Green Black Perona OP07 Deck Guide

Learn how to play Green Black Perona in One Piece Card Game with our in-depth guide.

The OP06-021-perona deck brings Green and Black colors into one deck. This deck has evolved in OP07 meta, gaining more draw power on top of its control strategy so it doesn't run out of resources. OP06-021-perona's effect to rest 4-cost Characters enables your control strategy, slowing the opponent's pace and buying you enough time to create a win condition.

This is a tier 2 deck that is seeing play in tournaments and understanding how the deck operates and what to expect will be extremely helpful for picking up the archetype or going up against it.

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Perona has two abilities, you can either rest an opponent's character with a cost of 4 or less or give any character -1 cost. The ability to rest characters allows us to attack them, forcing opponents to try and protect them. However, this deck also runs cards with effects to KO rested characters, which means we'll get to combine those cards with Perona's ability. The -1 cost reduction effect, finds use when we're up against a character with a high cost and want to drop it down to KO with a removal card.

The Black Green Perona deck aims to keep the opponent's field in check with the multiple removal cards it runs. It adopts a defensive playstyle in the early to midgame, before slowly dominating the field presence in the game's later stages. The list runs cost reducers to enable OP06-021-perona to rest those Characters and potentially KO them with OP06-036-ryuma.

OP06-086-gecko-moria is the strongest card in the deck, allowing you to develop a Character from the trash, which we'll usually go for OP06-036-ryuma to KO a rested Character. OP07-118-sabo is another control tool to KO two Characters and remain on the field as a heavy hitter that's difficult for opponents to ignore.

Early Searchers

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Early searchers are crucial in shaping up our upcoming turns, making our deck more consistent. Being low-cost means we can play them in the early game and leave them on the field to use them with OP01-055-you-can-be-my-samurai.

OP07-022-otama is a +2,000 Counter card that can search the top 5 cards for a {Land of Wano} type card. So we can draw cards like EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori, OP06-036-ryuma, and OP01-055-you-can-be-my-samurai.

As for OP01-041-kouzuki-momonosuke, you need to spend 1 Don to activate his draw effect, searching for a {Land of Wano} type card. A rested OP01-041-kouzuki-momonosuke can't be ignored by opponents since you can reactivate the draw effect on upcoming turns. This means they'll have to set up one of their attacks on OP01-041-kouzuki-momonosuke, an attack that isn't targeting your Leader and expending Counter resources.

Cost Reduction Characters

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OP02-112-bell-mere is a great 1-cost reduction card to put a 5-cost Character in range for OP06-021-perona to rest and either attack or KO with OP06-036-ryuma. Additionally, OP02-112-bell-mere is giving one of your attackers a +1,000 Power boost, to empower your attack. So you're not losing on offensive pressure when playing OP02-112-bell-mere. To activate OP02-112-bell-mere effect, you need to rest her, forcing players to commit an attack to KO her to shut you down from re-activating the effect.

Tsuru is a +2000 Counter card but can still be used for her -2 cost reduction. Tsuru is easy to play along with Ryuma, and can also be replayed from Trash using Gecko Moria.

Lastly, OP02-117-ice-age is your strongest cost reducer, for 1 Don we're dropping a cost of a character by 5, which means we're putting 9-cost Characters in range for OP06-036-ryuma to KO.

Removal Cards

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OP06-036-ryuma is a key part of this deck's game plan, capable of KOing 4-cost rested Characters and remaining on the field as a 6,000 Power attacker. With our searchers, we'll consistently have OP06-036-ryuma in the mid-game to start our control tactics.

Since OP06-036-ryuma is a 4-cost, this means OP06-086-gecko-moria can play him from the Trash for his removal effect. OP06-036-ryuma can also played from hand through EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori, while also drawing you a card. There are different reasons to include EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori in the list, she's offering a card draw, she can be pulled from the trash by OP06-086-gecko-moria, and can be rested by OP01-055-you-can-be-my-samurai for the draw engine.

OP07-118-sabo is a higher-cost removal card that can KO two Characters, one 5-cost or less and another 3-cost or less. Since the Characters don't need to be rested, we can use Leader Perona's -1 cost reduction effect to put one of those Characters in range for OP07-118-sabo to KO. OP07-118-sabo remains on the field as a high-power attacker, that can be difficult for opponents to ignore.


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These are difficult blockers to go through since they can't be KO'd by effects. OP02-114-borsalino is a great play on Don 4 if there's no target to KO with OP06-036-ryuma. He's protecting your Leader with his 6,000 Power and is a nuisance since KO effects don't work on him. He's also an option for OP06-086-gecko-moria to play from the trash.

Similarly, Sabo's effect gives everything on your side of the field "can't be KO'd by effects." This means if you have multiple Characters on the field, you'll set up for a solid defensive turn into a threatening offensive turn. Sabo also draws you two cards and trashes two other cards, filtering your hand and trashing away the cards you don't expect to need in the upcoming turns.

The Late Game

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OP06-086-gecko-moria is the strongest play in this deck, capable of playing two Characters, a 4-cost or less and a 2-cost or less from the Trash.

When going for 4-costs, we're usually aiming to bring back OP06-036-ryuma to KO a 4-cost rested Character. If we don't have a OP06-036-ryuma in the trash, we can bring EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori from the trash instead and activate her effect to draw a card and play OP06-036-ryuma from hand.

For the 2-cost or less Character OP06-086-gecko-moria can play are OP02-106-tsuru and OP07-022-otama. OP02-106-tsuru for the cost-reduction and OP07-022-otama for the draw value. We could go for OP01-041-kouzuki-momonosuke or OP02-112-bell-mere, but since OP06-086-gecko-moria plays them rested, you won't be able to activate their effects.

However, EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori serves more purpose in the list than just playing OP06-036-ryuma. If you think about it, OP06-086-gecko-moria + OP06-036-ryuma + OP02-106-tsuru would only work if the Character you're KOing is already rested. We can't play OP06-086-gecko-moria, activate OP02-106-tsuru's cost reduction, rest a Character with Leader OP06-021-perona's effect, and then KO the target with OP06-036-ryuma.

So to make the combo work EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori acts as the middle woman, delaying the OP06-036-ryuma play until Leader OP06-021-perona rests the cost reduced target.

OP06-086-gecko-moria can also play OP02-114-borsalino, if you need a blocker and no threat, demands a OP06-036-ryuma to KO.

Some lists have been including a copy or two of OP03-078-issho, which can be a great play in slower-paced matchups. Trashing two of the opponent's cards cuts down on their resources, but if OP03-078-issho sticks on the field, he can reduce the cost of all the opponent's Characters by 3, making it easier for your KO plays to go through and for Leader to rest a specific Character.


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OP01-055-you-can-be-my-samurai is a draw value card that requires you to rest two Characters. So we can rest Characters we won't find use for them on the field like OP07-022-otama and OP02-106-tsuru. EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori is another target we can rest before acting her effect, she's going to the trash anyways, so might as well make use of her and rest her.

OP05-037-because-the-side-of-justice-will-be-whichever-side-wins is a defensive Counter event to help you survive the opponent's attack turn. It doesn't require any Don!!! to play, but you'll have to Trash a card to activate it. Depending on the situation of the game, you'll opt to Trash a card that isn't needed or can be brought back on the field with Gecko Moria.

The Trigger effect shuts down an attack, potentially shutting down a massive play by the opponent and disrupting their game plan.

Techs and Options

Green Black Perona deck has a lot of different cards you can include in the list. This depends on your preference, the meta, and which decks you're trying to beat. I'll include the popular cards here that plays have been using in their lists which you can tweak the base list I shared.

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A late-game win condition that can attack multiple times. Some lists are running a copy or two of OP06-118-roronoa-zoro since it's good in slow matchups and against the popular Black Yellow Luffy deck.

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ST06-010-helmeppo is a -3 cost reduction card that can be exceptionally useful to set up a KO on high-cost Characters. Helmeppo can be played from Trash by Gecko Moria, so you can still get more value from him.

OP05-081-one-legged-toy-soldier is another cost reducer that can be used as a +2,000 Counter card. He can be played from trash by Gecko Moria, but to find use of his cost reduction, you'll need to combo him with EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori for the sequencing to work.

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A {Land of Wano} 5-cost 7000 Power Character that you can cheat out on the field with EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori.

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A high-cost Character that keeps three of the opponent's attackers rested. This slows down their upcoming turn, buying you more time to either control the field or set up the winning play.

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A 2-cost blocker to protect your Leader or rested Characters. It can also protect one of your Characters from getting KO'd by an effect. OP05-030-donquixote-rosinante can be played from trash through OP06-086-gecko-moria.

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If you're adding OP05-030-donquixote-rosinante, OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 can be an option for the fortress game plan.

General Tips

  • Focus on winning the field presence. You can KO Characters with 4-cost or less with the help of Leader Perona's effect + Ryuma.
  • You don't have to rely on your removal cards to KO threats. The ability to rest characters means you can attack them! This could force out Counter cards from the opponent.
  • Playing Counter cards will put them in the Trash. Take advantage of Tsuru's +2000 Counter effect and replay her with Gecko Moria.
  • Keep track of what's in the Trash to ensure you can set up your Gecko Moria play.

Mulligan Tips

  • Early searchers OP07-022-otama and OP01-041-kouzuki-momonosuke are good to have in the opening hand.
  • OP06-036-ryuma is great to have for the control strategy. We have searchers to find him, but still wouldn't hurt to have him in hand.
  • Since we don't have searchers for our high-end cards like OP06-086-gecko-moria, having 1 copy of him ensures a strong late game.

Important Matchups

Black Rob Lucci

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  • We're up against a deck with superior control tools than us.
  • Leader Perona's effect can rest OP05-093-rob-lucci to KO him. She can also rest OP05-091-rebecca and have your low Power Characters attack her.
  • Try to hold less than 6 cards in the late game to prevent OP03-078-issho from trashing two of your cards.
  • Save Ice Age for their high-cost Characters. We have to KO them immediately with OP06-036-ryuma or OP07-118-sabo.

Red Purple Law

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  • We're up against a deck that plays multiple characters in one turn. They'll play aggressively and try to close out the game quickly.
  • We can rest most of their Characters with the Leader effect. We need to control the field and weaken their attacks.
  • Prioritize KOing their Ramp Characters like OP05-067-zoro-juurou and OP05-074-eustasscaptainkid. OP02-112-bell-mere or OP02-106-tsuru can put OP05-074-eustasscaptainkid in range for Ryuma to KO.
  • OP07-118-sabo is a great play to remove two of their Characters. You can use Leader Perona's cost reduction to put a 4-cost Character down to 3.
  • We want to watch out for their Rush attackers, so try not to fall below 1 Life card to survive their aggression.

Yellow Enel

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  • We need to starve the Enel player, avoid attacking their Leader recklessly, leave them at 2 Life cards, and start building up our field. The goal is to create one huge turn to unleash multiple attacks, forcing Counter plays from them.
  • Leaving them at 2 Life cards means they can't gain value from OP04-112-yamato and OP07-119-portgasdace.
  • OP03-078-issho is a premium card for this matchup, trashing two of the opponent's cards and remaining on the field as an attacker and cost reducer which makes it easier for you to KO high-cost threats.
  • Rush OP05-100-enel can be problematic and difficult to KO. We want to attack him first and see if the opponent activates OP05-100-enel's effect. We can then try KOing him with another attack or one of our KO effects like Ryuma or OP07-118-sabo.

Black Gecko Moria

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  • This will be grindy matchup as Black Gecko Moria also aims to win the field presence with its control tools.
  • Most of their Characters are 4-costs, so you can rest and KO them. This makes it easier to hold onto your cost reducers for their high-cost threats like Gecko Moria.
  • The late game will come down to both players dropping Gecko Moria's and getting that additional value out of her.
  • Try to hold less than 6 cards in the late game to prevent OP03-078-issho from trashing two of your cards.

Black Yellow Luffy

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  • If you're planning on beating this matchup more consistently, you can add two copies of OP06-118-roronoa-zoro to the list. The triple attack can destroy them if they're at 0 Life cards. However, some lists are including OP02-117-ice-age to KO high-cost targets with OP07-109-monkeydluffy.
  • Avoid attacking their Leader to prevent them from activating their Leader effect early into the game. The goal is to prolong the game until our high power Characters are on the field.
  • They can play OP04-083-sabo to shut us down from KOing their Characters.

Yellow Katakuri

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  • Characters like OP06-104-kikunojo, OP04-104-sanji, and OP03-113-charlotte-perospero can be dealt with immediately using Ryuma.
  • Keep in mind that every time you're attacking their Leader, they might trigger a Character and play them for free on the board. You could commit your Leader attack first, see if they get a Character on the board, and then rest it and KO it.
  • They want to set up a OP05-102-gedatsu play on Don 5. So if you have 4 health, Ryuma is a perfect target for them. However, they can't KO Borsalino, so they'll be forced to play something else.
  • 7c ST07-010-charlotte-linlin and 10c OP03-114-charlotte-linlin are a hassle to deal with. They're providing extra Life Cards and trashing your Life Card. They're also big swingers that are difficult for you to KO. You'll need to rely on Ice Age to put them in range for Ryuma to KO.

Blue/Purple Reiju

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  • You're able to rest and easily deal with OP06-069-vinsmoke-reiju and OP07-072-porche.
  • Winning the board's presence is important in this matchup. The Reiju deck has access to OP06-062-vinsmoke-judge, which will create a threatening field, difficult for you to keep up with.
  • This will end up a resource game, so if you can keep them from taking over the field, you can win.

Closing Words

Although the Black Green Perona isn't as popular as Black Rob Lucci, it's still a fun and competitive deck to play in the OP07 meta. The shift to draw value has given the archetype more consistency and there's still room for the list to be tweaked around to beat specific matchups thanks to Green offering powerful late-game win conditions.

This is it from me, if you found this deck useful and want to keep up with my content, consider following me on Twitter.


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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