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Are you looking to get into One Piece Card Game? Trying to find a Starter Deck that'll give you the best bang for your buck? Well then, you're in the right place! Each Starter Deck contains a 51-card preconstructed deck that you can play right out of the gate as well as 15 cards unique to the deck.
Below we are going to be ranking every starter deck released so far, so you know exactly what to pick up!
How Were These Tiers Decided?
There are several types of starter decks, all at different price points, so these will be ranked based on the following criteria: price, strength out of the box, and ease of upgrades. While some starter decks contain a few meta-relevant cards, the decks themselves are not very good. In situations like those, you might be better off just buying copies of the important cards. With all that out of the way, let's get started!
Tier A - The Best of The Best
ST13 - The Three Brothers

This will come as no surprise to experienced players, but starter deck 13, The Three Brothers, stands at the top of the list! This is part of the Ultra Deck line and comes in at a rather expensive price point (34.99 USD), but it comes with three strong leaders (Black/Yellow ST13-003-monkeydluffy, Blue/Yellow ST13-002-portgasdace, and Red/Yellow ST13-001-sabo).
Black/Yellow ST13-003-monkeydluffy is one of the strongest decks in OPTCG so far, managing to perform well in multiple metras.
Out of the box, the deck is quite strong, especially when you get a full playset of ST13-015-monkeydluffy, ST13-008-sabo, ST13-011-portgasdac, and ST13-013-monkeydgarp. In order to make the most of it, you might need to get some upgrades, two of which will bring the deck's power from good to great.
OP06-086-gecko-moria allows Black/Yellow ST13-003-monkeydluffy players to pretty much infinitely cycle their brother cards and keep their leader at 9k attack every turn. Getting your hands on four copies of this card prevents you from burning through too many of your resources and helps to ensure that you can deal with decks that like to take things a little slower. Unfortunately, this card is a 4 of in any black deck, so it may be a little expensive.
Thankfully, the other main upgrade is a lot easier to procure since it's been around for a while.
Maybe you look at Black/Yellow Luffy's effect and you're a little worried about being at 0 life. Well OP04-083-sabo is the card that solves that. Of course ST13-008-sabo that comes in the starter deck is decently strong, but OP-04 OP04-083-sabo is just an overall better target. He does three main things for this deck.
- Draws you cards and helps you get to the kid versions of each of the brothers
- Blocks attacks so your opponent can't take advantage of your low life count
- Stops effects from KOing your character, which prevents you from losing to black control decks.
After those main updates, every other upgrade is either cheap or makes a small difference. Cards like OP06-106-kouzuki-hiyor and EB01-056-charlotte-flampe help you deal with opponents who don't attack your life. OP07-109-monkeydluffy gives you a better removal option than ST13-008-sabo. If you get all those, then you've got the perfect version of the deck (as of writing this). However, maybe you're looking for something that doesn't require you to buy 4 copies of OP06-086-gecko-moria.
ST13-008-sabo is the budget leader of the three. He has an easy to understand effect and can be upgraded with rares from several sets. He also doesn't require two copies of the starter deck to run effectively. In fact, while he enjoys using ST13-011-portgasdac, you don't even have to have that. You could just buy the leader and build the deck from scratch. However, that means that, using the cards he comes with, ST13-008-sabo is not that strong. He much prefers cards like OP05-005-karasu from the revolutionary army or OP06-104-kikunojo and other yellow Wano cards who can be played off of a trigger. That being said, the ease of use and budget upgrades earns this a few extra points. For players on a tight budget, look to see what rush cards you have that can hit 7000 attack easily.
ST13-002-portgasdace is one that will feel a little underwhelming until OP-07 releases. He is playable out of the box, but is pretty reliant on luck. Since his effect requires the card to be in the first 5 cards of the deck, it can be easy to miss. Compared to ST13-003-monkeydluffy's effect, who can grab his targets from the hand or trash, Ace can find himself missing a lot more.
ST17 - Blue Donxuiqote Doflamingo
New Seven Warlords of the Sea support cards, which are a must-get if you're planning to play Blue OP01-060-donquixote-doflamingo-620. All of the cards here, ST17-005-marshalldteach, ST17-003-buggy, ST17-001-crocodile, ST17-002-trafalgar-law, and ST17-004-boa-hancock are being played in Blue Doffy and have pushed the deck to Tier 0 in OP09 and OP10 metas. With Blue Doflamingo being a top-tier competitive deck, this is the best Starter deck to get your hands on and start competing in tournaments.
ST17-002-trafalgar-law is a great fit in Blue decks and isn't only tied for Blue OP01-060-donquixote-doflamingo. His ability to return one of the opponent's 4-cost or less Characters to their hand slows down their pace and puts you ahead in the early game.
One of the strongest Characters in Blue OP01-060-donquixote-doflamingo, letting you activate Doffy's effect a turn earlier while developing a 4-cost Character from your hand. Her effect to reorder the top 3 cards in your deck increases consistency and can even find you a better Character to cheat out with Doffy.
Starter 17 has more Characters that enable a OP01-060-donquixote-doflamingo pr OP07-038-boa-hancock/card] strategy. [card]OP01-073-donquixote-doflamingo, ST03-005-dracule-mihawk-194, ST03-004-gecko-moria, and OP02-054-gecko-moria are all playable Characters that enable a Seven Warlords of the Sea strategy.
OP07-045-jinbe is usually a must in these types of decks to go wide on the field and put pressure on opponents early in the game. So if you have him, a Starter 17 deck is a great option to start playing competitively. OP07-045-jinbe can be expensive, but he's extremely needed in Doffy decks, so you're somewhat forced to grab 4 copies of him so you're not at a disadvantage.
ST18 - Purple Monkey.D.Luffy
The main reason we see OP05-060-monkeydluffy keeping up with the top meta decks is thanks to the Starter 18 cards that give PLuffy a stronger early and mid-game. ST18-001-uso-hachi, ST18-002-o-nami, ST18-003-san-gorou, ST18-004-zoro-juurou, and ST18-005-luffy-tarou are all being played in PLuffy and some of them can see play in other Purple decks, like RP Luffy.
These cards complement each other as {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters.
Two value Characters that add more cards to your hand. They also act as 6,000 Power Characters that opponent will have to go out of their way to remove.
ST18-005-luffy-tarou gives you more reason to play ST18-004-zoro-juurou and ST18-003-san-gorou in your deck. The ability to cheat one of them on the field through ST18-005-luffy-tarou, creates multiple threats that force your opponent to play defensively.
Many ramp purple decks add OP05-067-zoro-juurou as an early ramp option, giving you an extra Don and forcing your opponent to attack and remove it immediately.
Tier B - Power With Limitations
For tier B, you're looking at starter decks with cards that synergize pretty well together out of the box or ones that need minimal upgrades. While they can be strong, they tend to fold against meta decks or the leaders above.
ST19 - Black Smoker
OP02-093-smoker is back in the competitive scene in OP09 and OP10 thanks to the new supporter cards. So if you're looking to play a control Black Leader other than Teach or Rob Lucci, Starter 19 is a great pick-up! You're also getting multiple popular Black cards that are essential for other Black control decks.
The Black Smoker Starter 19 has ST19-003-tashigi, one of the strongest Black Characters who has everything built into her. She can reduce the cost of one of the opponent's Characters by -4 and then KO it, an easy answer for pesky Characters and if you need to remove higher-cost Characters, you can back her up with a cost-reduction effect. OP02-098-koby is also a nice addition to your Smoker list.
If you're planning to play Black decks like Rob Lucci, there are popular Black cards like OP03-089-brannew, OP02-106-tsuru, and OP02-117-ice-age that you'll want if they're missing from your collection. OP02-117-ice-age is one card that many decks in the meta can add, especially BY Luffy or Black Teach to put high-cost Characters in range for their removal.
You will though need to get your hands on Gecko Moria to get the most out of your Black Smoker or Black Rob Lucci decks.
ST15 - Red Edward.Newgate
The Whitebeard Pirates are here to give a boost to different types of Red decks, be it control or aggro. 5 new cards in Starter 15, two of which are extremely popular choices in different red decks.
One of the strongest options for Red control decks like OP09-001-shanks, allowing you to KO one of the opponent's Characters with 5,000 Power or less. What makes ST15-002-edwardnewgate a unique inclusion in your list is his ability to activate his effect once every turn, giving you the option to KO an Active Character and control the opponent's field. Since ST15-002-edwardnewgate's effect is Activate: Main, it has been a reliable choice against none other than OP09-081-marshalldteach, a leader capable of shutting off your On Play effects.
A rush attacker who forces resources from the opponent to remove. Your opponent has to remove ST15-005-portgasdace twice to get rid of it, so it can be challenging for some decks to deal with it. It can be added to a variety of decks with {Whitebeard Pirates} Leader. OP02-001-edwardnewgate, OP03-001-portgasdace, and OP08-002-marco are Leaders you can use ST15-005-portgasdace in.
ST15-004-thatch is a {Whitebeard Pirates} +2,000 Counter card, giving your deck better searcher consistency.
ST21 - Gear 5
The newest Starter deck, currently available only in the East. ST21-001-monkeydluffy is a great pickup for players who love aggressive decks, getting an aggressive Leader, and a couple of meta-relevant cards that fit in multiple Red decks.
ST21-001-monkeydluffy can give 2 rested Don to one of your Characters, making it easier for you to activate certain effects, but most importantly, you get to go for heavier attacks that demand more Counter cards from the opposing player.
Two Characters from the Starter 21 deck that have been incorporated into multiple Red aggressive decks. ST21-015-roronoa-zoro makes sure you don't lose on threats in play when he's KO'd, forcing opponents to continue playing defensively throughout the game.
As for ST21-014-monkeydluffy, the rested Don he attached to a Leader or a Characters bumps your aggressive playstyle, especially if you rely on Don to activate certain effects.
Both Characters have the Rush keyword, which plays perfectly in aggressive Red decks that aim to go for immediate attacks and burn opponent's Counter resources.
ST21-003-sanji is a plus, giving you a +2,000 Counter card that can be used aggressively to prevent opponent from activating a Blocker when one of your Characters goes for the attack.
ST14 - 3D2Y
The ST14 Starter deck is a great choice to add to your collection. It has a strong Leader, with already powerful supporting cards to play competitively.
A fun Black Leader to play that gives all your Characters +1-cost, making it challenging for certain decks to control your field. The +1 cost also allows you to activate certain effects that rely on your Character or other Characters having a specific cost to activate their abilities.
Although Black Luffy isn't a popular meta choice anymore, the Starter deck has a couple of cards that can be used in different meta-relevant decks.
ST14-003-sanji is the number 1 card in this Starter deck, finding play in multiple other decks like Black Purple OP09-061-monkeydluffy. It has a strong KO effect but requires you to have a 6-cost or more Character in play. So Leaders or cards that give your Characters +1 cost can turn ST14-003-sanji into a solid addition to their lists.
Less popular choices, but we sometimes see them being included in decks. At some point, many Black Yellow Luffy players were including ST14-006-nami in the list, giving them a blocker to protect their Leader and a draw option.
ST14-007-nico-robin's cost-reduction effect fits in control-type decks, but she has a condition for her effect to activate. She needs a Character with a cost of 8 or more in play to activate her effect, which makes it harder to activate than ST14-003-sanji's effect.
ST16 - Green Uta
ST16 has new {FILM} type cards to give your Green ST11-001-uta better consistency, ensuring you activate her draw effect. However, two cards in this Starter 16 deck have seen play in different archetypes.
ST16-004-shanks's KO effect adds a late-game control option, giving Green decks the ability to remove a win condition from the opponent's side of the field. ST16-004-shanks quickly became a staple among Green decks, notably, the Green OP07-019-jewelry-bonney deck.
Mostly added for the +2,000 Counter and its multiple card types. {Supernova}, {FILM}, and {Straw Hat Crew} make him a great fit in different decks that can search for him through one of those types.
If you have the Starter 11 Uta, then grab the Starter 16 to upgrade your Uta deck and grab ST16-004-shanks for other Green decks. However, if you're only interested in ST16-004-shanks, buying singles is probably better.
ST02 - Worst Generation
I bet you thought I forgot this guy, huh? ST02-001-eustasscaptainkid is infamous for being one of the best leaders to bring to pre-release events and that's for a good reason. He's got a leader ability that can fit in with most strategies and that alone would have earned him some points here, but the deck as a whole is not that bad.
It contains very powerful pieces that are used in other green decks like ST02-007-jewelry-bonney, ST02-008-scratchmen-apoo, and ST02-009-trafalgar-law. That makes upgrading the deck very easy and it opens up multiple leaders for players to choose from.
As one of the first starter decks that came out, he's aged quite well, but he has aged and that's what keeps him from being in A tier. It's a good deck and it's worth the price, but the none of the important pieces that come with this deck are boss drops. Instead, this deck provides pieces that are more structural in nature to build into other Supernova decks, so it's a bit hard to consider those other decks as variants of ST02-001-eustasscaptainkid.
ST10 - The Three Captains
Other than starter deck 13, there's been one other Ultra starter deck released, starter deck 10. However, only ST10-002-monkeydluffy is a competitively viable option among the three Leaders. After insane tournament runs for multiple metas, ST10-001-trafalgar-law was banned from competitive play.
ST10-002-monkeydluffy is my favorite of the three and who I lovingly refer to as, the Unga Bunga man. ST10-002-monkeydluffy is a 6000 power leader that does a lot better without the cards in this starter deck (other than ST10-013-eustasscaptainkid). Since he's naturally stronger than almost any other leader, he loves cards that boost his attack power even higher! ST10-013-eustasscaptainkid's effect means that any opponents will have to have 7000 power on any of their attacks to threaten you, but even then, a simple counter can deal with those.
You will need to add late-game win conditions like OP09-119-monkeydluffy and OP07-015-monkeyddragon.
After adding that, most upgrades are very flexible. OP05-067-zoro-juurou is a nice card that ramps, along with being a Straw Hat, but you could replace him with ST10-009-jean-bart from the starter deck or someone like ST05-002-ain from starter deck 5. ST01-014-guard-point and OP01-029-radical-beam are excellent counter events, that also happen to be Straw Hat cards. 1 or 2 copies of OP03-072-gum-gum-jet-gatling can also be quite helpful, since OP05-119-monkeydluffy and ST10-013-eustasscaptainkid don't have any counter and can clog up your hand. Since we run a lot of Straw Hat cards, we can make the most of the OP01-016-nami-220 searcher that comes with the deck. If you find that you really enjoy the deck, one final upgrade can be 4 copies of OP02-004-edwardnewgate-511 which can boost your attack up to 8000 until your next turn.
EB01-061-mr2bonkurei-bentham's ability is a free ramp on play and he can copy the attack stat of any opponent's character when he attacks. The bad news is, that since he's a secret rare, he's very expensive.
For budget alternatives, ST05-002-ain exists, but isn't nearly as strong. The extra booster set does have one, much cheaper, upgrade that can be made in EB01-003-kid-killer.
The starter deck already comes with 4 copies of OP01-025-roronoa-zoro-649, but think of EB01-003-kid-killer as an extra, better OP01-025-roronoa-zoro-649. Adding 4 copies of EB01-003-kid-killer to the deck gives it more offense in the late game. Since it's just a rare, this isn't too bad price wise.
I really wish there was more to say about ST10-003-eustasscaptainkid, as he has quite a unique spot as the only multi-colored leader that starts with 5 life AND can attack. Unfortunately, even with various buffs to the Kid Pirates since this deck came out, he's just worse than many other leaders. Maybe this will change in the future, but for now, playing ST10-003-eustasscaptainkid is not recommended.
ST11 - Uta
While starter deck 13 was an expensive deck that came with a lot of options, starter deck 11 is much more limited, but also much cheaper. This was originally marketed as a side deck, including reprints of several cards and sold for half the price of a standard deck. However, when it was released in the west, Bandai realized that customers don't like discounts and it now sells for 11.99 USD.
ST11-001-uta is easily the most playable deck, out of the box, on this list. She revolves around the film engine and includes enough copies of almost every part of it. If you're just looking to get into the game with friends, this will give you the most value per dollar. However, the flip side is that she doesn't have quite as much potential strength as starter deck 13 provides, so players who want to put a lot of time and effort into upgrading one deck may want to steer clear of this one. There are still a couple upgrades we can do to make the deck better.
Remember how I said it contained almost every part of the film engine? Yeah, this is the main part missing. For whatever reason, Bandai decided not to reprint OP02-036-nami, the main searcher of the deck. Adding a playset of OP02-036-nami into the deck makes the deck more consistent, but it comes at a price.
Thankfully, the other main upgrade ST11-001-uta players can make is a relatively easy one. The deck comes with two copies of ST11-004-new-genesis, another search card. Buying yourself two more copies is pretty cheap and adds more consistency.
While EB01-014-sanji hasn't released yet in the west (he's a rare in the next set), he provides the Uta deck another card with 2000 counter that's searchable. He's a nice boost to the deck's defenses and worth picking up a playset of.
That set also comes with EB01-017-blueno which is just a common blocker that has the Film type, so he's also searchable (and playable) by a lot of cards in the deck. He's the cheapest upgrade you'll find. However, when playing the Green ST11-001-uta deck, there's one more upgrade to consider. The boss drop.
Generally, ST11-001-uta players pick one of these as their big threat in the deck: OP04-031-donquixote-doflamingo, OP06-118-roronoa-zoro, OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701, P-061-monkeydluffy, and OP06-035-hody-jones. It mainly depends on your playstyle.
OP04-031-donquixote-doflamingo can be a great way to take control of the tempo of the game by locking three of your opponent's cards out of refreshing.
OP06-118-roronoa-zoro is just an insanely strong threat. If he goes unchecked, the opponent is getting hit with at least 3 9000 power attacks. However, you have to wait a turn after you play him to gain that benefit, so he pressures your opponent to remove him.
OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 is a defensive option that pairs well with the plethora of blockers in the deck, as opponents will have to target him instead of your leader.
OP06-035-hody-jones comes with the ability to rest two of your opponent's cards or don, along with rush, so he can make for surprise wins.
Tier C - Get Some Air Freshener In Here
If tier B contained decks that can provide value, but are not must buys, tier C is where I'm putting the decks I would not recommend. These decks may provide a few valuable cards here and there, but it's usually a better idea to just buy those as singles than to buy the deck.
ST20 - Yellow Charlotte Katakuri
OP03-099-charlotte-katakuri fell off in popularity in OP09 and OP10, and there aren't any cards in Starter 20 that are meta-relevant to justify favoring it over other Starter decks.
Decks like OP05-098-enel and OP10-099-eustasscaptainkid are the go-to Yellow Leaders are playing, and Starter 20 deck has no cards that those 2 Leaders rely on as part of their strategy.
There is still a chance for OP03-099-charlotte-katakuri to make his comeback in future metas, but for the time being, there are better Yellow options to play.
ST12 - Zoro and Sanji
This is a bit of an oddity to talk about. It's one of the most recent decks to be released, but it has a very niche strategy. The general idea of the deck is to get 2 cost ST12-011-sanji out, swing with him for 2k more power, swing with the leader to make ST12-011-sanji active again, and finally to swing for another 2k. So the deck focuses on getting 2 cost cards out and making the most of the leader's bounce effect.
Out of the box, the deck competes on an even playing field with anything else in this tier. However, the strategy is so niche that it makes upgrading it a bit...difficult. It took until mid-OP-07 here in the east to figure out a way to make him work, and it was by using Warlords.
Personally, I would recommend this deck only to contrarians and Soro shippers*
Note: I have no idea if that is the ship name for SanjixZoro, but I'm going with it.
ST07 - Big Mom Pirates
Recently, in Asia, ST07-001-charlotte-linlin has gotten a minor resurgence in play. As OP03-099-charlotte-katakuri fell from being the best yellow deck, Big Mom Pirates fans started exploring other options. Starter deck 7 has some relatively decent Big Mom Pirates support, but it arguably supports a sub-archetype even more, Homies. Starter deck 7 comes with 4 copies of ST07-013-prometheus and ST07-011-zeus. Both of these have a similar effect. Rest them and give one Charlotte Linlin card Double Attack or Banish. They also can be played on trigger. One only needs to look at the prevalence of OP06-101-o-nami to see how good Banish can be.
Unfortunately, this deck only comes with a mini boss version of the 10 drop Linlin, ST07-010-charlotte-linlin, so players will only be able to give these effects to their 7c cards (or the leader). However, that can still be quite a threat.
Thankfully, ST07-001-charlotte-linlin's leader effect is also quite good. Once you've hit 3 or less life, you can attack with her, grab a life from the top or bottom of your life pile and then place a card from your hand on top of the life pile. Experienced yellow players will see the value of guaranteeing specific triggers and Linlin makes the most of that.
The most obvious upgrade for this deck is a playset of OP03-114-charlotte-linlin, as she gets the benefit from the homies, adds life to you, removes life from your opponent, and all of that is on a 12k body. However, there's another lesser-known card that can provide almost as much benefit to this deck.
OP04-111-hera makes it so that 12k Linlin, with Banish or Double Attack, can just go ahead and attack again. OP04-111-hera consumes one of the other homies, but this can be done after they use their effects, so it's hardly a loss.
Outside of those, generic Big Mom Pirates support cards like OP03-112-charlotte-pudding and OP03-113-charlotte-perospero can be a big help.
ST03 - The Seven Warlords of the Sea
ST03-005-dracule-mihawk + ST03-004-gecko-moria are really the only good cards in this deck for Warlord decks. However, with the release of the Starter 17 deck, there's no reason to favor ST03 over it. You're already getting ST03-005-dracule-mihawk + ST03-004-gecko-moria in ST17, so the value of ST03 dropped drastically.
ST01 - Straw Hat Crew
The very first starter deck released focuses on the Straw Hat Crew and includes cards like rush ST01-012-monkeydluffy-938, ST01-011-brook-705 with 2k counter, ST01-014-guard-point, and ST01-016-diable-jambe! Plenty of these are still quite strong, as Red Straw Hats have continued to be a decent archetype. One of the biggest issues with this deck is actually the leader. ST01-001-monkeydluffy's effect is severely outclassed, even in the opening set, but especially now that OP07-001-monkeyddragon is a strictly better version.
Changing the leader to Zoro is one of the easiest upgrades a person can make to this deck. Outside of that, adding some common Straw Hat staples like searcher OP01-016-nami-333 and rush OP01-025-roronoa-zoro can be a great boost! For those struggling against Black decks, OP05-010-nico-robin can be a lovely way to remove blocker Rebecca.
Of course, one of the best upgrades to this starter deck, or almost any red deck, is a couple of copies of OP01-029-radical-beam. However, this is a bit expensive, so beginners should wait until they're sure they enjoy this deck's playstyle before buying a playset.
ST04 - Animal Kingdom Pirates
Linlin isn't the only emperor of the sea in this tier, ST04-001-kaido can be quite a strong deck as well. Starter deck 4 focuses on the Animal Kingdom Pirates and is most well known for providing one of the better purple staples to the game, ST04-005-queen. However, the deck actually provides a lot of decent purple cards that are still in use today. ST04-002-ulti and ST04-012-page-one is a combo seen in Purple Luffy decks. 9c ST04-003-kaido-400 finds a spot in a plethora of purple ramp decks and ST04-016-blast-breath even sees use as a tech in a few other decks.
With all that in mind, this starter deck has two main issues.
1. ST04-005-queen makes this deck very difficult to find at market price, and the deck as a whole is not worth the upscaled prices.
2. There are just other purple decks that do what ST04-001-kaido wants to do, but better.
However, out of the box, this one can compete relatively well with other decks in this tier.
ST05 - One Piece Film Edition
This one might be a bit of a surprise, as ST05-001-shanks sees almost no play. However, that's mainly due to ST05-001-shanks's extremely limited effect. Starter deck 5 is focused on purple film characters and provides a pretty decent framework to build other decks off of, especially compared to other starter decks. The deck includes a 2k counter with search in ST05-014-buena-festa, a good blocker in ST05-004-uta, and draw power in ST05-006-gild-tesoro. Out of the box, this is one of the better starter decks.
The downside is that, when upgrading, the power of the deck plateaus much earlier than other starter decks. OP-06's OP06-071-gild-tesoro and OP-02's OP02-075-shiki are decent upgrades, but for those looking to improve their starter deck over time, this is not the deck to choose.
ST06 - Absolute Justice
This deck provides a lot of decent cards for the Navy engine, but the leader is the One Piece equivalent of a flaming bag of garbage currently being tossed into a dumpster filled with oil. Unless the cost of buying the good singles outweighs getting copies of this, save yourself the hassle of looking at this abomination in your collection.
ST08 - Monkey D. Luffy

Yeah I can't even say there are valuable singles in this one. Once in a blue moon I've faced a person using ST08-006-shirahoshi, but basically none of these cards see play. Maybe that'll change with starter deck 14, but it's doubtful.
ST09 - Yamato
ST09-001-yamato is not a bad leader. He's just worse than pretty much any other yellow leader and the cards that come with this deck don't really make up for that.
And that's everything! If you're interested in finding out more information about the One Piece TCG, let us know in the comments!