ST13 Guide: 3 Decks to Build with The Three Brothers Ultra Deck

The One Piece Starter 13 deck will soon be available in the west and players will be looking to get their hands on it since it includes cards that will play a role in OP06 meta.

You're still able to build decks solely with the starter 13 deck, but if your end goal is to play competitively, you'll need extra cards to have a full list.

In this article, I'll review the new leaders and the decks you can build with them.


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Monkey.D.Luffy stands out as the strongest Leader in the starter 13 deck. It played a huge part in the East's OP06 and OP07 metas. For those aspiring to play One Piece competitively, consider Monkey.D.Luffy as the Leader to construct a deck around and practice with.

His Leader ability activates when you're down to 0 Life Cards, letting you put two 5-cost Characters from hand or trash face-up in your Life Area. Playing Monkey.D.Luffy changes the game's rules, forcing you to trash those two face-up cards instead of putting them in hand when the opponent damages your Leader.

The ability might seem modest. only providing defensive capabilities that don't offer card value. However, the starter 13 deck includes cards that take advantage of the face-up cards and enable us to set up a more powerful board presence.

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Unlike ST13-003-monkeydluffy, ST13-002-portgasdace uses his ability as early as possible to put a face-up card in the Life Area. The card will stay there until the end of the turn, so you'll want to take advantage of it by playing one of the three kid brothers in the start deck.

A ST13-002-portgasdace deck should be easy to build since the majority of the cards in the start 13 deck work well here, and you'll only need a couple of blue cards to fill in the gaps.

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The Red Yellow Sabo deck works better as an aggressive leader, letting you focus on building up your aggression and setting up powerful attacks. His ability allows you to put a 7,000 Power character on the board face up in your Life Area and buff up another character by +2000 Power.

This lets you pile on the pressure with some heavy attacks while also making it difficult for them to close out games with the extra Life Card you're adding.

ST13-001-sabo synergizes with the 3 Kid brothers, but is less tied to them than the other two leaders and can work well without them in the deck.

Content of the Starter Deck

  • ・Constructed Deck x1 (51 cards)
  • ・Alternative Leader Card x2
  • ・DON!! Cards x10
  • ・Playsheet x1
  • ・Card Case x1
  • ・Bonus Pack x1 (3 cards, 16 types in total)

*The Bonus Pack's cards are alternate designs of the card types included in the deck.

You'll need to buy two starter decks to have full copies of SR cards.

Black Yellow Luffy

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The Black Yellow Luffy deck is one of the top meta decks in OP06 and OP07 metas, so if you're looking to play competitively this is the deck to build!

This is a combo-oriented deck that wants to push things to the late game until you have the right pieces ready. Using Leader Monkey.D.Luffy's ability, you can put two 5-cost ST13-015-monkeydluffy, OP04-083-sabo, ST13-008-sabo, or ST13-011-portgasdace from your trash to your Life Area.

With the ability of the kid versions of Monkey.D.Luffy, Sabo, or Portgas.D.Ace you get to play those 5-costs onto the board and gain +2000 Power on your Leader.

You're basically building up your board presence, while also making it difficult for the opponent to damage your Leader thanks to the power boost.

Gecko Moria plays an important part in this deck's late game plan, allowing you to play two of your kid versions of the Three Brothers from the trash. This is a value play, and you can activate both their abilities to gain +4000 Power on your Leader while also developing the board.

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OP04-083-sabo and OP06-086-gecko-moria play a key role in this deck's game plan, so you'll need to add those to your collection if you're looking to play competitively.

OP04-083-sabo is a reliable blocker that can trash cards, which you'll find useful when setting up your Gecko Moria play. You'll find blocker OP04-083-sabo of more use in this deck than the starter 13 ST13-008-sabo.

Without OP06-086-gecko-moria in the deck, we won't have that late-game power of playing two of the three kid brothers from Trash. You'll end up playing defensively and struggling to close out games.

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If you don't have OP06-106-kouzuki-hiyori, we can get away with not running her if we include another +2000 Counter. The Starter 13 deck has ST13-016-yamato, which gives you that +2000 counter, is a 5-cost character, and acts as a blocker.

OP02-114-borsalino finds use as an early blocker that's difficult for opponents to remove off the board. If you don't have any copies of him, you can throw in more ST13-008-sabo or ST13-004-edwardnewgate from the starter deck.

Upgrade Guide:

Blue Yellow Portgas.D.Ace

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The Blue Yellow Portgas.D.Ace deck is another combo-focused build that gets the Leader's effect rolling earlier than the Monkey.D.Luffy deck, but it might not be as consistent, since we can't use the Trash to our advantage.

With the ability to peek at the top 5 cards of your deck and put one face up in your Life Area, you can use the kid versions of Monkey.D.Luffy, Sabo, and Portgas.D.Ace to summon their adult forms sooner and for fewer Don!!!

This also enables you to use the Leader as a heavy hitter, making life difficult for your opponents and keeping that +2000 Power boost handy for your defensive turns.

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ST13-016-yamato can replaceOP06-106-kouzuki-hiyori as a +2000 Counter card.

You could run two copies of ST13-009-shanks and two copies of ST13-018-gum-gum-jet-spear in the list instead of OP05-105-satori, You're losing the +2000 Counter effect, but gaining more offensive play with Shanks and a counter card to protect our Leader with Gum-gum Jet Spear.

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ST13-019-the-three-brothers-bond can replace OP03-056-sanjis-pilaf for the card draw.

There's nothing that would work better than Charlotte Pudding in the Starter 13 deck, so it's best to just run a low-cost card like ST13-005-emprio-ivankov with a counter effect.

Upgrade Guide:

Red Yellow Sabo

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The Red Yellow Sabo deck is all about going on the offensive, with a bunch of red cards and trigger cards to capitalize on Leader Sabo's ability. It's the aggressive sibling of the bunch, bringing the heat with ST01-012-monkeydluffy-938 and ST13-011-portgasdace's Rush ability.

With Sabo's ability to put a character on the board at the top of our Life Area, we're able to use the ability of our kid Monkey.D.Luffy and Portgas.D.Ace to get our rush attackers ST01-012-monkeydluffy-938 and ST13-011-portgasdace to start swinging and forcing counters out of the opponent.

And don't forget about those trigger cards like OP05-105-satori, OP06-104-kikunojo, and OP06-110-nekomamushi. They're great for putting in your Life Area and forcing your opponent to activate their trigger effect, giving you the chance to replay them on the board.

Building a Red Yellow Sabo deck solely from ST13 cards might be a bit of a challenge. You'll really lean on those trigger cards to keep the pressure on in the mid-game, and the Red Luffy with Rush fits your game plan better than the Yellow Luffy.

Upgrade Guide:

Closing Words

If you've got Gecko Moria in your arsenal, then going for the Black Yellow Luffy deck is a solid move if you're aiming for a competitive build. Plus, with Sakazuki's ban, the deck's looking even better.

The other two Leaders might not shine in the competitive scene like Black Yellow Luffy but still have an entertaining playstyle that's worth trying out if you have the cards for them.


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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