Black Gecko Moria Deck Guide

Learn how to play Black Gecko Moria in One Piece Card Game with our in-depth guide.

Black OP06-080-gecko-moria is one of the top performers in OP06 meta due to its capability to develop a threatening board while keeping the opponent's development in check with its removal cards.

This is a difficult deck to pilot and it shares some similarities with the OP05-041-sakazuki deck, so it might suit your playstyle if you're looking for decks with board control tools. In this guide, I'll explain the deck's game plan, share different cards you could include, give general tips, and go through important matchups.

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(Great Eruption will be banned in June 2024, so I didn't include it in the list. You can add 3-4 copies if you're still playing it)


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Moria is a 5-health Leader with the ability to play a "Thriller Bark Pirate" type Character that costs 4 or less from your Trash. This does require you to put 1 Don on Moria and rest 2 other Dons to play a 4-cost. Technically, you're spending 2 Don!!! to get a 4-cost Character on the board.

OP06-093-perona, OP06-090-dr-hogback, OP06-081-absalom are the three "Thriller Bark Pirate" Characters you'll want to play through Moria's ability. Each one of them has their unique ability which I'll talk more about.

The Black Gecko Moria wants to win the board presence with the help of Leader Gecko Moria's ability to play a "Thriller Bark Pirate" on the board. By spending less Don!!! to play a 4-cost Character, you open up more strategic options. Combined with removal cards such as Rob Lucci and Absalom, you gain a significant advantage over your opponent. Gecko Moria is the strongest play in this deck, setting up multiple Characters on the board while also activating their abilities and synergizing them to get more value.

Early Starter

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Brannew is a great 2-drop that can find you a Navy card to help you set up for future turns. Brannew will also trash the two other cards he reveals, so if they're "Thriller Bark Pirate" type Characters, you'll get to replay them on the board with Moria's ability.

Thriller Bark Pirates

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These are crucial cards as part of your game plan for Moria to play on the board. These cards have unique abilities you'll want to take advantage of.

Perona can either trash 1 card from the opponent's hand or reduce the cost of your opponent's Character. In most cases, you'll opt for trashing a card over the -3 cost reduction. However, in some scenarios, you might need Perona's -3 cost reduction to set up a removal play with Absalom or Rob Lucci.

Dr. Hogback is a value card, letting you return a "Thriller Bark Pirates" type Character to your hand. The card you'll choose depends on the situation of the game. Absalom would make sense if you're looking for a removal card, Moria for the late-game value, and Victoria Cindy if you need the +2,000 Counter card.

Although not as reliable as Rob Lucci, Absalom does the job if you need to get rid of your opponent's Character. The list runs a lot of cost-reduction cards that can be combined with Absalom.

The board swinger

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Rob Lucci is your strongest removal play, threatening to KO two Characters and shift the board presence in your favor. On top of that, Rob Lucci is a 6,000 Power attacker, making him a threat on the board that can be challenging for the opponent to deal with.

Cost Reduction Characters

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Your cost reduction cards are important pieces to set up Absalom or Rob Lucci removal.

Tsuru and Tashigi are usually used for their +2,000 Power Counter, but there are scenarios where you'll find yourself in need of playing them for their cost-reduction ability.

Helmeppo is a low-cost play to set up your cost reduction. The fact that he's only 2 mana means he synergizes with Geck Moria.

Kuzan is more of an investment and your opponents will do everything in their power to remove him immediately. The card draw is a nice value swinger, his -4 cost-reduction can be devastating, setting up your removal play without expending resources.


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Defensive blockers to make opponent's attacks more challenging. Borsalino can be troublesome in the mid-game, especially since he can't be KOed by abilities.

If you have multiple Characters on the board, Sabo can give them an extra layer of protection with his effect, forcing opponents to figure out other means to deal with your board. Sabo can also trash 2 cards from your hand, so it can set up a Moria play on the upcoming turns.

Late Game Value

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Let's get down to business. Moria is arguably the best card in the game and she finds synergistic value in this deck.

Ideally, you want to have Moria on the board as soon as possible, to set up multiple Characters and create an immediate threat.

The fact that we can play two cards from the trash with a cost of 4 or less and 2 or less means we can bring back Rob Lucci for another removal play along with Helmeppo or Tsuru for the cost reduction. If we don't have Rob Lucci in the trash, Absalom can still cover the job for us.

When it comes to 4 costs, we also have access to Dr. Hogback, Perona, and Borsalino as options. Depending on the state of the game and if you need a blocker, Borsalino might be the safest choice to ensure you don't lose the game on the upcoming turn.

The multiple Characters on the board will set up one powerful upcoming turn that your opponents will struggle against if they don't have the answers.


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Cost reduction Events play a critical role in helping you keep the board under control. They synergize with Absalom and Rob Lucci to KO higher cost Characters. Ice Age is a 1-cost Event, which makes it easy to set up a late-game Moria into Rob Lucci/Absalom with Ice Age backup. The -5 cost reduction Ice Age offers a reliable tool to help you KO 7-cost Characters.

Techs and Options

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A -4 cost-reduction Character that can back up Absalom or Rob Lucci. Hina can be nice to play on 6/7 Don with one of your removal cards as follow-up. However, Gecko Moria cannot play her from Trash along with Rob Lucci/Absalom so she can be awkward in some cases. Not having a Counter effect like Tashigi can be problematic at times as well.

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A value card that finds use as a blocker. Gecko Moria can get you a Rebecca on the board, which you can follow up with Hina play, letting you go wide on the board with a blocker to protect your Characters/Leader.

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A consideration to add 2 or 3 copies to the list. This card can draw you two and trash two. We want to trash cards we can get on the board with Leader Moria's ability.

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Late-game play for that -5 cost reduction to all opponent's characters, one copy should be enough. This card is really good against Yellow decks since they'll struggle to remove it off the board.

General Tips

  • Countering with cards will put them in the Trash. We can use this to our advantage by getting back those cards with OP06-080-gecko-moria, OP06-090-dr-hogback, or OP06-086-gecko-moria.
  • Don't return "Thriller Bark Pirates" cards to the deck with OP06-081-absalom or OP06-090-dr-hogback's abilities since you might need to find them in the Trash and play them later on. Prioritize returning Events since you won't get any value from them while in the Trash.
  • Keep track of cards in the trash. You don't want to end up wasting Dons on Moria or playing an early OP06-090-dr-hogback if the cards you need aren't in the Trash. Moria also only plays cards from Trash, so it's important to know what our options are.
  • Make sure to play your cost reduction Event like OP02-117-ice-age[/card before you drop the [card]OP06-086-gecko-moria into OP05-093-rob-lucci play. You can't play your Events once you drop OP06-086-gecko-moria.


  • An early OP03-089-brannew or OP02-114-borsalino are solid cards to have in the opening hand.
  • OP05-093-rob-lucci and OP06-081-absalom are cards you want especially against aggressive matchups.

Important Matchups

Purple/Blue Reiju

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  • The Perona trashing a card isn't too effective in this matchup. They get to replay the trashed card.
  • They have a lot of card value to keep up with your late-game and counter your attacks.
  • This will end up grindy matchup and will come down to their OP06-062-vinsmoke-judge and Gecko Moria.
  • They don't have removal tools to deal with your board and will resort to swinging and clearing them with their attackers.
  • An early Kuzan can put a lot of pressure if they can't answer it with OP06-065-vinsmoke-niji.
  • They can also return a Borsalino to your hand with OP06-065-vinsmoke-niji. Sabo should be a safer choice in the late game as a defensive play.


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  • Make sure they don't win the board presence. They run trigger cards like OP03-108-charlotte-cracker, OP06-104-kikunojo, and OP05-105-satori[/card that can drop on the board and create a threatening upcoming turn.
  • Build up a board presence with the help of Gecko Moria before you go for the lethal attack. Put them down 2 Life Cards and then start building up the board. Having them at 1 Life is acceptable, but keep in mind that a [card]OP04-112-yamato turn will give them back 1 Life Card.
  • OP05-115-two-hundred-million-volts-amaru can rest your Borsalino and set up an aggressive turn for your opponent.
  • If you're at 4 health OP05-102-gedatsu can remove your 4-cost Characters like Kuzan, Rob Lucci, or Absolam.

Green/Yellow Yamato

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  • They'll be extremely aggressive and try to force your Counter cards. You can't ignore OP06-104-kikunojo and will have to try and KO her even if it's giving your opponent an extra Life card.
  • Try to counter out the Leader Yamato + OP06-101-o-nami banish play. You'd rather not take 2 damage and not get any cards out of them.
  • Borsalino and Sabo are nice to block Leader Yamato's attack. However, your opponent can deal with Borsalino using OP01-033-izo or both blockers using Hody Jones.
  • Ice Age + Absalom/ Rob Lucci can deal with OP06-035-hody-jones on the spot.

Green/Black Perona

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  • They can match your board and have access to removal cards to deal with key units like Kuzan.
  • You need to KO their Kuzan on the spot with Absalom + cost reduction card. Denying them the -4 cost reduction is important.
  • OP06-092-brook on 6 Don!!! can deal with cards like Borsalino and Rob Lucci.
  • Lists are including either OP04-031-donquixote-doflamingo or OP06-118-roronoa-zoro. OP04-031-donquixote-doflamingo keeps your Leader and two other Characters rested, shutting down your attack turn and stopping your Leader Moria's effect.
    As for OP06-118-roronoa-zoro, the multiple attacks become problematic and almost impossible to deal with if you don't KO OP06-118-roronoa-zoro on the spot.

Yellow Katakuri

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  • Just like the Enel matchup, they have Trigger cards that can create a threatening board if activated. With Leader Katakuri's ability, they'll get to increase the odds of finding those Life cards on top of their Life Area.
  • The 10c OP03-114-charlotte-linlin is their biggest threat, taking a card out of Life Area and adding one to theirs. This play does shut them down for the turn, but they'll have a 12,000-power attacker ready to attack your leader on the upcoming turn.
  • If you're at 4 health OP05-102-gedatsu can remove your 4-cost Characters like Kuzan, Rob Lucci, or Absolam.
  • OP05-115-two-hundred-million-volts-amaru can rest your Borsalino and set up an aggressive turn for your opponent.

Closing Words

Black Gecko Moria deck can be difficult to get the hang of at first, but it's a skill-rewarding deck once you learn how to adapt to different matchups. It takes advantage of Trashed cards, making it more of a value deck that just wants to prolong the game until the Gecko Morias take over.

This is it from me, if you want to keep up with my content, consider following me on Twitter.


Alaa "TricksterSorry" Yassine is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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