One Piece Card Game Meta Tier List (OP08.5)

Best One Piece Card Game Leaders and decks. A detailed report on the current OP-08 meta.

Welcome to our One Piece Card Game Meta Tier List for OP08! In this meta report, we will look at the best decks of the One Piece Card Game metagame. We will separate the archetypes into four tiers in order of their relevance, from top to bottom in each tier.

If you find any mistakes or want to share improvements, message me on Twitter or Discord: TricksterSorry.

Tier 1🔵 Donquixote Doflamingo
⚫ Rob Lucci
⚫🟡 Monkey.D.Luffy
Tier 2🟢 Jewelry Bonney
🟡 Enel
🔵 Nami
🟣Purple Luffy
🟡 Charlotte Katakuri
Tier 3🔴🔵 Marco
🟣🔵 Vinsmoke Reiju
🔴 Roronoa Zoro
🟡 Kalgara
🔴Belo Betty
🔴🟣 Monkey.D.Luffy
⚫ Gecko Moria
🟡 Vegapunk
Tier 4🟢🟡 Yamato
🔵 Boa Hancock
🟣 Kaido

Tier Explanation

To create this Meta Tier list, I used data from tournaments, online ranked play, and my expertise and opinions of respected players. This tier list will hold meta-staple decks that you'll likely encounter in tournament play and will be updated as the meta changes up.

The decklists shared here come from tournament events or have a balance of high win rate and play rate on the ranked SIM. They can be adjusted based on meta shifts or individual player preferences.

Tier 1: The top performers and most represented decks in the meta. They have good matchups in the current meta and can adapt to different game scenarios. Expect to encounter these decks frequently in tournaments, with players strategizing specifically to counter them.

Tier 2: Popular Meta decks that have solid matchup tables. The Tier 2 decks can rival Tier 1 decks but may have weaknesses, counters, and less representation, holding them back from joining Tier 1.

Tier 3: Comprising less popular decks or those experiencing a decline in performance, Tier 3 includes options that may still show up in tournaments, but are not likely to go far. They often struggle against certain popular matchups. Additionally, this tier encompasses decks with limited data, making it challenging to accurately assess their placement in higher tiers.

Tier 4: The less popular off-meta decks or have fallen out of the meta. They might still show up in tournament top cuts but are less likely to perform against the top meta decks.


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Blue Doflamingo puts pressure on the field through the Leader effect, cheating out a {The Seven Warlords of the Sea} type Character card with a cost of 4 or less. This forces opponents to play defensively, focusing on clearing out your rested Characters rather than striking your Leader.

The archetype received a bunch of new {The Seven Warlords of the Sea} type Characters with the release of Starter 17 cards, giving it a boost in performance and quickly seeing more success in the competitive scene.

Good Against: Blue Nami, Purple Luffy, Yellow Katakuri, Black Smoker, Blue Purple Reiju, Red Blue Marco, Black Marco.

Close Matchup: Black Yellow Luffy, Green Bonney.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Yellow Enel.

Rob Lucci

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Black Rob Lucci is the strongest deck at controlling the opponent's side of the board, the main objective is to KO threats before they get the chance to attack. The deck uses OP05-093-rob-lucci to KO two targets and replays OP05-093-rob-lucci from the trash with cards like EB01-043-spandine and OP06-086-gecko-moria. It has cost-reduction cards to put targets in range for your removal cards to deal with.

OP08-084-jack is the newest addition to Rob Lucci's control strategy. OP08-084-jack will usually be the play for his KO effect once every turn, removing the opponent's threats and forcing them to deal with OP08-084-jack if they want to continue building up a field.

Good Against: Blue Doflamingo, Yellow Enel, Purple Luffy, Green Bonney, Black Smoker, Blue Red Marco, Black Luffy, Blue Purple Reiju.

Close Matchup: Yellow Katakuri.

Bad Against: Black Yellow Luffy, Blue Nami.


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Black/Yellow Luffy adopts a unique playstyle, relying on Life Cards to execute its strategy. This deck wants to drop to 0 Life Cards and then use its leader's effect to put the adult three brothers face-up into the Life Area. This lets you activate the kid's three brothers' abilities (Sabo, Portgas.D.Ace, and Monkey.D.Luffy) allowing you to play those face-up cards on the field.

Gaining a +2000 Power on your leader until the end of the opponent's turn makes it challenging for them to close out the game, prolonging matches and setting the stage for devastating, potentially game-ending attacks.

Since you have access to Black color, OP06-086-gecko-moria is included in the deck for the late game value. Gecko Moria can play two of the kid brothers from the trash, letting you play the two face-up cards in your Life Area and gain +4000 Power on the Leader.

The archetype didn't receive new tools in the OP08 expansion, but its ability to beat Black Rob Lucci and still hold its own against Red Purple has made it a popular pick among players in the East.

Good Against: Black Rob Lucci, Yellow Katakuri, Red Blue Marco, Blue Purple Reiju, Black Smoker.

Close Matchup: Blue Doflamingo.

Bad Against: Purple Luffy, Green Bonney, Yellow Enel, Blue Nami, Black Luffy.

Jewelry Bonney

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Green Bonney is a stall deck, relying on the Leader's effect along with other cards to shut down the opponent's Characters from attacking. This slows down their aggression, buying you time to play your win conditions and creating opportunities to win the game. OP06-035-hody-jones and OP06-118-roronoa-zoro is how this Green deck puts late-game pressure.

Good Against: Purple Luffy, Black Yellow Luffy, Yellow Enel

Close Matchup: Blue Doflamingo, Red Blue Marco, Blue Purple Reiju.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Smoker, Blue Nami, Black Luffy, Yellow Katakuri.


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Enel plays a slow game plan, prolonging the game by putting more cards in their Life Area through the Leader effect, Katakuri, Yamato, and Ace making it difficult for opponents to set up the winning turn. With cards like OP05-116-hino-bird-zap, OP05-102-gedatsu, and EB01-059-kingdom-come offer field control to slow down opponent's pace.

In most cases, the Enel player will avoid attacking the opponent's Leader in an attempt to get the most out of their removal cards OP05-102-gedatsu and OP04-112-yamato. This makes it difficult for opponents to establish a threatening board and will end up depriving them of resources as Enel builds up its high-cost threats.

Good Against: Blue Doflamingo, Black Yellow Luffy, Black Smoker.

Close Matchup: Blue Purple Reiju, Purple Luffy.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Green Bonney, Blue Nami, Yellow Katakuri, Red Blue Marco, Black Luffy.


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Nami plays OPTCG with her own rules. Moving away from the standard tactics of controlling the field and attacking the opponent's Leader, Nami's plan is to mill herself, trying to drop to 0 cards in the deck as fast as possible, which automatically wins her the game.

The list runs many Events to Counter out of opponent's attacks, helping you stretch out the game until you get down to 0 cards in the deck. This deck is heavily matchup-dependent, capable of crushing slow matchups, but crumbles against aggressive decks that develop multiple Characters per turn.

Good Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Yellow Luffy, Green Bonney, Yellow Enel, Yellow Katakuri, Black Smoker, Black Luffy.

Close Matchup: Red Blue Marco.

Bad Against: Blue Doflamingo, Purple Luffy, Blue Purple Reiju.

Purple Luffy

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Purple Luffy is a ramp Leader who sacrificed a Life card to gain 1 Don. This allows you to start playing higher-cost Characters a turn earlier and pose more threat to the opponent. Since we're a ramp deck, this list includes multiple high-cost Characters that can carry the game and will be difficult for opponents to remove.

This list is geared with {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters, boosting its value game plan with ST18-004-zoro-juurou and ST18-003-san-gorou and adding mid-game pressure with ST18-005-luffy-tarou.

Good Against: Black Yellow Luffy, Blue Nami, Red Blue Marco, Blue Purple Reiju, Black Luffy.

Close Matchup: Yellow Enel.

Bad Against: Blue Doflamingo, Black Rob Lucci, Green Bonney, Black Smoker, Yellow Katakuri.

Black Smoker

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Black OP02-093-smoker is a control deck with a built-in cost reduction effect in its Leader. This list has multiple KO Characters like OP02-098-koby, EB01-046-brook, and ST19-003-tashigi. ST19-003-tashigi can work on her own, having a -4-cost reduction effect, and can trash one of the opponent's Characters with a cost of 0. However, if we're looking to remove higher-cost Characters, then cost-reducers are a crucial part of this deck. Cards like ST06-008-hina and P02-117-ice-age help us put the opponent's Characters in range for our removal cards.

OP06-086-gecko-moria is the strongest value play in this deck, playing two Characters from the trash to go wide on the field. OP05-091-rebecca is the usual 4-cost Character you want to play through OP06-086-gecko-moria since OP05-091-rebecca can cheat out KO Characters OP02-098-koby or EB01-046-brook. OP05-091-rebecca can also play ST06-008-hina which can be useful if you're trying to lower the cost of a certain Character.

Good Against: Green Bonney, Red Blue Marco, Purple Luffy.

Close Matchup: Blue Doflamingo, Black Luffy, Yellow Katakuri, Blue Purple Reiju.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Yellow Luffy, Yellow Enel, Blue Nami.

Charlotte Katakuri

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Renowned for its trigger effects, Yellow Katakuri has won a couple of tournaments so far in OP08 meta. The leader's ability provides invaluable card knowledge and the flexibility to manipulate the top card in your Life Area, creating pressure through trigger field development.

Mid-game pressure is pivotal for Katakuri, leveraging the +1000 ability to deal damage to opposing Leaders while transitioning into late-game plays centered around Big Mom. The inclusion of 10 OP03-114-charlotte-linlin not only grants an additional life card but also threatens opponents' Life cards, placing them at risk of losing to your attacks.

The late-game strength of 7 and 10 Charlotte Linlin is crucial, enabling you to outvalue opponents and eventually go through their blockers for that last one-hit wincon.

Good Against: Purple Luffy, Green Bonney, Red Blue Marco, Yellow Enel.

Close Matchup: Black Rob Lucci, Black Smoker, Blue Purple Reiju.

Bad Against: Blue Doflamingo, Black Yellow Luffy, Blue Nami.

Red Blue Marco

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With Leader OP08-002-marco's effect to draw a card and place a card from your hand at the top or bottom of the deck, you're able to filter your hand for better cards. However, it also synergizes with OP06-119-sanji, ensuring you develop two big bodies on one specific turn.

OP08-002-marco's power reduction effect makes it easier for you to attack rested Characters or KO an Active Character with card effects like ST15-002-edwardnewgate and OP03-018-fire-fist.

Black Luffy

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Black Monkey D Luffy is a control deck using cards like EB01-046-brook, ST14-003-sanji, and OP08-084-jack to keep the field in check and remove threats before they get the chance to attack. Some Characters' effects in this list are tied to a cost condition, such as ST14-003-sanji and ST14-007-nico-robin. Luckily, we have Leader effect to increase the cost of all Characters in the deck and multiple high-cost Characters to help fulfill the needed condition.

OP06-086-gecko-moria is the best play to go wider on the field and create an aggressive upcoming turn. If the objective is to KO a Character, we can play OP05-091-rebecca into EB01-046-brook to KO a target.

Good Against: Red Zoro, Green Bonney, Black Yellow Luffy.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci and Blue Nami.

Vinsmoke Reiju

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Blue Purple Reiju is a competitive meta deck in OP08 meta that you'll likely see in tournaments. With the addition of OP07-072-porche to the list, the deck can adopt a more aggressive gameplay, giving it a shot at beating tough matchups like Black Rob Lucci and Black Luffy by aggroing them down before they get the chance to control your side of the field.

OP06-047-charlotte-pudding is also a key Character to cut down on opponent's resources, which gives you a shot at beating unfavored matchups by simply outvaluing their gameplay, especially with your Leader and OP06-069-vinsmoke-reiju offering additional card draw.

Good Against: Blue Nami, Blue Doffy, Green Purple Yellow Pudding.

Bad Against: Green Bonney, Black Yellow Luffy, Purple Luffy, Red Zoro.

Roronoa Zoro

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The aggressive Red Roronoa Zoro is making a comeback in the OP08 meta, winning a couple of tournaments in the East so far! This deck is all about aggression, developing multiple low-cost Characters on the field and using Leader Zoro's Power boost effect to turn them into attackers capable of damaging the opponent's Leader.

Rush attackers like OP01-025-roronoa-zoro, ST01-012-monkeydluffy-938, and OP07-015-monkeyddragon create immediate pressure on the turn they're played, threatening the opponent's Life cards.

Good Against: Green Bonney, Blue Nami, Blue Purple Reiju, Yellow Purple Pudding.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Luffy, Yellow Enel.


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The Yellow Leader Kalgara uses his life resources to put more pressure on the field, capable of creating aggressive attacks that force opponents to take a defensive approach. Through Kalgara's effect, you can cheat out a {Shandian Warrior} type Character with a cost equal to the total number of Don on your field.

This list mainly runs lower-cost Characters, to enable that aggressive game plan with the help of OP05-101-ohm and OP05-110-holly. Rusher ST13-011-portgasdace also adds to that mid-game pressure once you've dropped to two life cards, putting a 7,000 Power attacker on the field can be a nightmare for many decks.

Good Against: Blue Purple Reiju, Blue Nami, Purple Yellow Pudding.

Bad Against: Black Rob Lucci, Black Yellow Luffy, Green Bonney.

Green Uta

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Red Belo Betty

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Overall Stats: Games: 813 Win rate: 43.1%

This is an aggressive {Revoluationary Army} deck that wants to create pressure on the opponent and close out games as soon as possible. Using Leader OP05-002-belo-betty Power boost effect, you can create an insanely aggressive turn, difficult for opponents to counter your attacks. OP05-005-karasu plays an important role as well, making the opponent's Leader more vulnerable to attacks. OP05-004-emporioivankov and OP06-003-emporioivankov enable to go wide on the field, threatening an aggressive upcoming turn.

Purple Yellow Pudding

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Pudding is a ramp Leader who needs to turn the top 2 Life cards face-up to gain 1 Don. We have cards like EB01-056-charlotte-flampe, ST13-004-edwardnewgate, and OP08-063-charlotte-katakuri that help us reactivate Leader OP08-058-charlotte-pudding's a second time.

The list has multiple high-cost Characters to carry the late-game. OP08-069-charlotte-linlin, OP07-119-portgasdace, OP03-114-charlotte-linlin all give you additional Life cards and are heavy hitters that are challenging for opponents to remove.

Black Gecko Moria

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In the OP06 meta, Black Gecko Moria has been achieving notable success by balancing board development and control strategies. It utilizes cost-reduction cards to enable powerful plays with Rob Lucci and Absalom.

This is a difficult deck to pilot as it relies on cards from your trash, getting them back on the board or in your hand through Gecko Moria's leader effect, Doctor Hogback, and 8 Gecko Moria. Capitalizing on Gecko Moria's board development effect, you're able to establish a formidable board presence, launching a barrage of attacks that force opponents to expend their resources.

Black Gecko Moria has a great matchup table against most of the popular meta decks you'll go up against.


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This is a control deck that can rest 4-cost Characters through Leader effect, making them vulnerable to your attacks or OP06-036-ryuma's KO effect. OP06-118-roronoa-zoro is a strong inclusion against Green Bonney, BY Luffy, and Blue Nami decks.

OP07-022-otama, OP01-041-kouzuki-momonosuke, and OP01-055-you-can-be-my-samurai offer that draw engine so you don't run out of resources.

OP06-086-gecko-moria is the value carry in this deck, synergizing with EB01-013-kouzuki-hiyori and OP06-036-ryuma to go wide on the field and maintain control of the opponent's side.

RP Luffy

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An old archetype that continues to remain a meta deck. Red Purple Luffy runs ramp cards to get access to its high-cost Characters on earlier turns, threatening massive attacks, especially with Leader being a 6,000 Power. OP05-119-monkeydluffy is this deck's strongest play, giving you an extra turn to go all out and win the game.

Yellow Vegapunk

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OP07-097-vegapunk can add {Egghead} type cards to the top of the Life area, forcing opponents to attack your Leader more to win the game. However, all {Egghead} type cards have a trigger effect, so with every attack, you'll gain something out of taking the hit. Multiple of those {Egghead} Characters can be played on the field without using up Don, so you get to develop Characters with each hit you take.

This list isn't running any of the late-game choices like Yamato. Instead, it has mid-game cards like OP08-112-s-snake and ST13-011-portgasdace to help you keep control of the opponent's aggression. It also runs the new Starter 20 ST20-005-charlotte-linlin, which forces opponents to make a rough decision. They can either trash 2 cards from their hand or trash the top Life card, both choices don't feel too good for them.

Green Yellow Yamato

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Yamato can be quite bothersome with the Double Attack ability, forcing Counter resources out of the opponent. Onami's Banish synergizes with Yamato's Double Attack, threatening to Trash two Life cards if the opponent doesn't commit Counter cards.

Hody Jones comes in handy to rest the opponent's blockers, creating opportunities to target their Leader and potentially clinch the game.

Boa Hancock

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Blue Boa Hancock is a resource Leader, able to draw you a card if a character is removed from the field through an effect. Since you need to have 5 cards or less to activate the effect, you're more than happy to use up your Counter resources, keeping your Leader and Characters safe as you draw more cards.


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With the introduction of OP08-074-black-maria in OP08, Purple Kaido received a boost in performance, not having to worry about deramping anymore. This deck wants to ramp up quickly and use cards heavy end cards like OP08-069-charlotte-linlin, OP08-119-kaido-linlin, and OP01-094-kaido to carry the game.


Trickster or more known by "Sorry" is a competitive CCG player. His passion for card games ignited during his childhood, with favorites such as Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon. After playing Hearthstone casually for a couple of years, he decided to take it a step further with Legends of Runeterra, competing in major tournaments and achieving multiple accomplishments. Now, he delights in exploring various card games and mastering them.

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