine so you don't run out of resources.

Good Against: Blue Doflamingo, BY Luffy.

Bad Against: Black Moria, Black Rob Lucci, RP Law, Yellow Enel.

Tech Cards

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  • Although ST06-010-helmeppo and OP05-081-one-legged-toy-soldier offer similar effects, the On Play effect of ST06-010-helmeppo synergizes with the OP06-086-gecko-moria and OP06-036-ryuma combo play. OP05-081-one-legged-toy-soldier relies on EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori to cheat out OP06-036-ryuma for the -3 cost-reduction to be used in the OP06-086-gecko-moria play.
  • OP07-085-stussy can KO anything on the field regardless of its cost. It's a perfect play if the opponent has 1 big body they're relying on to win the game. This list has a lot of low-cost sacrificable targets that OP07-085-stussy can take advantage of.
  • OP03-078-issho is another card players are testing out, and it seems to be finding success so far, with the list running 2 copies of OP03-078-issho holding a high win rate on ladder.

Hidden Gems

Black Gecko Moria

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Although Gecko Moria has lost a lot of his popularity in OP07, the black control deck still maintains a positive win rate on the ranked ladder. At the time of writing this article, Black Gecko Moria has a 54.7% win rate with 2179 games played.

This deck leverages Leader Gecko Moria's ability to cheat out {Thriller Bark Pirates} characters, each with unique effects that contribute to the deck’s game plan. OP06-086-gecko-moria is a central part of this deck's game plan, offering value from the Trash and creating opportunities to KO threats.

Tech Cards

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EB01-046-brook is a potential inclusion in the list, allowing you to KO a 0-cost Character. He remains a threat on the field, giving you the ability to KO another 0-cost Character if EB01-046-brook goes for the attack.

Yellow Katakuri

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The Yellow Katakuri deck tripled its games on the ladder compared to the past week, going from 400 games to 1326 games. The archetype continues to hold a positive win rate sitting at 52.5%.

This deck can push heavy attacks with Leader Katakuri and relies on Trigger effects to gain an edge over the opponent. ST07-010-charlotte-linlin/ and OP03-114-charlotte-linlin can be bothersome with their Life manipulation effects.

Purple Luffy

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The Purple Luffy deck is holding its own on the ranked ladder, with this list having the highest win rate at the moment. Focuses around 4-costs and 5-costs, this deck can ramp up on turn 2 and start playing those cards immediately to put early pressure.

ST04-002-ulti + ST04-012-page-one enable an aggressive game plan, forcing players to take a defensive approach. ST04-003-kaido-400 is this deck's strongest play, capable of removing a 6-cost or less Character and gaining Rush.


Red Green Law

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Players held hope for the return of the aggro Red Green Law deck after winning a Regional tournament this past week, only to find out that the popularity of Black Rob Lucci on the ranked ladder will crush their dreams. The deck had a 38.4% win rate with 1263 games played.

This deck wants to go wide on the field, developing 5 Characters and using Leader Law's effect to return one of those Characters to hand and play a stronger Character from hand, applying more aggression. With Rush attackers OP01-025-roronoa-zoro and /ST01-012-monkeydluffy-938 and green 5-cost cards EB01-012-cavendish, OP01-047-trafalgar-law-753, and ST02-009-trafalgar-law, this deck can overwhelm opponents, especially if they fail to control the field.

Meme Tier

Yellow Vegapunk

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Yellow Vegapunk is a fun Leader to play, introducing a different playstyle than what we're used to. Although the deck has potential, the inability of the Leader to attack has definitely weakened the deck.

This deck relies on Leader Vegapunk's effect and {Egghead} type Characters. Putting an Egghead at the top of your Life Area and activating their trigger effect, lets you cheat them out on the field without having to spend Don. The list has a lot of resource generation to ensure it doesn't run out of plays as the game stretches out.

Red Black Sabo

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Red Black Sabo showed on this week's stats, with only 331 games played. This list balances aggression and control as part of its game plan. OP06-086-gecko-moria can bring EB01-003-kid-killer and ST01-011-brook on the field from the trash to create a powerful Rush attacker.

Blue Black Rebecca

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Another deck with an extremely low win rate on the ranked ladder is Blue Black Rebecca. Leader Rebecca has a built-in draw engine so you don't run out of resources. The list runs control tools like OP04-082-kyros to remove threats, and can be bothersome to KO thanks to its synergy with Leader Rebecca's inability to attack.

OP04-090-monkeydluffy is a win condition that puts Blue Black Rebecca ahead on the field, capable of attacking Active characters and disrupting opponents' game plans.

Closing Words

The ranked stats aren't always definitive metrics to use for the tournament competitive scene, but they give you a general idea of which decks are most popular and the cards people are experimenting with. It's an extra method to help you prepare for regional tournaments.

To start the ladder climb, join TCG Match Making's Discord server. This is it from me, if you want to keep up with my content, consider following me on Twitter!


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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