Table of Contents
Heya everyone, welcome to the OPTCG Ranked Meta Report! In this article, we'll review the top-performing decks on OPBounty's ranked ladder over the past week (Week 4 of OP07). We'll analyze the top-performing decks, their effectiveness against various matchups, and the key cards players are utilizing.
The decklists I’ll share have high play and win rates, but they aren't necessarily the ones you should play. Your choice should depend on your preference and the shifting meta. I’ll highlight the different cards that players on the ladder are using. I'll also share matchup data, but please keep in mind that I can't filter through 'rank,' so these data might not be accurate. Take it with a pinch of salt.
With OPBounty now offering rewards for climbing their ranked ladder and qualifying for their tournament, it's useful to learn what other players are using to make their climb! We’ll use OPBounty’s OP07 stats to showcase how the One Piece online meta is evolving! I'm ordering the decks in terms of play rate.
Top-Played Decks

Black Rob Lucci
Black Rob deck remains the community's favorite deck to play on the ranked ladder, holding its first place in terms of play rate with 15049 games this past week. However, Rob Lucci's win rate has been falling compared to Week 2 of OP07, dropping from 52.6% to 51.5%. There are many factors for this drop, players adapting to the Blacl Rob Lucci deck and the rise in popularity of BY Luffy.
This deck is an excellent choice for players seeking to control the field by removing threats before they attack. The deck uses OP05-093-rob-lucci to KO two targets and replays OP05-093-rob-lucci from the trash with cards like EB01-043-spandine and OP06-086-gecko-moria. It has the cost-reduction Power to put targets in range for your removal cards to deal with.
The list also includes KO Characters like OP03-080-kaku and OP07-118-sabo to add more consistency to your control game plan.
On stats, Rob Lucci was beating R/P Law two weeks ago, but the R/P Law players have been pulling their weight, changing that matchup to a 50/50. Overall, the Black Rob Lucci matchup table doesn't look as good as it was two weeks ago. This comes down to players adapting to the matchup and learning how to approach it.
Good Against: Green Bonney, Blue Dofflamingo, Black Gecko Moria.
Bad Against: BY Luffy, Yellow Enel, Blue Nami.
Tech Cards
- OP02-114-borsalino is a defensive character that can't be KO'd through effects, making it a nuisance in mirror matchups.
- OP07-091-monkeydluffy can Trash one of the opponent's Characters with a cost of 2 or less. Since it reads Trash instead of KO, it's a tech for OP04-083-sabo to still remove a threat against matchups like Black Rob Lucci and Black Yellow Luffy.
- EB01-051-finger-pistol is a 4-cost event that KOs a 5-cost or less character, with a powerful trigger effect to KO without spending Don. Trashing the top two cards of your deck helps activate OP07-096-tempest-kick or find combo pieces like OP05-093-rob-lucci, OP05-091-rebecca, or EB01-043-spandine from the trash.
- OP06-092-brook reads "Trash" a 4-cost Character instead of "KO", which operates similarly to OP07-091-monkeydluffy for matchups that run OP04-083-sabo.
- OP03-097-six-king-pistol is a defensive Event to protect your Leader or a key Character.
Two weeks ago, players were experimenting with OP07-093-rob-lucci and OP03-090-blueno but it seems they didn't work as expected and were completely dropped off.
Red Purple Law
The Red/Purple Law deck refuses to give up its highest win rate spot on the ranked ladder. This is the second most-played deck with 11971 games under its belt and a win rate of 54.7%.
Leader ST10-001-trafalgar-law's effect returns an opponent’s character to their deck while developing one of your own, creating a field advantage and enabling aggressive plays. The downside is falling behind on Don, but cards like ST10-008-shachi-penguin, OP05-067-zoro-juurou, and OP05-074-eustasscaptainkid help mitigate this, ensuring you don’t fall behind. The list runs Power reduction cards like OP06-016-raise-max and OP01-006-otama to put the target in range for Leader Law to remove.
With rush attacker EB01-003-kid-killer, you can create decisive turns where it's difficult for the opponent to defend from if they're low on Life cards.
R/P Law has one of the best matchup tables, crushing popular decks like Green Bonney and Blue Doffy, but what makes R/P Law interesting is its ability to win against any of the other popular decks. Going up against decks like Yellow Enel. Black Rob Lucci, and B/Y Luffy are all almost even matchups, so you have a fighting chance against them and it comes down to skill impression.
Good Against: Green Bonney, Blue Doflamingo, Black Perona, Blue Nami.
Bad Against: Black Gecko Moria, Green Yellow Yamato.
Tech Cards
- Two lists with a high win rate on the ranked ladder include a copy of OP05-019-fire-fist. This is a cost reduction card that can KO a 0-cost Character. This could set you up to remove two Characters off the field in one turn or at least put a 7,000 Power Character in range for Leader to remove. It most comes in handy against Black Rob Lucci matchup, enabling you to remove one of the opponent's Characters with Leader effect and KO a OP05-091-rebecca with OP05-019-fire-fist.
- OP02-013-portgasdace doesn’t gain Rush in this deck but reduces the power of two opponent characters by 3,000, making them easier to remove with Leader Law and vulnerable to your attackers.
- EB01-006-tony-tonychopper reduces a character’s power by 3,000 and can serve as a blocker to protect your leader.
- OP01-013-sanji is a +2,000 Counter card but he's on the list for the Yellow Enel matchup. They typically avoid attacking your Leader, keeping you at 4 Life cards, which allows Gedatsu to KO your 4-cost characters. OP01-013-sanji shuts down their plans with his self-damage, forcing them to change tactics.
Yellow Enel
Yellow Enel remains in the top 3 most-played decks after a rise in popularity in Week 2 of OP07. The deck has 8220 games played this past week and holds a solid 53.3% win rate.
This deck can adopt a slow game plan, keeping the field in check until its high-cost Characters join the battlefield. OP05-102-gedatsu is usually the go-to play for the mid-game control game plan before relying on control cards like OP07-109-monkeydluffy, EB01-059-kingdom-come, and OP04-112-yamato.
With its ability to gain Life cards through OP05-098-enel, OP04-112-yamato, and OP07-119-portgasdace, it can be tough for opponents to set up a winning turn, eventually running them out of steam. Most lists have now been adding /OP05-100-enel to their game plan, creating a Rush threat that can be difficult for most decks to remove.
Good Against: Blue Doflamingo, BY Luffy, Black Rob Lucci, Black Gecko Moria.
Bad Against: Green Bonney, Blue Nami, Yellow Katakuri.
Tech Cards
- ST13-008-sabo and OP03-121-thunder-bolt are field control cards that KO mid-game threats to slow down the opponent's pace. ST13-008-sabo is being included in one of the most popular lists played on the ladder.
One list with a high win rate is going the {Sky Island} route, adding OP05-106-shura to search for {Sky Island} type cards and shape up your upcoming turns. The list already has a lot of {Sky Island} type cards, but players also added OP05-105-satori and OP05-115-two-hundred-million-volts-amaru for more consistency. OP05-105-satori is a +2,000 Counter card that could be a field development if you activate its Trigger effect. OP05-115-two-hundred-million-volts-amaru adds to the aggression or control game plan.
Green Bonney
Green Bonney has 7404 games played and saw a slight rise in win rate going up to 53.1%. The Green Bonney deck excels at stalling the game using the Leader's rest effect, slowing down opponent aggression, and buying time to set up your strategy.
The strategy is to set up the Fortress game plan, where you protect your leader by setting up OP01-051-eustasscaptainkid-701 and protecting with blockers. This makes it exceptionally difficult for opponents to go through while giving you the time to gradually set up attacks that bleed them out of Counter resources.
OP06-035-hody-jones is the main aggressor, joining the field and immediately resting two of the opponent's Characters and creating an aggressive 8,000 Power attack. OP06-118-roronoa-zoro can be an alternative win condition, where the triple attack can destroy the opponent in one turn. Some decks don't have reliable tools to deal with him on the spot, so he shines in those matchups.
Good Against: Yellow Enel. BY Luffy, Black Perona.
Bad Against: RP Law, Black Moria, Black Rob Lucci.
Tech Cards
All lists are running the same cards with small differences in ratios. Players experimented with OP07-033-monkeydluffy and OP04-119-donquixote-rosinante combo to counter Black Lucci, but it quickly was dropped.
Black Yellow Luffy
Black Yellow Luffy has 7004 games played and the win rate keeps going up, sitting at 48.8% win rate. The low win rate could be due to the difficulty of piloting the deck, as you'll often be at 0 Life cards, trying to create field pressure while ensuring the opponent doesn't get an opportunity to close out the game. Gecko Moria is a crucial part of Black Yellow Luffy's game plan, as you'll often need to cheat out the kid brothers from the Trash and develop multiple Characters per turn to threaten more aggression.
The OP02-117-ice-age inclusion synergizes with OP07-109-monkeydluffy, letting KO targets that are up to 9-cost. So cards like OP06-086-gecko-moria, OP06-118-roronoa-zoro, and OP04-112-yamato can be KO'd with OP07-109-monkeydluffy.
Black Yellow Luffy is a great choice in tournaments due to its ability to crush the Black Rob Lucci matchup by continuously playing OP04-083-sabo and shutting down their KO effects.
Good Against: Black Rob Lucci and Black Gecko Moria.
Bad Against: Green Bonney, Blue Doflamingo, Yellow Enel.
Tech Cards
- OP03-121-thunder-bolt KO's a 5-cost or less character and synergizes with Black Yellow Luffy's strategy by putting it closer to 0 Life cards.
One list with a high win rate on the ranked ladder is cutting ST13-010-portgasdace and ST13-011-portgasdace to run OP02-096-kuzan and OP02-121-kuzan. However, this list only has 56 games on the ranked ladder.
- Don 4 can be awkward most of the time for the Black Yellow Luffy deck and OP02-096-kuzan is a great play as it offers a card draw and can reduce the cost of a Character by 4 when it goes for the attack. This can synergize with OP07-109-monkeydluffy to KO higher cost targets.
- OP02-121-kuzan is a potential play if we're not going for the OP06-086-gecko-moria combo. OP02-121-kuzan can KO a 5-cost on play and puts the opponent's high-cost Character in range for OP07-109-monkeydluffy to KO.
Blue Nami
If you like playing One Piece with different rules, Blue Nami is the deck for you. You're not looking to control the field or attack the opponent's Leader, instead, the main goal is to survive and mill yourself. Nami changes the game's rules, turning the mill game plan into a win condition. If you fall to 0 cards in your deck, you automatically win the game. This forces the opponent to approach the matchup aggressively, trying to close out the game before you drop to 0 cards in the deck.
The Blue Nami deck holds its spot as the 6th most played deck with 4668 games played and a win rate of 48.7%. The thing with Blue Nami is that the deck is capable of beating popular decks in the meta, but has an extremely awful matchup against the likes of RP Law and Blue Doflamingo.
Good Against: Yellow Enel, Green Bonney, BY Luffy, Black Lucci.
Bad Against: RP Law, Black Gecko Moria, Blue Doflamingo.
Blue Donquixote Doflamingo
Blue Doffy's win rate continues to drop, now sitting at 48.6 over 2965 games played. The deck struggles against many of the top-performing decks, which makes it tough for it to maintain a positive win rate.
This deck uses {The Seven Warlords of the Sea} type Characters as part of its gameplan, capable of cheating out Characters with Leader OP01-060-donquixote-doflamingo and OP07-045-jinbe.
The list has the control tools to keep opponents' aggression under check, using cards like OP07-051-boa-hancock, OP04-056-gum-gum-red-roc, and OP06-058-gravity-blade-raging-tiger.
Good Against: Green Bonney, BY Luffy, Blue Nami.
Bad Against: Yellow Enel, Black Gecko Moria, Black Rob Lucci, R/P Law.
Tech Cards
- An alternative win condition that develops two big bodies on the field. OP06-119-sanji can cheat out OP01-070-dracule-mihawk on the field, which in turn OP01-070-dracule-mihawk removes a 7-cost or less threat off the field. This is the strongest play in the deck that should put you ahead on the field.
Black Gecko Moria
The Black Gecko Moria sees a rise in game play, overtaking Black Green Perona and Blue Boa Hancock in popularity. The archetype won first place in the Organized Play Event Regionals, bringing more eyes to the deck. Black Gecko Moria has 2688 games on the ranked ladder and a 54.2% win rate. This is one of the highest win rates on the ranked ladder, coming in second after R/P Law.
This deck leverages Leader Gecko Moria's ability to cheat out {Thriller Bark Pirates} characters, each with unique effects contributing to the game plan. OP06-086-gecko-moria is a central part of this deck's game plan, offering value from the Trash and creating opportunities to KO threats.
Tech Cards
- OP02-099-sakazuki-404 is a powerful removal card that can KO a 5-cost or less Character, The downside is that you have to trash one card from hand to activate his effect. However, he remains on the field as a threatening attacker who can be challenging for opponents to attack and KO.
- OP02-114-borsalino is a defensive blocker that can't be KO'd by the opponent's effect. He works best against Black matchups where it forces them to attach more Don to get their attacks through.
- ST06-006-tashigi is a +2,000 Counter that adds more when playing OP03-089-brannew. She can be used as a cost-reducer as well.
Good Against: R/P Law, Green Bonney, Blue Doffy, Black Green Perona.
Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Yellow Enel, BY Luffy.
Black Green Perona
Black Perona remains in the top 10 most-played decks. This archetype isn't as effective in controlling the field as Black Lucci, but Perona's built-in mechanic to rest a 4-cost proves useful for keeping things in check. Matchup-wise, Perona isn't performing well against the most-played decks and its win rate continues to sink, falling to 44.1% win rate over 2589 games.
The new OP07-118-sabo gives the list better late-game control and establishes a big body that can't be ignored. OP07-022-otama, OP01-041-kouzuki-momonosuke, and OP01-055-you-can-be-my-samurai offer that draw engine so you don't run out of resources.
Players are experimenting with EB01-016-bingoh as an alternative low-cost KO tool. It also forces opponents to commit an attack on it to remove it off the field and prevent it from reactivating its KO effect.
Matchup-wise, the archetype is struggling against most of the popular decks in the meta, only really beating Black Yellow Luffy.
Good Against: BY Luffy.
Bad Against: Black Moria, Black Rob Lucci, RP Law, Yellow Enel.
Tech Cards
- Although ST06-010-helmeppo and OP05-081-one-legged-toy-soldier offer similar effects, the On Play effect of ST06-010-helmeppo synergizes with the OP06-086-gecko-moria and OP06-036-ryuma combo play. OP05-081-one-legged-toy-soldier relies on EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori to cheat out OP06-036-ryuma for the -3 cost-reduction to be used in the OP06-086-gecko-moria play.
- OP07-085-stussy can KO anything on the field regardless of its cost. It's a perfect play if the opponent has 1 big body they're relying on to win the game. This list has a lot of low-cost sacrificable targets that OP07-085-stussy can take advantage of.
Blue Boa Hancock
One of the new OP07 Leaders, Boa Hancock, generates crazy card resources and can outvalue opponents if the game stretches out. With field control cards like OP07-051-boa-hancock, OP04-056-gum-gum-red-roc, and OP06-058-gravity-blade-raging-tiger this deck is capable of slowing down opponent's aggression until the heavy hitters start presenting a threat and carrying the game.
However, Boa Hancock seems to be overshadowed by Blue Doffy who's capable of creating a more threatening field in the mid-game. The deck has a 47.8% win rate with 2006 games played.
Good Against: Green Bonney, BY Luffy, Blue Nami.
Bad Against: RP Law, Yellow Enel, Black Rob Lucci, Black Moria.
Tech Cards
- One list with a high win rate is running OP03-057-three-thousand-worlds that can return a 5-cost or less Character to the opponent's deck, which also triggers your Leader's draw effect.
Hidden Gems
Red Yellow Belo Betty
Alright, remember when I said Black Gecko Moria has the second-highest win rate on the ranked ladder, well, I lied. Red Yellow Belo Betty has an astonishing 54.3% win rate this past week! The deck only has 291 games played on the ranked ladder, but it seems to be holding off well for the Belo Betty player. The list I shared had a 56.1% win rate this past. However, if I use all of the OP07 data, we have 752 total games of Belo Betty with a 50.7% win rate, which is still a good number for an off-meta deck.
This is an aggressive {Revoluationary Army} deck that wants to create pressure on the opponent and close out games as soon as possible. Using Leader OP05-002-belo-betty Power boost effect, you can create an insanely aggressive turn, difficult for opponents to counter your attacks. OP05-005-karasu plays an important role as well, making the opponent's Leader more vulnerable to attacks. OP05-004-emporioivankov and OP06-003-emporioivankov enable to go wide on the field, threatening an aggressive upcoming turn.
Since the list has a lot of Trigger cards, it can be daunting to attack OP05-002-belo-betty since it can develop their field with a Character's trigger, forcing you to survive a more aggressive turn. This list also runs ST13-017-flame-dragon-king that gives a defensive +4,000 Power, but also lets you reorder the Life cards, getting those Trigger cards as early as possible.
Yellow Katakuri
Alright, I lied again, Black Gecko Moria isn't third highest win rate deck on the ranked ladder, Yello Katakuri actually beats both Gecko Moria and Belo Betty with a 54.5% win rate over 1179 games. Keep in mind that Yellow Katakuri and especially Beloy Betty have a low number of games compared to the other decks I've talked about, so the stats are less accurate.
This deck can push heavy attacks with Leader Katakuri and relies on Trigger effects to gain an edge over the opponent. ST07-010-charlotte-linlin/ and OP03-114-charlotte-linlin can be bothersome with their Life manipulation effects.
Yellow Katakuri remains an underdog and has consistently held a positive win rate on the ranked ladder.
Meme Tier
In this Tier, I'll share off-meta decks with extremely low win rates.
Yellow Purple Crocodile
Yellow Crocodile is a ramp and deramp deck using cards like EB01-034-ms-wednesday and OP04-058-crocodile's synergy to accelerate the deck's game plan. The list relies on high-cost Characters that give you additional Life cards and remain on the field as a threat the opponent needs to deal with.
OP04-060-crocodile, OP04-112-yamato, and OP07-119-portgasdace are the carry cards this deck wants on the field as early as possible.
Red Portgas.D.Ace
Red Portgas.D.Ace has a unique playstyle, using Events to pump up the Power of your Leader, which can be used offensively or defensively. The list has OP03-013-marco that synergizes with the many Events the deck runs and relies on OP02-013-portgasdace for the Rush aggression.
OP02-004-edwardnewgate-511 and OP06-007-shanks are the late game Characters. OP02-004-edwardnewgate-511 boosts the power of your Leader, which sticks on your defensive turns, forcing opponents to attach more Don to get their attacks through. OP06-007-shanks can KO high Power threats and remains on the field as a threat that can be difficult to ignore.
Closing Words
The ranked stats aren't always definitive metrics to use for the tournament competitive scene, but they give you a general idea of which decks are most popular and the cards people are experimenting with. It's an extra method to help you prepare for regional tournaments.
To start the ladder climb, join TCG Match Making's Discord server. This is it from me, if you want to keep up with my content, consider following me on Twitter!